YourPalLautrec 12 Aug @ 6:58pm 
hello, i saw your reply on the thread about The Ring gesture, I'm going for 100% collection and I'm missing that gesture, wanna help me out? It can be any boss right?
BounTY. (jstn wannabe) 22 Jul @ 12:19am 
+rep helped me out with the final boss of Elden ring, practically solo'd it tysm
Dollmaker 21 Jul @ 1:38pm 
If it was just lolicons that watched her she wouldnt be nearly as popular as she is mate.

You know why? cause sane people know what lolis and lolicons actually are, unlike ignorant tourists like you.

So even non-lolicons still watch her, hell anime in general is filled with lolis, and its thriving.

Again, youre an ignorant tourist that doesnt know whats hes talking about.

You still going on about this is equal to calling the entire community of anime and even Japan where it originated pedos, which makes you look REALLY bad.
SGT. 21 Jul @ 1:35pm 
Yes, because having a following of like-minded freaks somehow proves it's not ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up? The lengths you people go to defend your degeneracy is astounding. Imagine defending the fact you jack off to images of children. Insane
Dollmaker 19 Jul @ 6:42pm 
How people treat her.

Again, she doesnt hide shes a lolicon at all, yet shes the most popular Eng Vtuber

That on its own proves how wrong your comparison really is.
SGT. 19 Jul @ 6:20pm 
A popular pedo is still a pedo. How does the existence of a deranged freak derail anything other than your flawed logic? ''get filtered'' XD
Dollmaker 17 Jul @ 3:55pm 
Again, most popular English Vtuber, not Japanese.

An open lolicon that uses a loli avatar and is more than willing to engage with lewd art of herself.

Her very existence ruins all your argument, and shows how stupidly wrong you are.

In the end youre just a tourist that knows nothing of the anime community, get filtered.
SGT. 17 Jul @ 2:34pm 
''people like you'' - I wasn't aware that NOT being a pedo was an insult. Try again
Dollmaker 16 Jul @ 9:16pm 
Do i need to repeat how Gawr Gura is?

Again, shes openly a lolicon, and has no problem having lewd art of her character (again a loli)

She flat out mocks people like you.
SGT. 16 Jul @ 4:54pm 
You're literally going off on an unrelated tangent. There's nothing inherently wrong with loli characters. Getting off to them, like you, however, is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up. Keep trying to sound smart, pedo boy
Dollmaker 15 Jul @ 9:31pm 
You definitely dont since you keep treating both as the same thing.

Which makes you an idiot.

If you even had any semblance of being right, someone like Gawr Gura wouldnt even be allowed to exist, but there she is, a Vtuber, an open lolicon with a loli avatar, and shes the most popular english Vtuber.

You lost this argument long ago.
SGT. 15 Jul @ 9:26pm 
I know exactly what that word means.. but back to the actual matter at hand:

You jack off to lolis. AKA: you jack off to pictures of children. AKA: you're a pedo. Learn the difference between ''your'' and ''you're'' before trying to sound smart.
Dollmaker 15 Jul @ 9:20pm 
Well for starters youre definition of lolicon is already factually wrong.
SGT. 15 Jul @ 9:17pm 
Someone check this guy's hard drive and lock the sicko up
SGT. 15 Jul @ 9:17pm 
Argument? I was never arguing - just stating objective reality; that you are a pedo. You're the one being all defensive trying to justify your sick fetish x)
Dollmaker 15 Jul @ 9:14pm 
Ran out of poor arguments i see, i won then, not like you had a chance to begin with.

Hell the very idea that games like Nobeta or Nekopara are on Steam was already proof of how poor your argument was to begin with.
SGT. 15 Jul @ 9:04pm 
I love how you openly defend your pedo antics. Such shameless behaviour. If anything you're making yourself look like a bigger pedo with each reply.
Dollmaker 15 Jul @ 9:01pm 
Do you go and announce your hobbies in public as well? doubt it pal.

Besides, in the anime community people are very open about what they like, such as lolis, which are celebrated and highly abundant, hell the most popular ENGLISH Vtuber is openly a lolicon, and people love her.

Gawr Gura if you wonder.

Again, youre a tourist speaking of stuff you know nothing about, you aint owning anyone by trying to protect drawings, if anything youre making yourself look like a bigger idiot with each reply.
SGT. 15 Jul @ 8:57pm 
Oh, people do care. If you announced your sick fetish in public you'd be ripped to shreds x) bet you won't do that, will you? Both a pedo and a coward. Love it. Keep trying to get personal against me. You've got nothing.
Dollmaker 15 Jul @ 8:24pm 
What about South Park? gonna ignore that cause it isnt anime?

And that thing sexualizes Elementary School characters if i recall, even The Simpsons has done it to some extend, like in the movie.

You know why nobody cares? cause theyre just drawings, youre just a tourist at the end of the day, and a coward hiding behind a fake profile.
SGT. 15 Jul @ 8:16pm 
So to summarize: you get off to the fictional image of children. Nice. Textbook pedo.
Dollmaker 14 Jul @ 12:47pm 
Not really.

Nobeta canonically is 20 if i recall.

And the cat girls from Nekopara dont even age normally, aging considerably faster than normal humans, so theyre essentially adults, unless you wanna talk about the one with brown hair thats smaller than the others, shes based on a Munchkin, a cat race know for their short legs.

Also, even if they were minors, theyre still drawings of fictional characters.

The crazy one here is the one treating them the same as real people, if anything people like you are far more dangerous for being unable to tell one from another, unlike us that put a HARD line between fiction and reality.
SGT. 14 Jul @ 12:31pm 
You're still dodging the question, obviously out of shame XD I'll ask again: are these drawings of fictional CHILDREN? Yes or no.
Dollmaker 13 Jul @ 6:15pm 
Whose dodging it here? why are you treating drawings like theyre real people?

Why are you so scared of a four letter word?
SGT. 13 Jul @ 3:11pm 
Why are you dodging the question? x)
Dollmaker 12 Jul @ 9:49pm 
Are they real people? Why you treating them like the same thing?

That’s some mental health issues pal.
SGT. 12 Jul @ 8:27pm 
Are they not children? x)
Dollmaker 12 Jul @ 10:32am 
More like you reek of stupidity, tourist.
SGT. 12 Jul @ 8:03am 
Imagine getting off to fictional children. Reeks of pedo
Dollmaker 11 Jul @ 8:29pm 
Not my fault you can’t tell a drawing of a fictional character from a real person.
SGT. 11 Jul @ 8:20pm 
The most shocking part is how you didn't dispute it. Disgusting.
Dollmaker 11 Jul @ 7:53pm 
Theres a lot of evidence behind it, they didnt got that reputation out of nowhere, i mean just look at what your first comments here where.
SGT. 11 Jul @ 7:51pm 
So it's just assumptions with no real evidence. Typical internet behaviour XD
Dollmaker 11 Jul @ 7:44pm 
For your info, Level 0 private profiles are largely regarded as trolls too afraid of getting banned on their real profile.
SGT. 11 Jul @ 7:27pm 
Wdym? This is my real account xD who the hell cares about a profile?
Dollmaker 9 Jul @ 11:07pm 
Also private and with no profile pic btw.

Youre just a loser thats too scared to come with your real account so you made a throw away one.
SGT. 7 Jul @ 7:49am 
Who the ♥♥♥♥ cares about steam level other than basement dwelling neckbeards? XD
Carian Knight the RED. 5 Jul @ 6:55pm 
chibi anime cant be that unpopular XD (bout mr 0 steam lvl)
Dollmaker 5 Jul @ 5:37pm 
level 0 profile got intimidated by drawings.

At least have the balls to come with your real profile.
SGT. 5 Jul @ 5:14pm 
This profile reeks of pedo. Disgusting.
Carian Knight the RED. 15 May @ 6:34am 
dude helped to sort out an unpopular game that was released in 2019
Dollmaker 19 Mar @ 11:19am 
Once again, doesnt know what hes talking about, hes just a tourist that likely got his main account suspended on the forums for harassing people like me.

There was like 4 of them that ended that way.
Goober :3 19 Mar @ 11:14am 
They're still kids either way.
Goober :3 19 Mar @ 11:13am 
Just because they're fictional doesn't make it okay.
Dollmaker 18 Mar @ 6:08pm 
Someone doesnt know what lolis are.

For starters that they're fictional.

Also, big talk from the guy that flat out said "i hate short people"
Goober :3 18 Mar @ 4:59pm 
i was just on my daily "i hate pedos" session and i remembered you exist so i just wanna say something: I don't hate you because you want shorter characters in DD2 (hell, i would be on your side if that was the reason why) . I hate you because YOU WANT TO SMASH KIDS, LITERAL CHILDREN LIKE HALF YOUR AGE.
Goober :3 18 Mar @ 12:48pm 
Dollmaker 18 Mar @ 12:47pm 
Short women exist "bro"
Goober :3 18 Mar @ 12:13pm 
-rep go get some adult women bro
V Knives 17 Mar @ 1:44pm 
Loli master race. Gamers Rise Up.