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sger 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 46.8시간 (평가 당시 42.3시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
So, to start off this early review, I can easily say that it's been a long time since I've grinded a survival game as much as I've done the past 24 hours. There's a LOT to explore and LEARN, and you actually fear going into the dangerous zones (in the north-northwest). I'm not gonna look at the fact that the game was LAGGY as hell at launch, maybe still is, but it seems like they tried their best to fix it.

The game might not be optimized for 144fps, but it runs SO smooth even on 60fps all ultra. Props to the guys for making a smooth early access game.
Endgame seems long to get, but will also reward players who seek it.
Individual roles means a lot (Fighters levels up fast to help build buildings etc. etc.)
It's fast to build standard bases for newcommers.
Beautiful graphics, interresting lore and dangerous monsters.

Costs of building, in terms of Iron Reinforcement(material). It takes 30 seconds per one to make, and you need hundreds for tier2 buildings.
A lot of bugs (obvious with Early Access), such as your Thralls (tamed ones) dissappear if the server restarts. It kind of defeats the purpose AND availability to get into caves and "the city"
Early raiding seems TOO easy, doors and walls gets destroyed in seconds. The raid is over within a few minutes, and the loot is LOCKED, so you HAVE to actually destroy EVERYTHING that they own. The purpose of raiding is to get loot, not to make people quit (in early stages).
Desync and inconsistency in monster damage. Sometimes a rhino can 3 hit you, sometimes you can kite it around and kill it without losing any HP.

- All my tests have been on GTX1070 + i7-4770k + 16gb ram&SSD
2017년 2월 1일에 게시되었습니다.
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2명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 2,689.5시간 (평가 당시 534.3시간)
CS:GO 평가
Best game, just sad so many people are calling hacks if you're noscoping 4 in 1 shot with AWP through smoke...
2015년 1월 6일에 게시되었습니다.
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