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Overall I am very satisfied with "They Are Billions." Pros and cons are what stand out to me at the strongest (not listing everything).


- It takes a while to learn an optimal strategy.
-- This is nice as it brings back the old school feel of how hard games should be. It is actually challenging!
- Zombie Defense + Base Building.
-- Who doesn't like destroying hordes of zombies?

- Horde spawns are not random.
-- Hordes come at predetermined days. Once you find the pattern you can determine when the next will be (roughly with-in a day) and prep for it.
- Optimization.
-- While it's cool to have tens of thousands of zombies late game and final defense, it lags computers horrendously.
-- Zooming out all the way also decreases FPS and causes lag.
- Diversity
-- I understand that it is in development still but there is not a huge diversity of things to take. You pretty much get one/two types of people and then late game some AOE and it's over. No real choices on who to take.
Опубликовано 21 марта 2018 г..
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