Shelbeans   United States
I am also Xanadar from http://www.twitch.tv/xanadar
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Edit: Developer is so dang active and cool to interact with! I ended up doing the beta side so I can try to help find bugs but also to get the newest stuff sooner, hehe. But honestly, Blorf has a lot more planned for the future, and the game is already so much fun! Put this game on your wishlist if you can't get it now, but man it is FUN. Once you unlock everything, the challenge is to try to keep everyone happy and sustained, harder than it sounds!

Original Review:

This is a simple sim that has a good first start that explains everything you need to do organically, so that you are less likely to forget where to get certain resources. You can have a nice farm with animals, but you must be able to collect enough fodder for the animals and your people to last through winter, for there is no way to grow food during the winter. Your pets are dogs and cats, which will eat whatever meat you have available, so keep that in mind as well! Collecting eels and fish, hunting other animals can be done through the winter... so meat is easier to gather through the year. If you plan on having any farm animals, make sure you at least have a dog or two around as well, because they will protect the livestock!

One thing I highly suggest is to dig out a section out of a mountain, not too large! 1 Pallet of full frozen jugs will cool off 9 squares of area all year long, (pallet included in the 3x3 area) as long as it is closed in on all sides with a door. Do not put any heating into this cave, but keep a window to the outside. I suggest just putting a pallet of full water jugs in the middle of a 3x3 room and let it freeze during the winter. Once all the jugs are iced, you have year-long cold storage for your perishables! Dried mushrooms do not expire in warm weather, so be sure not to waste your cold storage with those! Learn how to dry them ASAP because you can gather literally thousands of them and dry them for food through the winter! As of this time, dried mushrooms last FOREVER as long as you keep them dry and out of the weather, no cold storage needed! To learn how to make the Mushroom Rack, you need to pick 50 mushroom, gathered some branches and crafted some twine. Straw can be easily gathered by picking reeds along bodies of water, quickest way to get straw first thing in-game.

I also build a cold "dead bodies" storage area where dead animals can be put until the clanfolk get to butchering them. It needs to be covered and remain cold! You can build a cold storage area out of any walls you can build too, but building it into the mountain gives an extra cooling bonus, so I always try to use mountain caves (with natural mountain roofing) for my coolers.
Xanadar 4 ก.พ. 2018 @ 8: 42pm 
When RL DnD leaves you with little time to play around on vidya games, you start forgetting why you loved certain games more than others.
Xanadar 2 มิ.ย. 2016 @ 6: 16am 
In_Shards 9 พ.ค. 2011 @ 2: 59pm 
Xanadar 12 ก.พ. 2011 @ 9: 08am 
Until I decide differently, I am no more or less than what I am.