Johnathan Wrathborne   California, United States
Currently Offline
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Wrathborne 20 Jul, 2023 @ 8:55pm 
♥♥♥♥. Well, my uncles being taken of life support tonight. My fathers younger brother too. Had a pulmonary embolism that damaged his heart, kidneys and liver. Was having trouble when my father was dying, forced to wait 1 month to see his doctor(thanks California) and 3 weeks later he was in the ER. After open heart surgery last week to repair his aorta and one of his valves. His heart function didn't improve the way the doctors had hoped. Called him up to say goodbye and made sure he knew we loved him. He couldn't speak but he could hear and mouth words. Barely 3 months since my father died. My uncles only 58 as well :/
Wrathborne 20 Apr, 2023 @ 8:47pm 
Well, lost my father last Monday at 6 am. Died in my moms arms surrounded by his pugs and with all his kids here to make sure he knew how much we loved him. The last 10 months have been insane. 22 ER trips, 2 heart attacks, maybe 20 blood transfusions and no matter what we did we still lost him. I was with him every ER trip, all but maybe 3 doctors appointments, every blood transfusion and made sure he took his pills every day when his memory started to get foggy and still don't feel I did all I could. Its a hell of a thing when to hold your father in your arms at the end of his life and remember he held you in the beginning of yours. I still don't know why we lost him the way we did. Hospice did a half assed job when we needed them and that matches about half of the health care he received over these last 4 months from his doctors so I shouldn't be too surprised. Rest in Peace, Dad. You deserved better and we miss you.
Sun Tzu 24 Nov, 2022 @ 4:14pm 
Happy Thanksgiving!
[UGLY] jack123 12 May, 2022 @ 10:28pm 
Hey man we miss ya on 2fort! Hope you're doing well!
JuiceWayne 9 Aug, 2020 @ 12:47am 
It was good to see ya on the server the other day. It’s always a fun time with Wrathy around. You should try to play more often.