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Posted: 8 May, 2021 @ 5:22am

An absolute blast to play if you have a decent amount of people within a server. Each role have their own pros and cons when playing them, making it interesting going between them each round. playing as an actual SCP is the best with my personal favourite to play being SCP-049 (the plague doctor) with his ability to literally create an army of zombie minions which can make a round even more chaotic and fun. SCP:SL is fantastic with its potential to create so many different fun scenarios and situations within rounds ranging from a lone Class-D trying to escape the facility alone avoiding all the SCPs to a full on shootout between the MTF and Chaos Insurgency outside. My most memorable situation being the birth of a cult in a round with SCP-079 (the computer A.I.) being god, leading to some hilarious fun in said round. So if you can get a good amount of people, I would definitely recommend. I mean it is free so I don't see why not.
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