My Eternal Sunshine~

"You keepin' it together Bree?"
"I'm alright, as long as I don't think about it too much."
"You're safe among friends, never forget it."

(  ゚  ω  ゚  )

Currently Online
Rarest Achievement Showcase
RP Stuffies / About Me!
Main: Rousato Kirarin

Age: 31, Female

Personality: Typically reluctant to socialize and engage with newer friends, but open and friendly with the ones she already knows. More specifically, she is known to act her full, happy-go-lucky self so long as her mate, Rose, is within the vicinity.


Though she wasn't quite born to a perfect set of parents, Kirarin found herself to be a child brought about the world by necessity, as per her father's words, and by love, as noted by her mother. This little discrepancy is what would soon cause the entirety of this child's life to become subject to a harsh and cruel reality, but it wouldn't be until much later that she'd figure that out... considering the guise of a perfectly happy family was all that outsiders would come to see, and all they would ever know, given her father's ability to make up a facade of a happy life so long as his social integrity was at stake. Nonetheless, even if he wasn't an attentive father, he didn't make it a point to abuse her either, so at very least... Kirarin had one parent, and one person she simply knew. At very least, her mother made it a point to ensure that Kirarin still felt enough love to make her feel as though both were there for her, and she always felt that love through a cherished pin that she kept in her hair that her mother had given her when she was just eight years old.

Not all could remain positive, however, because her father had plans. Big ones at that, and they would be ones that would put his very family at the risk of being the experiments. Despite his cold demeanor, Kirarin's father certainly did have a way of convincing his wife that he was ready and capable of a massive breakthrough... one that he simply had to "trust him" for, and considering her willingness to try and let him attain that dream, it came as no surprise that she opted to allow this experimentation on herself, but with it... the signs of this once "happy" family would soon begin to falter and diminish under the crushing weight of her father's cruel schemes. A few restraints, a tool or two, and one very special injection later simply meant that life for Kirarin was no longer going to be the same, considering her father's little experiment wasn't quite as fleshed out as he had hoped, and while his wife was left to suffer and decay from the injection put through her blood stream, so to would the only traces of love anyone ever had for him falter as well.

However, even despite his inability to ensure success with his wife's participation, even the passing of his "beloved" was not something that was going to deter him. It was, at most, a minor bump in the road, and his eyes would soon set their way upon his daughter, who would simply serve to be the next victim of his cruel schemes... and while she had known nothing but the love of her mother beforehand, Kirarin was not prepared for the days of cruelty lined up ahead of her. To say that she was treated like a pet would be a compliment... considering she was treated more like a helpless, mistreated, feral animal instead. Day after day, the only things she'd receive would be the smallest bits to survive. A saucer of water, a bowl of what could only be described as "mush", and lack of attention would just a few things to tally onto her routine as she sat in that cage, day after day, waiting for the embrace of death, but always skimming the edge. It wasn't until she was at her very limits that she would finally be subjected to that same medication her mother had been left to endure, but through all of that neglect, it simply meant that the experiment served to be a success, and with it... Kirarin had developed a rather awkward set of animal-like traits, a few of which consisted of a set of matching ears and a tail to boot! She even got a present as a reward for being a "completed experiment", and that present was none other than the very same pin her mother had given her so long ago... and with it, her salvation would not be far off. She may have been battered and neglected to the point of minimal function, but at very least, she had a means of escape, and the next few nights would be dedicated to nothing more than desperately using that pin to try and pick the lock on her cage... to be set free and once more roam the world... and no more than a week later, the sound of that lock finally tumbling out of place would set her free.

However, with that freedom, she now had nothing to face the world with. An animal with no shelter, that's what she had become... but even then, the darkness of her father's brooding experiments would serve to haunt her further, even as she had broken free of her shackles, and it's something that would continue to haunt her for years to come while she's left to find her place in the world...
Cocoa 20 Aug, 2017 @ 11:46pm 
If you were removed from my friends, I apologize, but it was not meant as any point of hostility or aggression, and I do not mean disrespect or anything towards anyone who has been removed. I'm doing so for personal reasons (mainly with myself) and nothing more, and I just wanted to say to those who were removed, it wasn't a means of me trying to be rude, moreso that you shouldn't concern yourselves with me any longer. I wish all a good life moving forward. Thank you.
Alira Thorne 8 Apr, 2016 @ 2:57am 
You're the most wonderful thing in my world, my solid rock of support and love, and for all this, I am grateful.

I hope you rest well tonight, and that no fiendish nightmares haunt you. I love you eternally hun <3
The Adjuster 5 Apr, 2016 @ 9:58pm 
Ófærr Stjarnagram 1 Apr, 2016 @ 5:36pm 
*Lays on Winter and Spitfire.*
"focait" 1 Apr, 2016 @ 5:36am 
Alira Thorne 2 Mar, 2016 @ 5:13am 
*Sneaks around your profile and your room, doing secret love stuff*