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3.4 ore înregistrate (1.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Not a very long game but really interesting story and cultural insights. Coupled with a really nice aesthetic.

The only really thing that irritated me from time to time was the AI partner. Most of the time it was fine but occasionally it would do something really stupid like jump into a pit trying to follow you and there where a few places where it was really hard to juggle both characters to solve one of the few time critical puzzles. Which resulted in having to attempt one or two segment several times.

Over all it was a really nice experience.
Postat 19 noiembrie 2014.
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49.7 ore înregistrate (47.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Visually stunning but hardly the best game in the Xcom franchise, still enjoyable once you work past its faults.

If you have played previous Xcom games the first thing you will notice is how annoyingly streamlined this game is. Anything you could do tandemly in previous Xcom games has been reduced to one instance at a time. No researching multiple things no launching multiple Interceptors or Skyrangers. Gone are the multiple independant bases, tho you can station interceptors at various fixed locations around the globe.

Instead of having soldiers with stats and using those to determine how you outfit them, there are now fixed classes. Soldiers are (seemingly) randomly promoted to a class after their first mission (or automatically once you buy the foundry upgrade). Time units are gone so there is no more deciding what to do, you can either take an action which will end the turn for all classes except Heavy that have taken the skill that allows them to take a second action if their first action was to shoot. Otherwise you can move and take an action or sprint which ends your turn. Unless you are an Assault using Run & Gun which will allow you to sprint and fire your weapon. Time Units let you do whatever. move and shoot, shoot and move, shoot, throw a genade and move etc.

The real problem I had with the streamlining of soldiers was the sniper. In the original Xcom if your soldier had the sort of stats that fit a sniper you could eventually work them into that position while still using them in other capacities if you needed to. In this itteration of the game BOOM your soldier is a sniper they will only ever be a sniper and snipers for me were dead weight through the first part of the game. They only really start becoming useful later on when you unlock a bunch of technology and manage to get them sufficiently promoted, selecting the appropriate skills.

When the game says Alien Activity what it really means is you havn't run into a scripted event yet. They start off cool but they get old sorta fast. Effectively what happens is you walk to a point where the game spawns in aliens and it does so with a quick but not quick enouhg (when you hit the 30th+ time) in game cut scene where they go from standing around apparently gossiping to dashing for cover. Where as previous games Alien Activity meant there was an alien somewhere on the map actially doing something with or without you there to watch it doing said thing. That said I'm not 100% sure how terror missions work because you still get the same spawn in effect but civilians in areas you can't see will die if you don't make your way to them fast enough.

I don't quite get how a 9GB+ game can't seem to acomplish the same depth a game managed to decades ago and clocking in at only around 30MB. Still it really does look nice and if you never played the original Xcom you probably won't even know what you're missing. At the end of the day this is probably as close to a revival of Xcom as we can ever really hope for.
Postat 18 octombrie 2014.
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7.8 ore înregistrate
Great game, it is showing it's age what with it originally being for the DS and all. The game itself has probably had some retouching but appears to be largely the original sprites. Some of the art assets have been reworked in HD. For example the initial startup screens and the character dialog portraits. There is some good platforming but it can get a bit repetative in places.

There were some issues when it first launched but WayForward has really been on top of hammering things out. The game definitely has me looking forward to Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Postat 17 iulie 2014.
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7.0 ore înregistrate
Really fun game, felt like a cross between Ducktales and Megaman.
Sometimes it got a bit frustraiting because the check points in some areas were two or three rooms before the room that actually gave me trouble. So that meant clearing out the rooms leading up to the trouble spot multiple times. For the most part the checkpoints were placed quite well and I really did like what they did with the checkpoint system itself.

All in all an awesome little game :D
Postat 27 iunie 2014. Editat ultima dată 27 iunie 2014.
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10.7 ore înregistrate (6.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Really liking the new controls!

I was a little surprised to find out that it was being re-released on Steam because I didn't even know it had been removed at some point. I had originally tried the demo, I would guess years ago. Apparently the Developer and Publisher were having issues which resulted in the developer not being able to continue developing the game (Episode 2). Now the Developer has full control of their IP again, they have improved the controls and it sounds like EP2 is back on.

The levels are quite large, there is a lot to explore and tons of secrets to find. The combat can be a little simple but was enjoyable. The story is shaping up to be interesting. I'm definitely looking forward to the second Episode.
Postat 24 mai 2014.
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8.7 ore înregistrate (7.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I've been looking forward to this game for at least a year now and I am a bit torn. Visually the game is stunning, I think it has some great design and the soundtrack is awesome. However plotwise it really felt to me like I was dropped into the season finale of a good show without actually seeing any of the previous episodes. So it felt like it was missing a lot of the backstory and there are quite a few parts that felt like the game had a good opening to have fleshed things out but just didn't.

It is hard to go into exact detail without spoiling things. So I will use Sibyl as an example because she is a "main" character with practically zero development. I don't recall her having a single spoken line and your one and only encounter with her is essentially "hey look its that evil chick who was briefly pictured in a cutscene, lets hit her in the face with a sword(transistor)". After which you can unlock three whole paragraphs about her. Which really seems like a wasted opertunity for what looked to be such an interesting character, in such a narative driven game.

It is also quite short, People were saying ~5 hrs but according to my Steam time I finished it in like 4hrs and change. Of course I didn't finish all of the Sandbox trials. Personally I didn't find them to be all that enjoyable. I will probably go back and check out the Recursive mode because I did enjoy the first playthrough.

Ultimately I would recommend the game but I would also do so making note that it does have its share of flaws.

Soundtrack Update: After finally taking a chance to look around the Soundtrack it has become apparent that there are several tracks from the game that are not present. For example some of my favorite boss battle music just isn't there.

Soundtrack Update Part2: Looks like they just released the long awaited tracks that were previously abscent from the Soundtrack, Not only does it include the Processed And Instrumental versions of some of the more noteworthy songs such as _n C_rcl_s but it also includes the Hummed versions of most of the songs. Which definitely makes me feel better about purchasing the Soundtrack :)
Postat 21 mai 2014. Editat ultima dată 31 iulie 2014.
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41.7 ore înregistrate (25.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I saw this game on a livestream and it looked FREAKING AWESOME.
Been playing it for a while now that its out on Steam... and it is FREAKING AWESOME!

So buckle your pants and get ready for some awesoem :D
Postat 15 mai 2014.
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112.0 ore înregistrate (97.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
If you want to play a game that hinges itself on creativity then punishes you for being creative then this is the game for you

The game suffers from too may problems to be fun.
It is OK from about lvl 0-14ish at which point it completely falls apart.

Which is sad because I really really really really wanted to like this game.

The monsters are too weak across the board and there are not enough defense points to actually be able to set up a decent defence for a castle with much more than three rooms. Your starter castle has three rooms... at this point I could be using 6 but I can't. Which has resulted in general stagnation and a hand full of cookie cutter builds because they are the only semi effective setups. Unfortunately they aren't fun to make and they are even less fun to play for the nth time.
Postat 6 mai 2014.
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10.0 ore înregistrate (9.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I went from loving to loathing this game in about half a day. I love the artstyle I love the concept and if it had been a better designed game I would have loved the game itself. It tugs heavily on my nostalgia strings but I really can't recall the last time I played a game where I actually wanted to break my keyboard or punch my screen at the end of every session. The game can be challenging which is good unfortunately it commits some of the cardinal sins of game design.

Between the Health system, Dead ends/Sudden death traps and schizophrenic puzzles.... you will find yourself retracing yoursteps far too often. Sometimes this game pulls stunts I would expect to see in a troll game, thing is if I wanted that I would be playing a troll game.

Health: So far I haven't found any decent way to recover it. There are two bars your HP to which enemies will deal damage and a second fractional which will slowly fill as you collect what few health(?) orbs enemies drop. You will not actually recieve any health until that second bar is filled. You can however always use the Holy Grail to teleport to the surface to stand in the hotspring and regenerate health. Unfortunately that means you will need to teleport back to the nearest obelisk and retrace you steps, this quickly loses its charm.

Dead ends and sudden deaths: both result in essentially the same end result. Being forced to either Continue (reload last quicksave) or use the Holy Grail to teleport to a (hopefully) nearby obelisk. Then retrace your rout for the nth time. This is especially annoying when you are starting to explore a new area and have yet to find its obelisk. So the nearest obelisk is in the middle of another zone. Again it quickly loses its charm.

Puzzles: Others have covered some of the issues with the puzzles and how there are quite a few that have no clues and rely on either dumb luck or reading a walkthrough to make it past. Partly because some triggers are perfectly blended into the surounding level or they effect other parts of the level without any indication what they have done save for the "Puzzle Solved" sound. If you have the Shell that is. While other puzzles in the game have no trouble being completely intuitive.

At the end of the day there this game does so much right but there is just enough that it does wrong that it crosses that line between challenging fun and just being aggrivating.
Postat 23 ianuarie 2014. Editat ultima dată 23 ianuarie 2014.
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14.7 ore înregistrate (13.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
OK Awseome (not sure if should call game) game!

More of an interactive experience. There were a few times I died when an unexpected quicktime event with like 3 seconds to figure out you were in a QT event then die, cropped up. There are times when you actions don't really feel like they change anything as key events are set in stone "If it is scripted, so shall it be". Still the plot was awesome so I forgive it.

Really wasn't sure how I felt about a point and click zombie drama, Tell Tale seems to have really pulled it off tho.
Postat 8 ianuarie 2013.
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