Vlad/Влад(Born in Belarus), 22 y.o   Hefa, Israel
Best friend - https://steamproxy.net/id/-_GOLD_-

Обо мне/About me:

- Меня зовут Влад,я родом с белоруссии и проживаю в Израиле уже несколько лет.Имею неплохое знание иврита в том числе Русского и Английского.очень общительный и дружелюбный,не люблю злиться поэтому всегда думаю о хорошем:lunar2020ratinablanket:,люблю общаться на разные темы.

-Увлекаюсь компьютерными играми,занятием спорта и чтением книг(больше читаю книги от Артура Конана Дойла).

-Являюсь активным пользователем,стараюсь почаще заходить на ленту чтобы оценивать работы других пользователей и иногда сам выкладываю свои работы.

-Смотрю множество фильмов и сериалов,Из них больше смотрю в жанре Комедия,фэнтези и ужасы.

Всем желаю хорошего дня и прекрасного настроения!!
- My name is Vlad, I am from Belarus and have been living in Israel for most of my life. I have a good knowledge of Hebrew, including Russian and English. Very sociable and friendly, I don’t like to get angry, so I always think about something good:lunar2020ratinablanket:,I like to communicate on different topics

-I am fan of computer games, sports and reading books (more books from Arthur Conan Doyle).

-I am an active user, I try to visit the feed more often to rate the work of other users, and sometimes I post my work myself.

-I watch a lot of movies and TV series,Of which I watch more in the genre of Comedy, fantasy and horror.

Wish you a nice day and good mood everyone!!

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Created by - Roman
358 ratings
Данное руководство создано, чтобы помочь новичкам начать пользоваться Решейдом. В нем приводится описание некоторых шейдеров, а также продемонстрированы некоторые фишки, которые могут сделать скриншоты более креативными и необычными.
Mr.Death's Info
Assassin's Creed 100% Marathon:

Assassin's Creed 1 - 100% (Uplay)
Assassin's Creed 2 - 100%
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - 100%
Assassin's Creed Revelations - 100%
Assassin's Creed 3 - 100%
Assassin's Creed Black Flag - 100%
Assassin's Creed Rogue - 100%
Assassin's Creed Unity - WIP
Assassin's Creed Syndicate - WIP
Assassin's Creed Origins - WIP
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - 100%
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - 100% (Uplay)
Recent Activity
100 hrs on record
last played on 25 Apr
4 hrs on record
last played on 24 Apr
3.1 hrs on record
last played on 24 Apr
I play fat like a pro 13 hours ago 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Signs you have Alzheimer
1): You forget things more often
2): You lose the ability to count
3): You forgot you are gay
3): You'd strongly deny being gay
2): You forget things
I play fat like a pro 24 Apr @ 12:27am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Did you know that if we all stop paying taxes, the gov will eventually run out of money to make us pay?

So don't be afraid of IRS or Jail time

Be a pioneer, be a martyr!
Don't pay your tax!

I'm unemployed
I play fat like a pro 23 Apr @ 12:39am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Did you know in this day, you can basically bring all kinds of animals in public places,
as long as it's a certified " Emotional Supoort Anima"

say, some kid could really use some emotional support AK-47, right?
I play fat like a pro 22 Apr @ 4:09am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
A legend once said:" A gay without an iPhone is not a real gay"

real, google it up
TheGamingClay 22 Apr @ 12:36am 
:auyay:I wish happiness to you dear friend:auyay:have fun with your friends:emofdr:and families:hardgrave:,:tf_atlas:,enjoy the mouth "April":happystar2022:i never forget my dear brothers:gordon:and sisters:p2chell:,keep your spirits:summer2021strategy:,your will:DS2_Helmet: and your faith:DS2_Unitology:strong in your life:summer2019cockatiel:to the end:platinum:,the spring is here:summercat2023::summer2019mushroom:
I play fat like a pro 21 Apr @ 3:18am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------

Did you know when a short person wave at you

it's called a microwave