N.E.S.   California, United States
--- Your friendly neighborhood Medic main ---

I will rend you apart

If you want to friend me please tell me why. No I don't trade.
Gabriel Ultrakill
Hey dude
Welcome to my profile, we will be trapped here for a while so that's the bathroom corner. What's that?
Yes I already peed. Why didn't I hold it? I drank a whole thing of Gatorade why do you care?

I love Red Dead, Fallout, Tf2, Ultrakill, Evangelion, and have a crippling addiction to pepsi :3 :mbnecoup:
+Rep really liked my jingle jangle
St1ll.Lif3 11 พ.ค. @ 6: 10pm 
Pink Floyd is MILES better than guns n ♥♥♥♥ :steamsad:
snorglebob 10 พ.ค. @ 10: 20pm 
willoe 6 พ.ค. @ 7: 18pm 
+rep luv u :3
r_iver 3 พ.ค. @ 5: 46pm 
stop spawn camping me
Crabster 3 พ.ค. @ 8: 33am 
this guy(?) 100% fallout new vegas