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Neue Rezensionen von Leonel

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Ergebnisse 11–20 von 47
38 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
0.0 Std. insgesamt
Ah... my home country.

Long have I awaited for this DLC, feels good to drive on familiar roads, feels like home to me.

Great DLC and I highly recommend it for exploration of the beautiful Iberia, certainly a must have if you really want to enjoy Europe seriously.

Only downside might be not enough roads in Portugal, in specific, secondary roads, there are so many great areas, often more rural that have beautiful scenery and should be explored, even IRL I see trucks often passing through them, and a lot of truck companies in said places, yet there's nothing like that in this DLC?

Only the Highways really? Shame, but hey, maybe that's just my greed for more enjoyment on this beautiful country, I do hope additional roads are further added in future updates though.
Verfasst am 28. Juli 2023. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 25. August 2023.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
83.3 Std. insgesamt (78.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)

- Fun gameplay
- Unique mechanics
- Many customization options and different survivor characters
- Actual fun "die permanently" feature
- Interesting way of gameplay by changing between all the survivors in your base
- Many weapons, vehicles and items are available
- Players get rewarded for playing on someone else's game on co-op.
- Great ambiences, soundtrack and sound work
- Can be a scary game at times
- Fun Co-Op
- Many maps to survive on
- Various difficulties available to choose from making the game different and more (or less) deadlier everytime.
- Pretty good graphics
- Additional gamemodes available such as Daybreak survival.
- Active developer team


- The optimization is terrible, constant PC freezing and overheating when near plague hearts (due to the plague heart particles in the air I assume)

So far haven't been able to find a fix, my PC is way above the recommended specs for this game.

- Easy to get stuck in objects
- Easy to get stuck in NPCs (when playing multiplayer and not being the host)
- Terrible lag make the game barely playable when on multiplayer
- Bugs and glitches are quite common
- It's a pain setting up the online co-op features.

My current rate:

Verfasst am 20. Juni 2023. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 21. Juni 2023.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
13.0 Std. insgesamt (2.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
In short, a very frustrating, unbalanced and broken game with an awful playerbase, currently on its way to be one of the worse games i have on my steam account.

I'm just glad I bought it at a discount because the pain the game gives isn't worth the full price.


- Unique mechanics
- Great cast of characters
- Awesome crossovers
- Many items to buy and choose from
- Rewards and other pros for playing Online
- Various Killers to choose from
- Great ambiences
- Quite the scary game
- Has a Custom game option with bots (But you can only play as the killer against them...)
- Reasonably good graphics, good for the time this game was released on anyway.


- Unbalanced Killers (Kind of unavoidable when such characters are developed with the perks they have? But still have to post this point anyway.)
- Ping may have an impact on gameplay
- Reasonably useless hidding spots (The killer can see your scratch marks.)
- Been years and still no bot killers... hope isn't lost but i sure am disappointed... if they are added i'll remove this negative point.
- The Nurse is unplayable
- The AI is absolute trash
- Extremely confusing game for new players, the tutorials are poor and it's not possible to predict what killer will be in the next match.

- Enjoy getting killed by the actions of noob players.
- The devs refuse to take any sort of criticism and feedback from the community, they seem to focus more on the microtransactions, I could be wrong though, we'll see if there's any improvement on the points i've mentioned on my review here.

My Current Rating:

Verfasst am 3. Januar 2023. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 6. Mai.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
0.4 Std. insgesamt
This game is extremely unpolished, buggy and glitchy.

Bought this game for myself and my friend and we went into a multiplayer match, first off the game gets boring pretty quickly, there's nothing to do other than walk around and avoid entities.

You can't walk while leaning and you can't run backward.

The entities get stuck easily, the one on Lvl 0 literally wouldn't walk for the rest of the game until i found the exit while he was stuck in place.

Meanwhile on Lvl 1 I got insta-killed the moment I spawned in and made my first steps being the total opposite of the previous bug.

I'd like to see this game grow but definately not worth the price right now.

My current rate:


(For the current state in Dec 2022)
Verfasst am 29. Dezember 2022.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
30.0 Std. insgesamt (19.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)

- Gorgeous graphics.
- Amazing realism.
- Lots of locations, cities and landmarks to explore.
- Constant updates and new DLCs featuring additional expansions to the map.
- Various vehicles available to choose.
- Various customizations available for the trucks.
- Constant attention from the dev team as well as events with Steam inventory item rewards.
- Very relaxing.
- Workshop and addon support allowing new features including cars, which ends up making this simulator not only truck, but a driving simulator in general.
- Random in-game situations such as accidents or roadblocks making each mission and drive feel different and unique in its way, never gets boring.
- Various old versions of the game available at any time for support of old addons, very useful considering the constant new updates which often break old addons.


- So far I got nothing here.

My current rating:

Verfasst am 25. November 2022.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
2 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
105.9 Std. insgesamt (51.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)

- Great graphics with a pretty unique visual style
- Tons of costumization options
- Tons of weapons
- Tons of different open world maps
- Plenty of achievements
- Plenty of Enemies and allies
- There's clever puzzles and missions
- Gearbox doesn't abandon the game, keeps close to it despite the game's age.


- It's somewhat easy to find map related bugs and texture mistakes.
- I've found a few bugs that instantly kill me for whatever reason (not allowing me to get downed, it just instantly kills me when it shouldn't have)
- Multiplayer can be often problematic in lag related issues.
- The movement mechanics can be pretty annoying to work with due to them being quite bouncy, meaning you can jump into the wrong hitbox and bounce off a cliff or into a dangerous area.
- Random death after teleporting into a different map, I'm surprised no one seems to be talking about this. Extremely annoying.
- Some grenades are extremely wanky and great for killing yourself instead of the enemies...

My current rate:

Verfasst am 5. Juli 2022. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 23. Mai 2023.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
2.2 Std. insgesamt (1.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Unfortunately I didn't enjoy this mod, here's why:

- The story looks very interesting
- Great textures and graphics
- Great concept/idea


- Crashes and issues are very common
- Some puzzles can be very stressful and not fun, as for one mistake you have to re-do the entire puzzle.
- Too short
- Can't edit all keys in the options
- CANNOT OPEN THE CONSOLE (The edit console key place is missing)
- Some puzzles are glitchy and poorly tested

My current rate:


I don't think I'll be re-installing it anytime soon...
Verfasst am 7. Mai 2022. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 7. Mai 2022.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
502.1 Std. insgesamt (406.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)

- Great graphics for the time it was first released
- Great mechanics
- Lots of character costumization
- VR Support
- Lots of weapons and items
- A pretty neat level up system
- Many characters available
- Weapon skin system
- Lots of different builds one can make, the game will always be different due to these (Making it less tiring)
- Lots of different levels and maps
- Various difficulties with the design of the characters changing (+ new enemies as the difficulties increase)
- The game is still being updated to this day
- Mod support
- Various game modes to choose
- Great voice lines and voice acting
- Amazing story
- Has live-action episodes
- Many rewards from Twitch Loot

- The bot's AI is reasonable, but sometimes pretty messy.


- Most characters are from DLCs
- Most weapons are from DLCs
- Most skins are from DLCs
- Some maps have various glitches
- Some actions are often slow or not accurate such as changing weapons or certain ragdolls going crazy
- Driving in this game is terrible (ironic considering the story of the engine it was made on)
- Sometimes the character movement can be frustrating, often jumping too high or low and getting stuck
- Many, m a n y crashes for no aparent reason, they come and go at different levels and situations.

My Current rate:

Verfasst am 25. November 2021. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 6. Juli 2023.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
32.0 Std. insgesamt (19.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)

- Wonderful graphics
- Tons of costumization options
- Tons of weapons
- Tons of different open world maps
- Plenty of achievements
- Plenty of Enemies and allies
- There's clever puzzles and missions
- Constant updates and new content added.


- The story, it's pretty clever but some plots are not that great, the rest of the community has left reviews regarding this better.


- It's somewhat easy to find map related bugs and texture mistakes.
- Some these bugs can actually teleport you outside the map and kill you.
- The multiplayer system is somewhat awful, half of the time i won't be able to join friends of mine that have weaker internet connections and on the times I do the game is full of lag spikes that will just end up teleporting me to some cliff or i'll just get killed by some enemy once the lag spike is over.

My current rate:

Verfasst am 29. November 2020.
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Ergebnisse 11–20 von 47