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Készítette: 雨冒2 és 来杀我呀~
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So...you like scrolling down steam pages, is that right?
I can't blame you for it, they're there for being viewed.
There's nothing of value down here though, so sorry :dewstare:
I hope I'm not making you read all of this text without even having a point to it.
That would be really unfortunate. Maybe I did hide something of value down there though. :t0cactuar:
Maybe I'll add a joke at the end too, so all that reading wasn't for nothing.
That reminds me of a story a wise man once told me. :MFF_Mog:
It goes something like this:
There was a young boy, filled with curiosity in his heart. Every day he would search
for new things to discover in every nook and cranny as he might find something he's
never seen before. But after some years, he found himself fatigued and bored, not
having found what he was looking for his entire life. After some time he figured out
that what he was looking for was not to be found on the surface of things, but hidden
within the deep insides, which are only revealed after having spent a long time of
thorough investigation with them. But when he came to that realization, he also
realized that he no longer had the time to discover what he truly desired, so he lost
the curiosity which drove him in the first place. This however didn't make him sad,
but he found himself happy with what he found along the way and currently has. He not
once wondered whether the way he went was the correct one, since this question
is one without an answer.
I hope you found some meaning in that story. Where was I again? Oh, right, the joke...uhm...
well I sadly can't think of one right now. :lunar2019shockedpig:
That's kind of a bummer. Trust me, when I think of one, it'll be a real zinger. Maybe not
though.. Did someone ask you how your day was yet? Or is it morning for you right now?
Either way, I hope you're having fun whatever you're doing. I really do mean it. If you
have nothing to do right now, why not try something new; be brave and experiment.
Or maybe just stay with the good old stuff, I don't wanna tell you how to live your life.
Are you drinking enough water though? Do you exercise on a regular basis?
Did you know that not only your body needs exercise, but your brain does as well?
I just want you to stay healthy because I really care for you,
even if I can't tell for sure whether I know you. But I do care for you, no doubt about it. :luv:
Oh, I got a joke now! Here it goes:
What is blue and not heavy? Light blue! :papyrus:
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