gaming or something idk show me what the hell this is

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記録時間: 3,776 時間
6月20日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 12.3 時間
6月19日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 95 時間
6月19日 に最後にプレイ
epicfrog2002 3月16日 21時17分 
ojos azules 2023年9月24日 5時31分 
Wowzers this guy is really something. Thanks for gifting me a gold skin. I know I said I wouldn't care if you went offline forever but I didn't really mean it. After all friends forgive each other right? I also can't believe you were so generous even though your sister sent me her nudes... I thought you were mad? If this is your way of saying it's A-OK then I rate it! Don't worry though I'm planning on breaking up with her this sunday because I've already smashed anyway soooo she's all yours ;P but yeah anyway just wanted to show my appreciation, thanks for the skin my dude! On a side note, I don't really think we should be friends anymore. No offence but you're not really my style. I roll just a little too loose for you pal. So thanks but no thanks. Anyway c0ckslayy3r out! Peace, broski!
Turret 2023年5月23日 6時31分 
hiccups gone, happy life, no worries
BIGNATE 2023年5月22日 5時37分 
he helped me get rid of my huccups!!
BIGNATE 2023年5月22日 5時29分 
best friend ever
Turret 2023年5月16日 23時38分 
he's ok, just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ his pants for a month!