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Recente recensies door Travingel

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9 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
11.4 uur in totaal (3.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
its simple
its arcady
its stiff
its kinda awkward
it's enjoyable?
for whatever reason when i saw a youtuber play this i thought not so much of it.
i decided to give it a go and for some reason i keep coming back to it, i dont know why but there is a charm here that is hard to ignore when you start playing
Geplaatst 6 april 2015.
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3 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
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38.9 uur in totaal (33.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
co-op fun done right! although the weapons of the heroes feel kind of weak,
trapping is fun and you can really use your imgination with them,
i recommend playing this with a friend for playing it alone just kinda.....sucks
its build for co-op and random matchmaking isnt in there so dont even try
Geplaatst 20 maart 2015.
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8 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
3.9 uur in totaal
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
free to play done wrong heres why :
you need to BUY grenades with ingame currency wich doesnt come fast enough to allow you to use your arsenal.
leveling up isnt really fun, the gunplay is old fashioned like its ww2 (god knows how many of those games there already are)
the devs just want to milk this game and i dont buy it
Geplaatst 20 maart 2015.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
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45.6 uur in totaal (44.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
replayability is great! love playing this game from time to time.
first playthrough took me 32 hours for i wanted to be as OP as i could before taking on any bosses.
it was worth it, now i do it as intended and fight a boss when i think im ready.
great game! if it had co-op 4515/10
Geplaatst 20 maart 2015.
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36 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
3 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
13.0 uur in totaal
i have to say for as repetetive as it is, its sort of ok-ish
but the matchmaking needs work for it seems to only work with friend invites,
the support is kind of low....
the devs went bankrupt and so the game died.
as it stands i do not recommend it
Geplaatst 20 maart 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 27 april 2015.
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59.1 uur in totaal (55.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
mixed feelings about this game,
its enjoyable but repetetive, it has lots of powerups that change the way you play.
the characters play different and unique.
as for difficulty, its hard when you start but you will get the hang of it pretty fast,
most fun when playing co-op though you will need a program to do so,
i recommend hamachi for setting up a fake lan party,
use hamachi's ip adresses to join the host.
the multiplayer needs some work even if its just from peer to peer,

id say pick it up for a budget price
Geplaatst 17 maart 2015.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
29.9 uur in totaal (27.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
as much as people say its like the show.
yes it indeed is. its a whole season youd say.
side quests main quest are enjoyable though you may get lost at some points.
the writing and things they do in the game are something they arent allowed to do in the show.
they take advantage of it and it turned out for the best
Geplaatst 17 maart 2015.
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