Thicc Sandwich
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45 ratings
Created by - Thicc Sandwich
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Good boy
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1,311 Hours played
By far one of the best games you can get on steam if you enjoy strategy. I made several colonies, some escaped and some died, but thats why the game is so fun, because things can and will go wrong, even after you start to get bored there are a huge amount of mods out on the steam workshop, which makes the replay-ability even more since with the mods there is so much more to do.

I still remember my first vanilla colony and how only one of the original 3 survived to the ship escape, and both his arms, legs and eyes where bionic, and the first modded colony i did died since i was so busy trying to do the things the mods added i forgot defense and a raid just destroyed me, all in all this is an amazing game and i am probably going to be putting even more hours into it.
The Complete and Utter Idiot's Guide to Making a Baloney and Cheese Sandwhich
Welcome to The Complete and Utter Idiot's Guide to Making a Baloney and Cheese Sandwhich. Ready for lunch? Good! Let's begin!
We're going to start our journey by assuming that you already possess each or the individual items you'll be needing to make this sandwhich. It's a bit of a stretch, I know, but Lord knows we don't have time to take you shopping.
So, that said, the first thing you're gonna need is a place to make your sandwhich. My suggestion would be a plate. So reach into your cupboard and grab a plate. Any will do. No , that's a bowl. Plates are flat. Right, yes, that's flat, but it's a cutting board. Plates are going to be round. yes the bowl is round, but it's not flat, is it? Just . . . forget it. Grab the cutting board you had in your hands. perfect. Put it down.
On the counter, not the floor.
Much beter. Alright, you're ready to start. you need bread.
Personally, I prefer either wheat or sourdough, but you might prefer white, rye, pumpernickle, a french're just staring at me. What do you mean you don't have any bread like that? Like what? What kind of bread do you have?
Wonder. Fine, it's pre sliced.
Take out two slices of bread. Two. More than one, less than three. That's three. Put one back. Perfect. Place your two slices of bread on the cutting board. See how easy that is?
OK, you need some sandwhich ingredients, open your refrigerator.
Your refrigerator. Big thing in your kitchen. Stores food. Yes, and beer, too. That's the one.
Take out the cheese, the baloney, the mayo... you're giving me that look again. Let's stop there. Cheese , baloney and mayo. Mayonnaise. It's sandwhich spread. White. No, that's Miracle Whip. Yes, it's a white sandwhich spread but...fine. Miracle Whip will do. Put it on the counter next to the bread.
OK. Now we...where's the cheese and baloney?Didn't I just say...ugh! Go back to the refrigerator, leave the Miracle Whip where it is, just go back to the frige and open it. Good. Grab the cheese. Any kind will do. Oh, just pick one!
No, that's brie. It dosen't go well with baloney. What in the world are you doing with brie?
How about chedder, do you have chedder? It's probably orange. Yes! That's chedder! Bring it to the counter next to the cutting board. Now go back to the fridge. I'm sorry, are you getting dizzy? It can happen, get used to it. Open the fridge again. You're looking for baloney. God willing, it'll be pre-sliced. Baloney. It's meat. Well, sort of.
That's bacon.
Yes! That's the baloney! Very good! Now bring that over to the food. No, we're done with the fridge, you'll just throwout whatever you don't use, I can't bear to go through the fridge disaster again.
OK, now you're ready to start making a baloney and cheese sandwhich. Open the Miracle Whip. Open it. Twist the lid off of the jar. What do you mean it won't come off? Twist the other way. There ya go! Now you need a knife.
Oh give me a break!
You don't need a sharp knife, you just need a spreading knife. Dull. Very dull. The duller the better. No!Not that! Put that down before you kill someone! Try to find a knife without a wooden handle. No, that has a wooden handle dose't it? That probably means it's sharp. Don't test it to see! Just put it down! Find a dull, regular, boring knife!
OK. Perfect. That's a nice simple spreading knife. Dip it into the Miracle Whip. Now lift it out and spread it on the slices of bread. Carefully. Not too hard, you'll tear the bread.
Harder than that. The knife has to at least touch the bread to leave the spread.
Tere ya go. Now do the other slice of bread. Perfect! You're a regular Julia Childs now!
She's a famous cook...nevermind.
OK, Now you are going to place a slice of baloney on one piece of bread. Open the package. No, this package dose'nt screwopen. Just pull the back end away from the rest of the package. See how it's opening up? Excellent. Take out a slice of baloney. Place it on one of the slices of bread. No, you don't need the knife for this.
Good! You're almost there! Now it's time to cut the cheese.
Stop giggling.
The cheese is unopened? OK, don't panic. Take the dull knife...the other end, grab the other end of the knife! Slice the package of cheese open. Just jam it in there and...don't worry about hurting the cheese! Just slice the stupid thing open!
Very good, you're getting to be really good with the knife. Lord help us all.
Now take the block of cheese out and lay it on the counter. Just lay it on the counter, who cares if it's dirty! Like you're gonna be living long at this rate anyway! OK. Again with the knife, cut yourself a few slices of cheese. Thinner than that, you want more than two slices out of your block. Thinner. Thinner. Thinner! Just...measure with your pinky! Your pinky should be at least two slices thick. What are you...DON'T SLICE YOUR PINKY!!!
You know what? Forget it! Throw the cheese away. Throw it away! you're just having a baloney sandwhich today, I can't deal with this. Don't look at me like that, throw the cheese in the garbage!
Now pick up one slice of bread and put it down on the other. Miracle Whip-side down. Well turn it over, you can't eat a sandwhich with the Miracle whip side facing out!
Because I said so!!!
OK. Pick up the sandwhich.
Congradulations! You've made a Baloney Sandwhich!Dufus.
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BugBoyEric 2 Sep, 2023 @ 6:45am 
Pan Pan <3 23 Nov, 2019 @ 1:12pm 
+rep Da baby would be proud
coldaxe 23 Nov, 2019 @ 1:12pm 
UwU whats this?
Carlwheezer 14 Aug, 2019 @ 6:10am 
+rep really chill dude :cozybethesda:
✪ tix 19 May, 2019 @ 5:13am 
+rep pretty nice guy :)
Billy Plankton 22 Feb, 2019 @ 3:13pm 
+rep nice trader