Jack Torrance
The Spy is a gangster, he rolls up into enemiga territory and shanks people. You don't have to like me because I've always been hated, TheDon's on the loose and I'm straight gang related
Currently Offline
DER()415 15 Nov, 2012 @ 7:58am 
Hey man if you still cannot get on the site or try
in anycase are team speak ip is most the time people are on there nice playing with ya man.
Spanish Inquisition (expect it) 7 Aug, 2012 @ 5:17pm 
If they invent a time machine, you should go back and thank your twelve year old self for sticking to his guns and not shaving those chin whiskers this whole time.
DonX3 7 Aug, 2012 @ 2:05pm 
You're just jealous because you don't know how to count, I have two points for you spanish, you can't count, you don't have fine enough tastes to recognize a trilby when you see one and you're ugly, three points, thats three points
Spanish Inquisition (expect it) 7 Aug, 2012 @ 11:18am 
Does your gramps know you're wearing it?
DonX3 7 Aug, 2012 @ 11:04am 
But it's not exactly a pork pie, it's a trilby. Fool.
DonX3 6 Aug, 2012 @ 4:08pm 
Orrale Spanish