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24 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
DLC is simply not worth it for the price, as most say. This genuinely should've been priced at $7.99 USD.

Having the mea culpa back is fun and the platforming challenges are genuinely enjoyable. People who are saying the platforming is too hard clearly never attempted the Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night crossover challenge rooms from the first Blasphemous.

The lumps of gold rewards no longer appear to be bugged and I didn't encounter any bugs specific to the DLC.

My biggest complaints aside from the price would be the design of the last boss and minibosses.

Brother Asterion's second fight simply isn't enjoyable. His design is so overly aggressive that it just feels unfair, completely opposite of Eviterno from the base game. The number of instantaneous attacks he has is absolutely atrocious and leaves the player in so many situations where they take damage for reasons out of their control.

The minibosses are also awful, not because they are hard but because they are boring. There are 3 minibosses you have to fight at the end of the DLC that are similar and have the same attack patterns, but distinct enough from one another. The problem is they are damage sponges and only have 2 attacks, literally just 2. The reward you get from them is great and I do really appreciate how they are incorporated into the reward itself, but the fights themselves feel like such a waste of time.

I would've never purchased this DLC before they made the changes to NG+ to allow you to keep (most of) the rewards when you ascend your playthrough. As-is though, I recommend waiting to purchase this until it gets a steeper discount. If Game Kitchen makes another DLC, I expect them to put more effort into it for the price they are asking (ideally after they finish fixing the bugs that remain in the base game.).
Posted 22 January.
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38.3 hrs on record (26.6 hrs at review time)
If there was an option to half-recommend something, I would use it here.

I would give my thoughts on the game, but honestly my main problem is that it simply isn't finished. There is still an abundance of bugs and glitches present in the base game, and from what I've heard the dlc is even worse.

These are just a few bugs I found during my first playthrough:
- Audio not playing properly during a boss fight (Odon) requiring a full restart of the game to fix.
- Audio not playing properly during the cut-scenes that play when receiving new abilities (only worked properly for the first one)
- Prie Dieus that have been activated not appearing on the map for fast travel (again fixed by restarting the game)
- Mercy of the Wind (Air Dash) not working when trying to dash through the chain obstacles
- Blood Pact continuing after resting at a Prie Dieu when the Endless Wrath resonance is active

Those are just bugs I still remember. While none of them are gamebreaking, the sheer number and frequency at which they occurred constantly devalued my experience. I literally could not go a single play session without encountering one or more bugs.

I hope Game Kitchen will update this game with more fixes in the near future. As it stands, I think this game is worth playing but it would have clearly benefited from more QA testing or at least launching in Early Access.
Posted 20 January.
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14.6 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
Don't let my playtime fool you: I've easily logged over 100 hours into this game on pc gamepass. I purchased this game again on steam both for the upcoming DLC and to support NEOWIZ because I love what they have produced with this amazing game.

This has easily become one of my favorite souls-like games of all time, possibly even my #1 though I have yet to experience Sekiro.

Elden Ring was simply not for me because of much it has deviated from what I believe defines the fundamentals of what a good old-school souls experience is. It felt a bit bloated and lacking in balance of both enemies and player build types. It is true that you could make the game as hard as you wanted it to be, but I believe certain setups in Elden Ring were a bit over-tuned and somewhat ruined the feeling of accomplishment from beating bosses. So often I felt stronger that what I was fighting. I greatly missed the natural feeling of being the underdog, which I feel should be baseline for power level in souls-likes

This game is the complete opposite, it is exactly what I want from a modern day spin on the genre. Almost every victory feels earned and while powerful setups do exist in this game, they do not feel so powerful that they trivialize the experience.

TL;DR After over 100+ hours from other platforms I can confidently say this game is excellent and words can't express my excitement to see what Neowiz is cooking for both the DLC and the sequel.
Posted 26 December, 2024.
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52.5 hrs on record (39.5 hrs at review time)
The casino took all my money...

10/10 realism
Posted 3 December, 2024.
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658.2 hrs on record (355.9 hrs at review time)
Really wish there was a middle option on steam at times like this. If any of the cons get changed I'll change this review to positive.

- Fairly F2P friendly so long as you keep up with completing missions and the events.
- Interface is polished and responsive most of the time.
- Never encountered any bugs since the game's release.

- Maxx "C" is still legal because the OCG refuses to admit the card is unhealthy for the game.
- There is still no way to specifically report bots, which are still running rampant in game.
- Servers leave a lot to be desired, disconnections and client lag are very common regardless of your internet connection quality.
Posted 31 August, 2023. Last edited 27 June, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
As much as I love having more doom content and enjoyed parts of this DLC, I can't say it was a good experience overall.

It is harder than the base game and has every right to be, but it is not a fun type of difficult. Most of my frustration with this DLC came from the combat areas being so awkward to fight in and just poorly designed overall. The first level was fine for the most part, but the Blood Swamps and the Holt felt like there wasn't enough thought put into some of the encounters or the movement paths.

It felt like the developers just wanted to push the envelope with how much BS they can squeeze into a tiny little area. That philosophy is fine for the master levels (which are designed to challenge the top players), but should not be part of base content.

While not a great experience on its own, it is worth playing for the sole reason that it leads into TAG2. Being 2 levels into that I can thankfully say I am enjoying TAG2 much more more than TAG1.
Posted 5 March, 2023. Last edited 5 March, 2023.
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44.6 hrs on record (31.5 hrs at review time)

Gameplay loop is amazing, but there are a LOT of bugs with this game that affect the gameplay negatively. Sadly things like the meathook, blood punch, chainsaw, and even the collision hitboxes of the walls and floors are just coded very poorly, and that's only a few examples. In a game demands as much from the player as this one does this is just not acceptable.

Still love this game, but if you play on nightmare be prepared to die A LOT from things that you had no control over. I've lost count of how many time I've died because I clipped part-way into a wall and couldn't move.

Probably would've given this a 10/10 if it was polished properly.
Posted 20 February, 2023. Last edited 20 February, 2023.
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37.4 hrs on record
Base game is great, although some of the dlc content is a bit questionable difficulty-wise. Some things seem pretty overturned to me, but I might be in the minority here.

My real main gripe comes from my natural difficulty with color contrast. My vision isn't the best so when the the things I need to dodge are the same color as the background (like with Nightmare King Grimm and Lost Kin) it can be near impossible for me to see what is going on.

Please consider adding a high contrast option for Silksong.
Posted 19 January, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
295.8 hrs on record (193.2 hrs at review time)
One of the greatest RPGs ever made. Can't add anything that hasn't already been said.
Posted 23 December, 2022.
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243.4 hrs on record (9.6 hrs at review time)
Game is a solid 8/10 overall but the port is absolute garbage. Can't get a consistent 60fps on a newly build pc with a 3080 low settings and the frame drops are literally getting me killed. If you are considering buying this game wait about a year to see if they eventually fix the performance. Its honestly not as groundbreaking as people make it seem anyway, you aren't missing that much.

EDIT: 9/5/22
After beating this game and exploring it in its entirety I sadly still can't recommend it. In fact I now view it as a 7/10. It became clear after reaching the godskin duo and for most bosses after it that this game was designed from an artistic standpoint rather than a mechanical one, which I highly disagree with for this type of game.

The spirit summoning mechanic seems more like a crutch than anything; a way for them to justify their heavily flawed enemy designs which deliver a frustrating feeling rather than the "difficult but fair" sentiment we used to associate with souls-likes. One look at the street of revenants in the haligtree and you will understand what I mean.

EDIT patch 1.07
Rather than improve, performance in this game has somehow gotten worse. I don't see a future where they actually improve it anymore, and people will probably have to wait for hardware that is high-end enough to make up the difference. Unless you have an RTX 40 series card good luck getting stable framerates.
Posted 16 May, 2022. Last edited 16 October, 2022.
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