I don't know about you, but my favorite game is Fallout 76. Cat mom. Bookworm. Star Trek lifetime fan. Sisko was the best Captain. GO NINERS! 🖖💖

April 13, 2023 Oh, damn! Must add Captain Shaw to my list of favorite Captains... 💔🖤😞

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3.4 Hours played
If someone is wondering why I play these games, the answer is "I have a 91 y-o father who has severe complications on his entire right side, consequences of an ischemic stroke 3 years ago. And this kind of game exercises his fine motor skills, the hand-eye coordination, brings enjoyment to him, and makes us bond over something I love so much."

As for the series of "Ever Seen a Cat?" games, they're entertaining hidden object games with beautifully crafted pictures. Any normal person won't have difficulty finding the kitties.