aka Trish / SuperBona / Troia   Italy
Girl, 24, web-developer :cactuar:
:HentaiGirlKaren_circle: Discord: :HentaiGirlKaren_circle:
:cactuar: Twitch: :cactuar:
Featured Artwork Showcase
Lady DMC5
79 36 6
Who I am
You can call me Troya, I'm a girl and I have 24 years old
I work as back-end developer, but I can also do front-end, I'm still studying because I want to reach full-stack

What I like
:HentaiGirlKaren_circle: Sushi, Pizza, Spaghetti with tomatoes, Lasagna
:HentaiGirlKaren_circle: Japan, Japanese people, Japan culture, japanese people's mindset
:HentaiGirlKaren_circle: FFX-FFXIII, Cyberpunk, Tekken, MGSV, Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, DMC
:HentaiGirlKaren_circle: Classical, Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, J-Rock, Visual Kei music
:HentaiGirlKaren_circle: Keanu Reeves, Jackie Chan, Milla Jovovich, and '80 '90 2000 movies
:HentaiGirlKaren_circle: Doing gym, martial arts, body workout, yoga
:HentaiGirlKaren_circle: Playing games with friends, talking, having nice conversations
:HentaiGirlKaren_circle: Kind, polite and friendly individuals

If you wanna PLAY or just TALK with me
:csgocross: I prefer having voice chat, It's more confortable and easy to understand each other, If you want join the discord below, everyone is feel free to use the server as they wish (read the rules), I'm a very friendly person and I hope we can have nice times together in talking or playing some games
It's a public server and you are free to join any vocal room and write in any channel
Please support my server and help me to reach more people inside!
:steamthis: ________________________________________________ :steamthis:

continue to read below . . .


Everything below is made for fun, don't take anything seriously

My poetry:
I wrote It when I was waking naked in the streets for feminism protests

I'm sexy, I know it well
I don't need anyone to tell
I'm sexy, and I don't hide
I look for someone I want to ride

I'm sexy, and I'm not ashamed
To show my body and my butt
I'm sexy, and I don't stop
To look for my boys and their wallets

I'm sexy, and I say it loudly
Because I'm proud of my lustful body
I'm sexy, and I always am
Because I'm lustful and desirable

I wrote this poetry when I was riding someone in the nightclub's bathroom, please don't judge me

Poetry 2:

I like to ride boys, because makes me feel better
It's my life and I'll keep, doing It greater

I'm not hurting anyone, even If I might
because we all know, that It's just only one night

I'm a very good girl, I don't make fun of anyone,
Don't go with good boys telling I'm the good one,

because that I'm an easy girl, knows everyone

Favorite Guide
Created by - sinned and Twiz
315 ratings
Recent Activity
6.4 hrs on record
last played on 20 May
36 hrs on record
last played on 19 May
10 hrs on record
last played on 19 May
HYU 김현진 18 May @ 3:46pm 
hey, sorry I saw your profile and I just thought you looked cute in your picture, I really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why its a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you ;) sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy I don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun xxx
okマキシム 18 May @ 2:01am 
Wish you a great weekend my friend :Heart_m:
Holy Moly best Tekken "beginner" i played against :steamthumbsup:
holyfragsss 9 May @ 10:05pm 
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르콤트-집이최고!!! 4 May @ 4:07pm 
Have a good day 😊
okマキシム 3 May @ 2:00pm 