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Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 87.2 tuntia (17.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Early Access -arvostelu
Early Access.

So this is by no means a lay it all down review.

I've did the test, played for around an hour or so.

The game runs smooth as far as a Early Access game can go. I'm running a i5 3.4ghz with a 970Gtx, 8GB Ram. What I can say is that the game feels good at high settings, medium distance and 2x Anti.

The fighting feels rewarding, with the occasional skull cracking or enemy being cut in half (I admit I goofed with the admin panel, which in itself is straight-forward)

The game is a grind, and some supplies seem oddly difficult for starter items, i.e branches and a food source. If your like me you'll die 3 times before you realize that insects can be food and the axe is what you'll need to collect branches, but you'll need to scavange branches to create the pickaxe and then the actual axe.

If you have played Ark, it does play somewhat like that I suppose, but without the excessive clutter and it does run better.
Now it's not all peaches and rainbows, as a Early Access game it does have some flaws.

NPC-(Thralls) are fun to fight yet when running after you, expect them to rubber-band in front of you, and they are generally pretty stupid. Swinging their axe in the air. They are still fun to fight overall.

So far that is honestly my only complaint, a deeper review will be needed however, I believe this is a substantial review for a reason to pick up EA.
Julkaistu 31. tammikuuta 2017
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
5 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
4 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
yhteensä 27.5 tuntia (6.1 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Well, I played it for abit on the notice that it was an amazing game deep in sandbox, open world etc.

After playing this game, and mind you my Game library is full of Medieval and Fantasty games, I have to say what a load of hot garbage.

1. Gameplay is horrendous, at every aspect, beaten by some game or another.
2. A.I is and excuse my french, Retarded, beyond all comparison.
3. Graphics look like a time capsul from 2001.
4. Online Community, Non-Existent, unless you want to spend hours listening to a try-hard Computer General.

Again, I repeat the game is flawed, boring, and at this point there are just games that outright beat it down.

1. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare stomps Warbands Sword Play
2. ANY Total War game demolishes Warbands RTS play, yes even Shogun and Medieval Total War

Now I will say, the game is Unique as its a First Person RPG, about leading armies, and pillaging or settling, whichever you choose to do, so it has that, but that clearly was wasted on a horrible UI, AI, GFX. On second thought, there are so many Indie games of the survivor/civ building genre that they will blow this out of the water.

I wouldn't even value this game at its 2.49$ sale price, this should honestly be free, do you remember those "Mini-Games" you made back in high-school on some ancient system, and you knew "Wow this is a hot mess". This game is that, if you gave some devs marketing money.

Do not buy, save your 3$ and buy a Total War, Chivalry, or another Sanbox.

Recapped Review: After giving it another shot!

Keep voting it down, it's what you fanboys do best.

You cannot deny this game has unique properties, but it takes an ass beating in every aspect of gameplay.

Hell, I even went back and gave it another go, and what do you know, from the horrible balancing, Cavalry kills everything, to the aweful A.I, and that slap together U.I its just aweful.

Take graphics out of the equation, truthfully not every game requires graphics, however that being said the game is still a hot mess.


Unique take on RP and Military leading.
No lag, well optimised.


1. Aweful introduction
2. Aweful swordplay
3. Aweful A.I
4. Aweful U.I
5. Aweful Trading system
6. Aweful Country leading

Honest review right there, and you fanbois can vote it down as much as you like.

To the players reading, I'm not out on a personal vendetta, I promise you; the first person General leading his/her entire army has been a dream since I was young, so I want this game to do well, I really do; enough so that im excited for Banner-lord.

However at this moment in time, if you can get past all of the fanboy down-voting and "This game is amazing so much immersion WOW, so cool I've never went deep into any RTS or 4XRTS, so cool I can wildly swing and kill anything im such a badass thumbs up up up" If you can get past their spam then play this game, give it a shot and you will realize the mistake you have made.

Julkaistu 3. tammikuuta 2016 Viimeksi muokattu 27. tammikuuta 2016.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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