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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 20.0 hrs on record
Posted: 21 May, 2022 @ 2:27am

I expected this game to be mediocre, and I was disappointed.

Graphics: The backgrounds and CGs are fine, but good lord is the sprite art ugly. I think it's mostly an issue of colouring, with weird desaturated colours that don't mesh at all with the art style. The UI isn't outstanding but it's fine, and some of the horror glitch moments are well executed. Overall, not great but could be worse.

Music: Not an OST I'm going to buy, but it wasn't grating either. I think maybe one or two tracks were even pleasant. Perfectly fine.

Characters: Pretty bad. All start out as basic anime archetypes, and I think the author attempted to deconstruct these archetypes by giving them all some kind of trauma that explains why a person might end up that way. However, trauma doesn't automatically make something interesting. Most of the experiences aren't really explored in any way besides "man it would suck if something tragic happened, would probably give you some issues". Moreover, none of the personal routes have any valuable execution; I think the creator attempted to make all the route conclusions purposefully unhealthy to highlight that anime archetypes aren't realistically healthy, but like, nobody needs to be told a tsundere irl would be a problem. It also removes the ability to really feel attached to these characters in any way, I was very apathetic towards them by the end. Even then, it was weird equivocating the borderline abusive/psychotic relationships with one girl who just like, was into BDSM. I dunno, something about all the character routes was just unsatisfying; not in a deep way reflective of life or anything, just kinda hollow.

Main Plot: What a mess. Just about everyone I've seen around here hated the ending, for obvious reasons when you get to it. Some of the character interactions in the first half of the game are at least interesting and did a better job at endearing me to the characters, but it was still pretty meh overall. Even though the ending had plenty of foreshadowing, a lot of the content seems to actively contradict it. Most of the horror just seems there for the shock value, though nothing was very shocking. I don't think predictability is actually a flaw, but it needs to at least have something of some merit beyond that if you want me to care about anything.

Gameplay: I didn't expect a writing masterpiece looking at this game, and honestly (as empty as it was), I think I could have potentially even not regretted playing this just because it left me a fun story to laugh off with friends. But what should have been 2-3 hours of lackluster horror turned into quite a few more (my playtime is inflated due to leaving it open, but it was at least 10 hours I'm sure) of raw tedium. The gift mechanic is annoying, raising stats and the like take so long compared to the little strategy you need that there's no ounce of fun anywhere. Also, there's RNG, meaning if you're doing things efficiently you might be save scumming just so you don't have to slog through this whole game over again. I can't express how boring and repetitive this got, and how it might have even ruined the game for me if the story was actually good. Thankfully, there was nothing really to ruin.

Errors: It ran fine, but there were a few bugs and typos. Nothing game-breaking, but I definitely spotted a small handful. Minus a few you kind of have to be looking for them though.

I don't see any reason to buy this game. It would be mediocre but potentially enjoyable up to the brain-numbing ending to main story and to individual routes, but is further ruined by unnecessary grinding. This game was poorly designed from the ground-up; if you wanted a dating sim that makes you feel sad for the characters and fear their safety, give their routes closure and make them interact in ways beyond cookie-cutter archetypes. If you wanted a fun spooky horror game, don't make me do hours of grinding affection between deaths. I could go on, but honestly even though half the reason I finished this game 100% was to leave an informed review, it left me too tired and spiteful to go on.

I hope that if the creators continue to make new works, they'll go in with a clearer vision of what message they want to leave the readers with and limit their scope. Adding more to a game doesn't always make it better.
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