Melody (Spitfire)
I'll change characters frequently because I can...   Sweden
I'm one of those people where you'll either like me or you won't
- No longer accepting random friend invites. Comment if you want to add me and I'll see if I like you. Please be patient with me if I don't respond. Otherwise, don't add me - I can tell already we won't get along.
Currently Offline
Spitty's Profile

Online - I'm here, ready to talk, however be patient if I don't respond.
Away - I'm away from my laptop, don't bother spamming - It's not like I'm here!
Snooze - I'm away from my laptop for longer than normal - probably accidentally left my Steam online!
Busy - I probably won't ever use this status, but if I do, then I would probably be using it to avoid people~
Offline - Please leave a message after the status *beeeeep* ...I mean *statuuusss*
In-Game - Playing a game, may or may not respond depending on the game and how much I'm into it!

Quit asking me what my real gender is...I get it 1 out of 2 times with each new add and it's got to stop. If I wanted everyone to know it, I would have it on my profile.
Also, speak with the native language of this profile - English. You should have no reason to speak any other language otherwise you wouldn't even be able to read this.

So, I'm Spitfire! My real name I'm not prepared to share until I'm really close with someone (usually my favorite people shown at the bottom of this) and I usually change characters from time to time. I'm happy to roleplay even though I absolutely, hardly, rarely, infrequently, ever do it! But as stated in my summary on top - you either like me or you don't! I've been told many times I'm an enjoyable, smart person and sometimes I'm told that I'm a real ♥♥♥♥, so if you want to get to know me, do add! If not, then piss off~

I also change quite a lot too - I can sometimes be nice, mean, troll-y, or I can even be a giggle to be around, so if you don't like someone who likes to enjoy their own life at will, please refer to the last 3 words of the above paragraph.

Oh and, I usually prioritize my closer friends compared to newer ones , because it's more enjoyable to have a closer friend you can be completely open and 'yourself' to, without having to overload yourself with being easygoing to newcomers, right..?

Lastly, I'm not a typical Steam user, I have a life to attend to . This includes work, family attendance, outside life and much more. So I may not be online much! But when I am, enjoy me the most you can! Because I may never return.

Favorite people (in no particular order):
♥ My Brother (Not mentioning name for reasons) ♥ - For helping me getting my Steam account back (and for sharing your Steam games with me) - you're also my brother ♥
♥ Dusk Aredio ♥ - 5 years of friendship, support, and tons of fun - and counting ♥
♥ Misterchids ♥ - Misterchids: Ah well, better than nothing~ ♥
♥ Moki ♥ - Truly a trustworthy fellow to one that needs it most, really knowledgeable, loveable too ♥
♥ Venator ♥ - Can't be thanked enough for being that extra support when needed ♥
♥ Velocity ♥ - Tyleerrrrrr, you get more hearts because I love you ♥♥♥♥♥
Melody (Spitfire) 8 May, 2014 @ 2:32am 
TheBlackSword© 7 May, 2014 @ 11:21pm 
Accept the invite if you're interested. :3
Melody (Spitfire) 6 May, 2014 @ 2:49pm 
As long as you've read my profile and understood how I work, then go ahead!
toxy 6 May, 2014 @ 2:48pm 
I would like to add you if that's alright.
Melody (Spitfire) 5 May, 2014 @ 8:24am 
No point me getting angry in comments~
Big fish 5 May, 2014 @ 8:03am 
Your commentaries are so soft in it all, it makes me giggle from how cute it actually is.