If you are gonna add me, at least leave a comment. It's a drag when you don't

"When you feel lost and need to make a choice, no matter which path you decide to take, you'll definitely regret it later. Therefore just choose something that makes you happiest right now"

"Don't blame yourself too much...it is the world's fault that thou don't want to work hard, it is thy environments fault that your personality is twisted, it is thy genes fault for being ugly. Don't blame yourself, just push the blame to others"


By fire I burn!
A Certain Magical Fire You Won't Forget
:Gems: My Status :sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire::sapphire:

Online-Talk to me I'm bored!
Away-Talk to me I'm still bored
Busy-Talk to me anyways. I'm too busy being bored
Offline-I'll sleep talk to you! Sleeping is boring

The 7 HOLY Commandments:
Ugh what to put here? 나는 밈 을 사랑 | あいらぶみーむ

Don't leave SpiitFyre
Don't go to college
Don't have any hobbies
Don't get married
Don't get a job
Don't make friends
Don't die
We also gotta bang evey day

:Gems: Book Of Friends (S friends that is)
My favorite letter is S so if you have an S name you get a spot here

...I have no friends....

Great Quotes By Great Dorks

3:55 PM - Sappfire Gems : Are you gonna get married?
3:55 PM - The Jucifer: I am not try for marrige
3:55 PM - Sappfire Gems : Cause I know a perfect lady friend for you
3:55 PM - The Jucifer: if it happens tho
3:55 PM - Sappfire Gems : She's uh 12
3:55 PM - The Jucifer: nice
3:55 PM - The Jucifer: just in my strike zone

My personal favorite

7:05 PM - Sappfire Gems [1+ Sakamoto]: You smell nice
7:05 PM - Sappfire Gems [1+ Sakamoto]: ♥♥♥♥
7:06 PM - Sappfire Gems [1+ Sakamoto]: I didn't mean to say that out loud
7:06 PM - Sappfire Gems [1+ Sakamoto]: (He thinks I am weird now crap)

7:31 PM - The Jucifer: women are the spook
7:31 PM - The Jucifer: 1st hand experience
7:31 PM - The Jucifer: : ^)

"Neet is comfy neet is cool
Neet is free from work and school"

Guida preferita
Some people might have trouble nepping, due to their lack of nepping experience. This guide will teach you how to nep like a nepping pro who neps Nep Neps every day since the early days of nepping.
Blackjack [®…®] 23 feb, ore 16:31 
Hope you are doing well sir. I remember us on TF2. You were always a pretty nice guy. RIP
As a side note, if It's not prudent to ask, what was the cause of death?
Squeegee Cornball 19 set 2024, ore 22:44 
Hi Scott! Another year has come and gone, it's so crazy to think of how much time has passed. As you could see, I wasn't doing too hot but that's alright, we all have our ups and our downs. I've been pretty stabilized since then, things haven't been the best but I'm coming to terms with them. I admittedly drink a bit more than I would like too but I know I'll be able to get passed it, I just have to get back into more positive things. There hasn't been too much change, I've been trying to get back on track, but I feel like I've been saying that quite a few times, that probably means there needs to be change. There's lots of new anime and Konosuba things that I know you would love, I have a ton of games we could have talked about! Well, I think that's about it for this update so I'll be seeing you, Love you buddy
Squeegee Cornball 22 ott 2023, ore 2:09 
I know it hasn't been a year but I'm so sad without you. I wish you were here man. I love you so much and just wish I could talk to you about stuff. Why are you gone Scott, I know this world is ♥♥♥♥ but we could have made it together, I know we could have
Squeegee Cornball 16 set 2023, ore 0:08 
I do have some bad news though, Romino has gone bankrupt recently and with that, the servers to Awesomenauts went down yesterday. I don't know if they'll ever come back up and it hurts me deeply as I felt like Awesomenauts was my last connection with you, but maybe you're giving me a sign, a sign that all good things have to come to an end. I often think about what you're up to and if you ever check up on your friends. I wish I could talk to you about all these things, but I'll have to wait until we meet up again. I'll always hold you close to my heart, I love you buddy, rest easy
Squeegee Cornball 16 set 2023, ore 0:08 
Hi Scott, I was right on time this year! Oh man, so many things have happened this year. I know that I say that every year but it's just so much that I wish you could have seen. It's been a little rough these last few months, I really wish that you could have been here to talk about life with. How have things been where you are? I'm sure that you'd reply with something witty like you always do. Oh, the new Konosuba season is in the works and they even made a spin off anime for Megumin's story! I know you would have loved that so much, it would have been fun to watch it with you.
Dani? 2 ott 2022, ore 17:54 
hi scott!! i forgot to write my yearly steam post but i did write you that letter and hope u saw it! has it really been 1111 days? damn. well, i'm in therapy again and i'm on meds, so i'm trying my best to get better. i've been trying to truly "get" that getting help =/= weakness, and i wish you believed that too. but in happier(???) news, i got a body pillow LOL i know you would've blocked me ironically. but u know, gotta revel in the degeneracy. be happy where you can, yanno? (sometimes u just gotta go into debt for anime girls/boys. bam happiness) i almost dropped out of college, but i just, i'm so close i gotta finish!! i might be taking fake classes at the dub (aka just attending classes there w/o being enrolled), cuz u know, for chaos? idk what my passions are and i feel like i'm just constantly detached, but i want to feel as happy and vivid as i did when we were together. now ik this is when u would push me away for bein sentimental HAHAAH but its ok. i love u always <3