Vojtěch :)   Jihocesky Kraj, Czech Republic
"Čemu se tlemíš ty trpajzlíku?" - Erathova máma - 26. 7. 2017 ve 23:02
"Leteckej kamijon" - Já - 26. 7. 2017 ve 23:31
"Aura nadrženosti" - Já - 4. 8. 2017 v 1:14
"Znalosti magie: bla bla bla... Autismus" - Thaly - 5. 8. 2017 někdy bůh ví kdy..
"Počkej.. To máš reakční čas umírající opice?!" - Miky seřval Eratha - 26. 8.
2017 v 0:33
"Umm.. Němci dostali nějakej novej tank... Nějakej Beglehegle...lul"
"Letadla.. Fůůůůůůj" - největší píčovina kterou jsem vypustil z huby - 15.5.2020 ve 23:52
"Žádný hentai!!!" - Pjótr
"Každý dobrý pilot MUSÍ být jednou sestřelen! - Peta from 417. RCT - citát tisíciletí


My family: “why do you play video games so much?”

Me: “when I play a video game, I can be anything I want; I can be an assassin roaming the streets during the times of two violent and bloody revolutions. I can be an ace pilot protecting London during World War 2. I can be the captain of a magnificent ship. I can command armies, control fleets, and be whoever I choose. Good or bad. With gaming I also have a family of millions of people, just like me. Millions of people across the world who, if they see me wearing an Assassin’s Creed necklace, will recognize me as a fellow fan, and possibly even a friend.” :healthyhearthling:
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LazyTripin23 2019년 12월 24일 오전 2시 52분 
:winter2019happybulb: Šťastné a veselé Vánoce přeje LazyTripin23 :winter2019happybulb:
Durdek 2018년 11월 4일 오전 3시 11분 
+rep Zníčil jen 2 letadla:theskull:, Signed by Durdek:critical:
The Crystal's Everglow 2018년 1월 16일 오전 8시 12분 
{링크가 삭제되었습니다} 4 CS:GO CASES = 1 CS:GO KEY (csgotradecases . online)
commandercz3 2017년 12월 23일 오전 11시 15분 
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████ ██(░░░)██ ████
████ █████████ ███
████ ████░████ ███
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____ (████)_(████)▓▓▓▓▓)
Šťastné,veselé a bohaté vánoce
kralik43 2017년 10월 28일 오전 4시 33분 
ErathCz 2017년 9월 30일 오후 12시 46분 
█▌███▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▐░░▄▓▓███▓▓▓▄▀▐█ Doge for Pajníno! :104::emofdr: