Discord: songoku9711

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Favorite Guide
Created by - iNilo
391 ratings
This guide explains how to bind buying without the usage of the tablet in dangerzone. If you are a new player, or an experienced player, buying stuff on the go, mid air, mid bump, these binds come in handy. Not whipping out your tablet, means no obstructio
when a man learns to feel love he must also bear the risk of feeling hate

Crosshairs: CSGO-r4Zja-RFAUH-2SQ5S-32DmM-nPUnB


It's not my fault I keep dying,bullets are just attracted to me :steamsad:

1.Console Code for Uploading Artwork:

document.getElementsByName("image_width")[0].value = 999999;document.getElementsByName("image_height")[0].value = 1;

How to upload steam artwork

2.For Net graph: net_graph 1
3.check server: type in cosole -status
4.For AFK: +right / -right
5.Radar Voice: bind c ''getout''
6.Radar Voice: bind l "playerradio deathcry Moan"

type say in console for chat

:100lit: Record Your Gameplay By this:
* shift+F2
* sv_cheats 1
*mat_postprocess enable 0
*fog_enable 0
*fog_override 1
*cl_draw only death notices 1
*fov_csdebug 100

:100lit:To play music in csgo voice chat,use SLAM []

1.exec slam
2.exec slam_tracklist
press bind key

🔗Console commands to copy paste

r_drawtracers "0" (provides best fps)
r_drawtracers_firstperson "0" (provides best fps, some prefer "1" for easier recoil)
r_dynamic "0" (another big fps boost)

launch options to reduce latency and improve connection in csgo
+cl_interp 0
+cl_interp_ratio 1
+cl_updaterate 128
+cl_forcepreload 1

For practice dz:

game_mode 0; game_type 6; map dz_mapname (Frostbite, Sirocco, Blacksite)

sv_cheats 1 (allows you to type in other commands)

mp_warmup_pausetimer 1 (changes the warmup to be infinite in length)

sv_dz_parachute_reuse 0 (turns off the parachute in warm-up, after one use)

sv_infinite_ammo 1 (unlimited bump mines)

exojump (gives you exojump)

give weapon_bumpmine (gives you bump mines)

give weapon_knife (gives you a knife)

God ( Infinity health)

bonus: bind space "+djump; -duck"; alias +djump "+jump; +duck"; alias -djump "-jump; -duck"
cl_parachute_autodeploy 0

Danger zone buy commands :::

bind "end" "use weapon_tablet; tabletbuy_open; tabletbuy_buy_drone_drone_upgrade_purchase; slot3;say_team fast_drones"
bind "pgdn" "use weapon_tablet; tabletbuy_open; tabletbuy_buy_drone_knife_purchase; slot3;say_team bought knife"
bind uparrow "use weapon_tablet; tabletbuy_open; tabletbuy_buy_drone_armor_purchase; slot3; say_team bought armor"
bind leftarrow "use weapon_tablet; tabletbuy_open; tabletbuy_buy_drone_ammo_purchase; slot3; say_team bought ammo"
bind downarrow "use weapon_tablet; tabletbuy_open; tabletbuy_buy_drone_healthshot_purchase; slot3; say_team bought medi"
bind rightarrow "use weapon_tablet; tabletbuy_open; tabletbuy_buy_drone_mobility_purchase; slot3; say_team bought bumps"
bind "del" "use weapon_tablet; tabletbuy_open; tabletbuy_buy_drone_highres_upgrade_purchase; slot3; say_team bought highRes Yellow Tablet"
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S'yn 22 Feb @ 10:08am 
Just keep pushing
AM I SMURF? Trade Banned 26 Dec, 2023 @ 7:17pm 
accept trade
⚔️ BumpOnMe 💯 1 Dec, 2023 @ 7:25am 
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Dream_Haunter10 12 Nov, 2023 @ 11:38am 
+rep trader:):vanilla2:
BeefSupreme2003 8 Nov, 2023 @ 4:52am 
i sign the whole page for you :D no need to thank me