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Reseñas recientes de Hak-en-Slash

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16.3 h registradas (11.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Wizard With a Gun is an excellent game so far. The atmosphere and aesthetics of it are perfect and the game-play loop is unique (at least to me). The game isn't hard or complex, but I don't think that is an issue. Not every game needs to be highly intricate or exceedingly difficult. This game thrives and be a chill experience exploring a bizarre, rapidly self-destructing world.

The only downsides right now is that it is a little low on the total content. Luckily it looks like the devs are actively working on adding more to the game. I see some people complaining that the game is "unfinished" but the core mechanics are all their and functional and the current content is well crafted and entertaining. If your on the fence about the game, wait for some content updates and/or a sale, but I find the $25 price tag to be perfectly acceptable for what the game has to offer.
Publicada el 29 de octubre de 2023. Última edición: 29 de octubre de 2023.
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9.3 h registradas
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Dread Delusion is a wonderful combination of floating islands and cosmic horror. It has some cool looking areas and engaging quests with complex moral choices and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time spent playing the game thus far.

The important thing to note about this game is that it is very much unfinished. there are around 14 questions that you can do, all but 2 or 3 of which are able to be completed right now. Your in for a bout 9-10 hours of gameplay as it stands right now, which is a bit on the low end. Given these things, the current price of the game is a bit steep (I recommend waiting for a sale, or more content to be added), however, it is far from a scam. I can see the potential here and I hope that we can see the game expand to 10 times it's current size with more, complex quests and more secrets to explore. The devs are on to something here, and I think they are very close to creating a truly fantastic game.
Publicada el 6 de enero de 2023.
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23.3 h registradas (10.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Absolutely incredible. I can't say much more with out giving spoilers.
Publicada el 10 de enero de 2022.
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0.9 h registradas
Short version: game has no challenge or strategy to it which makes it uninteresting to me as a rogue-lite game. It does however have a very beautiful art style, so if you like pretty games and care a bit less about being challenged then get this game, especially if it is on sale.

I got this on sale and only played it a bit, so take this review with a grain of salt, I might change my opinion if i play it more in the future. My problem with this game is that, despite being a rogue-lite, it is not challenging it all. I beat it on my very first game without any trouble what soever. The monsters were easy to kill/avoid, the final boss was interesting but trivial to do. I probably could have beaten it without any upgrades (stats or otherwise) and the only difference would be the time it took. For me, at least, I play rogue-like games for a sense of challenge and strategy, this game doesn't seem to really have either and so I just can't recommend it in good faith. What this game does have going for it is a fantastic art style on par with games like Hades.
Publicada el 8 de noviembre de 2021.
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8.8 h registradas (4.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Game good! max item stack is 69 and the mushrooms are named after ligma jokes. One of the ores insults your mom, and another ore is called obamium. Also the textures are funny looking. 8/10

(more legitimate review found below)

I was really frustrated with this game when I first played it cause even on easy I would just die when the first boss monster spawned. After more recent runs, I figured out that I am, in fact, an idiot and just wasn't watching what the attacks did. After figuring that out and learning how to rush good equipment I began to understand the game. Because of this I am beginning to understand why this game is popular. basically it strips away a bunch of fluff and art from traditional rogue-likes and just focuses on a strong survival combat focus instead. Also, be very careful of summoning enemies with shrines later in the game, it can lead to very bad things.
Publicada el 20 de julio de 2021. Última edición: 30 de noviembre de 2021.
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17.9 h registradas
It’s really sad to see how much hate this game gets. It feels like people have unrealistic expectations for a game made by one guy and his wife. The original version of the game came out more than 7 years ago, the time gap wasn’t laziness, it was primarily due to the sheer amount of hate mail he got because he wasn’t adding content to the game fast enough. Why was the content added slow? A the start of cube worlds orginal launch, the website that it sold it was brought down by hackers due to the incredible popularity that the project had garnered. This attack really freaked out the creator to the point where wphe lost a bunch of motivation to work on the game. This, along with the excessive hate mail about the time between updates, led to the creator losing just about all motivation to work on it. I know that this game didn’t end up being what the community hoped for, but the hate attached is honestly unwarranted. This is a perfectly functional game.
Publicada el 19 de julio de 2021.
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21.8 h registradas (8.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Dorfromantik is a beautifully simple and relaxing tile-placing puzzle game. Every tile placement gives points depending on a set of rules that are simple enough to learn on your own, but complex enough to keep the game interesting.

I personally don't know why I got this game, as I usually avoid puzzle games as they confuse me greatly. That being said, i am very glad to have picked this up as it is quite fun to theorize the perfect placement of every tile.
Publicada el 9 de julio de 2021.
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24.4 h registradas (17.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
ScourgeBringer is a brutally difficult, heavy metal-filled Roguelike with a very smooth and fluid combat system. After you get used to the controls, get a few upgrades, and learn enemy patterns you start to feel like your playing a very deadly version of pinball and it's honestly glorious.
Publicada el 8 de julio de 2021.
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136.0 h registradas (66.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Extremely difficult and very fun, Noita takes a new stab at the Roguelike genre by introducing one of the most complex physics engine I have seen so far. Oh, and don't go thinking that it is simply a linear game, there is much more too it that can take hours to discover.
Publicada el 25 de noviembre de 2020.
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197.9 h registradas (140.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This game is spicy in two ways....
1: it is pretty fun
2: it hurts like the good hot salsa at your favorite mexican restuarant

(I have no idea what prompt me to write this review like this but I am not removing it)
Publicada el 30 de noviembre de 2018.
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