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HHOOO BOY where do I begin with this hellish master piece?

Project Zomboid ISN'T for everyone, But it is one of the few games I HIGHLY recommend if you enjoy zombie games that get you immersed but are challenging and brutal.


Zomboid is a wonderful game, it isn't perfect but it is very good. It can hand you your ass on a silver platter in one second, then the next provide relief and support, be it being lucky and finding that sole car with gas and a key in the glove box to help get you away from the horde lumbering behind you, To finding a katana impaled in a survivor long forgotten by time. It can give and it can take, and no matter how mad you get..its addicting..it can be quite unfair but at times your own over cockiness or comfortableness with your main character of the group you made called roger, who ended being your groups main protagonist only for them to get deathly ill not from a bite but ill and not able to recover who took his own life leading the zombies from your friends and to the church to help keep them safe has all the more impact and being your own undoing and fault, not the undeads.

It's these experiences that draw us back..isn't it?...that each scenario that could happen..that each situation can be so different and special that it can feel cinematic at times. Where we can hand craft our own experiences and share them, the customization possibilities of zomboid through mods and base game are endless. You could even get a whole knew map and pretend you're in russia.

The dev's are still working hard on zomboid, the next update even promising npcs, and a lot of world building stuff, yes it has its bugs, Yes it can be janky...but honestly it doesn't fully break the games and times it does..but that's what makes it lovable. I give zomboid a 10, it has work to be done that is true, but something great is coming out of this game, I can feel it.
Skrevet: 3. oktober 2023.
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--My Honest Review for Sonic Frontiers--

As a long running sonic fan since I was 10 or 11 I've seen my fair share of sonic games. From the mega collection plus and normal. To Sonic adventure's 1 and 2 to unleashed, 06 which frankly I grew up playing and oddly developing it's a so bad it's good relationship with it. To forces and mania and now frontiers. Not to mention all the countless spin off's and DS games I own of it. Warning this will contain spoilers

Let's start off with what I enjoyed. I did like the new turn that the sonic team where doing. Going back to adventure one's style of free roaming the hub world/islands collecting numerous item's and over all exploration, and the addition/mention of spoilers ahead of tangle and sticks. Really surprised me the island's where beautiful and the ability to travel around how you wished was nice, weither you did all the gates and teleported, rode the rails, or got yourself to max rings and ran there yourself which was my personal favorite. The music for some parts was amazing especially the titan fights which had me on the edge of my chair and rooting for sonic during the ending cut scenes of the boss fight's. The new mechanic choice for super sonic and normal sonic was my newest and most favorite choice for how we all imagined super sonic and normal sonic as kids, laying the smack down on foe's with punches and kick's and every move in his arsenal that he's learned instead of just boosting into them. I enjoyed that this game wasn't boost heavy and that boosting didn't really hurt enemy's to me I have always saw it as a form of movement for sonic and not as a way to attack enemies.

Now for my dislikes. Sonic at max speed felt alittle slow, even with max speed if you had max rings at base level one speed he still moves the same. I understand you can adjust the speed in your menu but i had everything speed wise crancked up high and I'm fully aware they didn't want sonic too fast for the player to control but its a very unhealthy balance, especially how slow he moves in cyberspace. yes I'm looking at you island 4 with a lot of your complete this long stage in under 1:30 even with the short cuts you normally aren't fast enough in certain instances now for the collection part. The collection which at first with the first two island's feels fun and exciting but after the second island it feels a little tiring. I understand it was built that way to increase play time but having to collect 200 wrenches just to talk to tails once was...very much, to say the least. Now on to the final boss, The super sonic part of it felt cool I guess..the game had tossed a lot of flashy really cool bosses with banger music at me for the first half so hearing that I was about to fight "The End" I was extremely excited. I got to the fight how ever..It was..iffy the music felt..lack luster, the song I'm here..didn't hit as hard for me as the others did it didn't give the sense of struggle or this is a serious matter or LETS KICK THIS THINGS ASS as alot of sonic monster of the week music does this was a new formula and that is ok nothing is perfect. Attack the triangles until the boss attacks parry then attack. Then add the boss moving around with no way to do anything consistent to it. It felt drawn out, then the first phase was defeated, I thought okay space fight this might be cooler but all it was is a bullet hell, I give them points for trying newer thing's. Now we move onto sage, her sacrifice didn't have the same impact as chip I'm sorry to say this. You hardly know much about her she is considered eggman's daughter and I was happy that she came back and was considered his daughter and what not..but we didn't get much time to know her beside's, her hating sonic and refusing his help CONSTANTLY. I understand that was the whole point of her character but there come's a point where it's annoying. We barely know who she is, barely get much character development besides oh I'm good now and I hate you sonic. If we wanted a character who hated sonic we might aswell have had surge instead of sage. If sega would of used I dunno lets say Shadow or some of the cast who's memories got wiped, worked with eggman and then had sonic through him being himself remember why they became his friends and had atleast someone give up their life to help him out during the final fight without anyway of coming back then it would of been more impactful. They could of even had the newer side villan be surge and have her just causing issues for sonic all over the island, that would of been a great introduction to the comic characters instead of a slight hint/ mention in the game. My final thought is that i wish they used a model more similar to the 06 model. The more realistic style, tone would of fit it perfectly instead of the unleashed model they have been using, ethier way the model looks fantastic in game. I have a small gripe about the minibosses/ taking damaged shouldn't just make you lose all your rings at once. I get it its a sonic game but its annoying to get a lucky shot hit from a mini boss or enemy and loose your speed entierly.

Sonic frontier's is a good game its not amazingly great but its pretty good. I'll give it a 7.9 out of 10. Its worth the play and i highly recommend sitting down to play it

Skrevet: 7. marts 2023.
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forth an for most.

The people complaining about how much time it has taken the game to release the newer chapters, complaining about the DLC and so on and so forth. The dev's have mentioned that they where releasing the DLC content in 7 to 8 weeks inter-voles which gives them time to make good content. Same goes for winter mute. They wish to make good content and not crunch times on it. Some are just angry cause they got a 20 dollar DLC and dont have all the content now which was clearly stated to be a 12 month process. And if you dont like the DLC alot of the new varaints will come to base game from what Ive seen. Lotta yall are just impatient as hell.

Now for the actual review

I have been following the Long Dark since its early days. I will confess Ive seen my far share of bug's in the game and some quite noticeable things too. I did quite enjoy the story mode, I always felt like i was on my own adventure on my way to each story objective or mark..sometimes I'd have to recover from a wolf fight after having fought over a dead deer with it, to waiting out a storm or blizzard in a house or having to brave it cause I didn't making to a cave or my objective in time before it hit. I always felt immersed, the lack of animations of grabbing things and being able a second to look at what I picked up never felt like it was Mackenzie picking it up but rather myself. Its slow snow falls to its over spralling mountian over looks made it very pretty and gained a special place in my heart. The slow quiet somber walks are quite nice and comforting like a calm to the dangerous world whenever I was fully warm, fed, well rested. It was nice little breaks before getting pulled back into the situation your faced with. I did quite enjoy some parts of the story. My favorite momments was with grey mother after her quest line.

I do heavily enjoy this game but it is certainly not for everyone. The story mode can slow for alot of people who are used to COD's fast paced actions or the use of fast travel or other games that constantly have you on your feet and your attention fully focused. This is not a futureristic shooter or a current gen game where you can be at your destination. It requires long walks back through previous regions or area's. This game is all about survival. What you have to do to survive in its world and unless you play through the story will not lead you by hand if you play sandbox first, it is brutal unless you pick pilgrim. It's slow but that's how walking on foot through alot of area's really is. It makes you understand that cars aren't of use anymore and you must do it yourself. But as i mentioned it is not for everyone and that is fine, I do think the story could be re written here and there..a few game play bugs like the saved states of past games could be fixed and few other's but i do rate this game highly to people who are interested in this kinda topic and do not mind the slow atmospheric trects through several area's while fighting off the cold and the wild life

Skrevet: 18. december 2022.
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my most fav game ver takes longer to get hats but i love it X3
Skrevet: 26. februar 2014.
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