^$l!mJ!m^ #Drunk
Bobby   New Jersey, United States
~ Surf_Utopia_V3 - Normal / Gold Knife - World Records ~

TangoWorldWide | ^$l!mJ!m^ finished * Backwards * in [00:53:53]. Improving their best time by [-00:01:54]. [Rank: 1/1 | Record: 00:53:53]
TangoWorldWide | ^$l!mJ!m^ beat the * Backwards * map record!

Obtained on 5/12/19 @ 5:54 PM in TangoWorldWide Surf Server!

>>>>>>> Newest Time: 49:xx ( Obtained Jan 2nd 2020 ) <<<<<<<


Also Have a 00:54:xx on AstroGaming using gold knife Surf_Utopia_v3 [ 5/10/19 ]


I don't have a filter and I say whatever is on my mind. If I hurt your feelings i'm sorry, but Man Up ♥♥♥♥♥!!!! =]


Since people always ask me... I've been playing Counter Strike for 16+ Years. My steam account alone is 16+ years old. I've Been playing since like CS 1.4-1.5 and Up days. I use to play semi-pro in the old school leagues back in the early 2000's. Use to be one of the better AWPers that were around back then. Now I'm Just mehhhh... Still love my AWP Tho =] Used to be higher ranked but I dnt really play comp much anymore!! Once in a very blue moon I will tho.

I also enjoy surfing backwards out of pure boredom and the challenge it brings lol


>>>>>>> [ One of my favorite quotes / lyrics ] <<<<<<<<

I Drink More Liquor To F*ck You Up Quicker, Then You'd Wanna F*ck Me Up For Saying The Word ______! - Eminem


I Played in CAL-O / CAL-M / CAL-Invite leagues for 1.6 and CZ, and practiced/played with CAL-I / Pro Teams and Players.. ( CAL was Cyber Amateur League, the old school 5v5 leagues before what we have today in CS:GO / Such as: Faceit / ESEA / etc.. )
*CAL-I = Invite ( best players at the time were invited only )
Played with team Rock Out/ ROWYGO ( also known as Rock Out With Your Glock Out )
Currently Offline
Recent Activity
785 hrs on record
last played on 12 Apr, 2021
95 hrs on record
last played on 10 Apr, 2021
6.8 hrs on record
last played on 10 Apr, 2021
Lushy 1 Jan @ 12:50pm 
Lushy 20 Jul, 2021 @ 6:46pm 
I miss u so much my sweet chicken 😭😭😭
Lushy 30 Mar, 2021 @ 2:47am 
I love you!
Jesus is God 26 Jan, 2019 @ 9:24am 
I beat my time! http://prntscr.com/mcizfo
Patriote 24 Jan, 2019 @ 9:44am 
Applesauce from my butt
Shattered 17 Oct, 2012 @ 5:17pm