Smoku Znad Potoku
Jacek Sokołowski   Wroclaw, Poland
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:DJSkully: DJ Skully mój bohater :D :DJSkully:
:Horzine: Teraz moim bohaterem jest D.A.R. :uQD: :Horzine:

"Le­piej żeby mnie niena­widzi­li ta­kim, ja­ki jes­tem, niż kocha­li ko­goś, kim nigdy nie będę."

I am master of my own fate

:halberd: Halabarda bardzo twarda, na kuszników idealna :halberd:
:shsword: A Mieczników wyślij śmiało na łuczników :shsword:
:shcsword: A tych wyślij do piachu, bo nie czuć przy nich ni krzty strachu. A, no i są słabi i wolni :x :shcsword:

May the Scribe be with you :shcscribe:

No co tu dużo gadać, Steam kazał mi napisać, że lubię placki, to prawda, ale ja dużo bardziej wolę żelki :D

PS Mam bardzo bardzo dobry komputer, ale co kogo to obchodzi xD Grunt, że wszystko na ultra poleci :D
(Co prawda to było napisane jakieś 5 lat temu, ale ćśśśś xDD)

PS2 Mam na nowo zajebisty komputer :uHero:
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LEGO® Harry Potter™ - Putting to sleep a big green dragon :D
69 4
O mnie - About me
Killing Floor (5/5)
- :Horzine:, :Clot:, :MrFoster:, :DJSkully:, :Dosh:
Killing Floor 2 (5/5)
- :Batcat:, :Alberts:, :Fistofdosh:, :Fleshpound:, :Sadclot:
Left 4 Dead 2 (5/5)
- :health:, :tank:, :boomer:, :chainsaw:, :witch:
Shot Shot Tactic (5/5)
- :sstbomb:, :sstaid:, :sstgun1:, :sstgun2:, :sstpistol:
Stronghold Crusader HD (5/5)
- :shcflag:, :shcsword:, :shcshield:, :shcscribe:, :richard:
Stronghold (5/5)
- :shflag:, :shsword:, :shshield:, :halberd:, :thewolf:
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition (10/10)
- :tq_cory:, :tq_hpot:, :tq_mpot:, :tq_sword:, :tq_spell:, :tq_hero:, :tq_trap:, :tq_lich:, :tq_wolf:, :tq_gorgon:
GooCubelets 2 (6/6)
- :blinkygoo:, :excitedgoo:, :sadgoo:, :dizzygoo:, :happygoo:, :santchezgoo:
Red Risk (5/5)
- :InfectedHand:, :JasonsFireAxe:, :RedInfected:, :InfectedHead:, :FearMe:
- Arcane Raise - (10/10)
- :reddanger:, :cvlt:, :bluequestion:, :heartblue:, :trix:, :foe:, :allseeing:, :heartgold:, :trixx:, :heartred:
A Detective's Novel (5/5)
- :ADNquestion:, :ADNmansion:, :ADNalert:, :ADNFeather:, :ADN:
Divinity: Original Sin 2 (5/5)
- :dos2skull:, :dos2barrel:, :dos2ring:, :dos2teddy:, :dos2dagger:
Pixel Puzzles Ultimate (10/10)
- :HintToken:, :SingleCog:, :UltimateGhost:, :UltimateBadge:, :Cogpiece:, :DLBrainBadge:, :GoldKoi:, :OrangeKoi:, :UltimatePiece:, :UltimateStar:
Unbox (5/5)
- :uWildCard:, :uBounce:, :uQD:, :uZippie:, :uHero:
$1 Ride (5/5)
- :TripleBoomer:, :PinkBoomer:, :RideRocket:, :PinkDestroyer:, :RadarMissile:
- Arcane preRaise - (9/9)
- :thecurse:, :affliction:, :roflo:, :lolo:, :downvoted:, :nuker:, :upvoted:, :cutey:, :lmao:
- Arcane RERaise - (8/8)
- :skul:, :heartg:, :heartgr:, :heartb:, :verybad:, :good:, :heartp:, :heartpr:
1,000 Heads Among the Trees (5/5)
- :skullstatue:, :straydog:, :runningkid:, :owlstatue:, :bruja:
The Steam Awards - 2017 (6/6)
- :2017cat:, :2017meatball:, :2017eyeball:, :2017catheart:, :2017trophy:, :2017tp:
16bit Trader (5/5)
- :retro_hourglass:, :retro_beer:, :retro_diamonds:, :retro_wagon:, :retro_questionMark:
BitMaster (5/5)
- :bmnick:, :bmkick:, :bmvick:, :bmpick:, :bmvzhick:
AI: Rampage (5/5)
- :_The_Robot_:, :_Rock_:, :The_Green_Crate_:, :The_Blue_Crate:, :The_Vehicle:
Reset 1-1 (5/5)
- :Reset_Coin:, :Reset_Evil:, :Reset_Key:, :Reset_Star:, :Reset_Grave:
Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri (5/5)
- :Pipe1:, :UnionStation:, :Robot1:, :PlanetBrahma:, :Captaingailhat:
Tomb Joe (5/5)
- :TombJoe:, :TombJoe4:, :TombJoe2:, :TombJoe3:, :TombJoe5:
Data Hacker: Reboot (6/6)
- :MercenaryRush:, :Bloom:, :Magalixir:, :DataCore:, :Familiar:, :SpiritCore:
Lup (5/5)
- :LupSig:, :LupLegend:, :RedLupGem:, :LupCoin:, :RareLupGem:
Desolate Wastes: Vendor Chronicles (5/5)
- :HeadExploded:, :AK47Gun:, :CashMoneys:, :Vodka:, :Oooops:
Blaite (5/5)
- :stairsb:, :torchb:, :blaite:, :batblack:, :spongy:
Mahjong Magic Journey (6/6)
- :mmj_silent:, :mmj_curious_egg:, :mmj_sleepy_elf:, :mmj_yeti:, :mmj_diamond:, :mmj_unicorn:
PulseCharge (5/5)
- :ranks:, :leftrelic:, :rightrelic:, :rejuvenationrelic:, :anjusmile:
Drift (Over) Drive (5/5)
- :DoDUTurn:, :DoDStahp:, :Slippery:, :Workforce:, :SlipperyBlue:
A Long Road Home (5/5)
- :drooling:, :whatisthat:, :iamevil:, :loveatfirstsight:, :nerdattack:
ANKI (5/5)
- :Anki:, :BlackBone:, :Crystalo:, :Saw:, :WhiteAngel:
Abrix for kids (5/5)
- :smallwatch:, :nastygnome:, :gnomecoin:, :antignomebomb:, :antignomelaser:
Absoloot (5/5)
- :get_lost:, :good_shot:, :ok_abs:, :heart_abs:, :shotgun_abs:
Adventures On The Polluted Islands (5/5)
- :pisleepy:, :picurious:, :piangry:, :piscared:, :pistars:
Deep Blue (5/5)
- :deepblueball:, :bluesaturn:, :yellowbox:, :kyanite:, :purpletentacle:
Intergalactic Steam Summer Sale (7/7)
- :2018salienpsychic:, :2018salienbeast1:, :2018saliengoo1:, :2018ship:, :2018raygun:, :2018salienbeast2:, :2018saliengoo2:
VoxreD (5/5)
- :voxredhp:, :redamanita:, :voxredface:, :voxredsuper:, :voxredtroll:
Dark Passenger (5/5)
- :BlindMan:, :Skull_Head:, :Mad_Scientist:, :Bleedingeyes:, :Humanexp:
Age of Steel: Recharge (5/5)
- :upgr:, :rpr:, :gturret:, :build:, :expl:
Agent Awesome (5/5)
- :baconbomb:, :hackgrenade:, :aaevil:, :aahealth:, :aapistol:
Akin (5/5)
- :akinGrey:, :akinDouble:, :akinOrange:, :akinBlue:, :akinTeleport:
Conjuntalia (10/10)
- :qpasapapu:, :sonrisa:, :cool_:, :griin:, :VVofTalia:, :EofTalia:, :Beso:, :Cerberus814:, :LoveTalia:, :Subxanima:
Bunny & Piggy (7/7)
- :sweetcarrots:, :tastyacorn:, :pinkpiggy:, :sharkattack:, :squarebunny:, :happysnake:, :hungrycrab:
Clockwise (5/5)
- :ClockwiseBulb:, :ClockwiseBook:, :ClockwiseClock:, :ClockwiseKey:, :ClockwiseGear:
The Maze : Endless nightmare (6/6)
- :maze_sword:, :maze_spider:, :torch_maze:, :maze_arch:, :maze_coin:, :maze_skull:
Crimson Sword Saga: The Peloran Wars (5/5)
- :GlassesCSS:, :SleepCSS:, :ConfuseCSS:, :MuteCSS:, :ParalyzeCSS:
The Steam Winter Sale - 2018 (56/56)
- :cozyhitman2:, :cozyspaceengineersa:, :cozynekros:, :cozycsgoctwhite:, :cozysottr:, :cozyps2tr:, :cozymhw:, :cozywowscap:, :cozyvalkyr:, :cozyfallout4:, :cozyps2nc:, :cozybrawlhalla5:, :cozypoevaal:, :cozyspaceengineersc:, :cozydbd:, :cozynier:, :2018spacefox:, :2018bestaward:, :2018bestcoffee:, :2018thebesteye:, :cozybethesda:, :cozybrawlhalla1:, :cozybrawlhalla2:, :cozybrawlhalla3:, :cozybrawlhalla4:, :cozybrawlhalla6:, :cozybrawlhalla7:, :cozycastondeath:, :cozycrashfish:, :cozydarkseer:, :cozyhoi4eagle:, :cozyjunimogreen:, :cozykcdaxe:, :cozykcdknight:, :cozyklei:, :cozynms:, :cozyovercooked2:, :cozypaladinsbmbk:, :cozypoechris:, :cozypoesad:, :cozypoewitch:, :cozyprodman:, :cozyps2vs:, :cozyrealmroyale:, :cozyroe2:, :cozytreshcone:, :cozywolfensteinII:, :cozywolfmedalion:, :cozywowsship:, :cozyroe3:, :cozyroe:, :cozyskyrimvr:, :cozysmitedaji:, :cozyspaceengineersb:, :cozyteddymoo:, :cozytf2mug:
Lunar 2019 (12/12)
- :lunar2019grinningpig:, :lunar2019deadpanpig:, :lunar2019crylaughingpig:, :lunar2019laughingpig:, :lunar2019coolpig:, :lunar2019shockedpig:, :lunar2019piginablanket:, :lunar2019sleepingpig:, :lunar2019madpig:, :lunar2019scowlingpig:, :lunar2019wavingpig:, :lunar2019smilingpig:
Spring Cleaning 2019 (4/4)
- :cleandino:, :cleanfloppy:, :cleancake:, :cleanseal:
The Steam Awards - 2021 (8/8)
- :laughing_yeti:, :sleepy_yeti:, :happy_yeti:, :dazed_yeti:, :crying_yeti:, :angry_yeti:, :heart_eyes_yeti:, :surprised_yeti:
The Steam Awards 2022 (5/5)
- :sadstar2022:, :shockedstar2022:, :happystar2022:, :angrystar2022:, :coolstar2022:
Trưng bày đánh giá
+ Automatyczny Trader? JEST
+ Możliwość zmiany kolorów? JEST
+ Łatwy do połączenia się Multiplayer? JEST
+ Dodatkowe kampanie? SĄ
+ Działający warsztat (w tym legitne mapy)? JEST

Ta gra nie ma minusów.

Teraz tylko czekać na Twierdzę Krzyżowiec!
Trò chơi yêu thích
Hoạt động gần đây
45 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 24 Thg02
139 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 24 Thg02
60 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 24 Thg02
Dread 6 Thg02 @ 9:24am 
Hey, I have been checking humble games steam group on steam and have seen your account, added you to trade some humble bundle extras, maybe fanatical stuff, I can offer some games from your wishlist for a few old bundled games I am looking for
Obnbo 10 Thg09, 2023 @ 3:33pm 
Kox ziom:happyhakon:
JAY JAY 8 Thg07, 2023 @ 8:34am 
+rep Niezły z niego Facet
TRNSKI 1 Thg11, 2022 @ 3:53pm 
Fajny smok z ciebie pozdrawiam xD
Johnny_K 22 Thg10, 2022 @ 7:34am 
good guys for exchange nice trade thanks man :2016trophy:
Smoku Znad Potoku 29 Thg06, 2022 @ 9:09am 