Smoku Znad Potoku
Jacek Sokołowski   Wroclaw, Poland
My YouTube channel
My KF2 stats! []

:DJSkully: DJ Skully mój bohater :D :DJSkully:
:Horzine: Teraz moim bohaterem jest D.A.R. :uQD: :Horzine:

"Le­piej żeby mnie niena­widzi­li ta­kim, ja­ki jes­tem, niż kocha­li ko­goś, kim nigdy nie będę."

I am master of my own fate

:halberd: Halabarda bardzo twarda, na kuszników idealna :halberd:
:shsword: A Mieczników wyślij śmiało na łuczników :shsword:
:shcsword: A tych wyślij do piachu, bo nie czuć przy nich ni krzty strachu. A, no i są słabi i wolni :x :shcsword:

May the Scribe be with you :shcscribe:

No co tu dużo gadać, Steam kazał mi napisać, że lubię placki, to prawda, ale ja dużo bardziej wolę żelki :D

PS Mam bardzo bardzo dobry komputer, ale co kogo to obchodzi xD Grunt, że wszystko na ultra poleci :D
(Co prawda to było napisane jakieś 5 lat temu, ale ćśśśś xDD)

PS2 Mam na nowo ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ komputer :uHero:
Gablota zrzutów ekranu
Gablota wideo
LEGO® Harry Potter™ - Putting to sleep a big green dragon :D
69 4
O mnie - About me
Killing Floor (5/5)
- :Horzine:, :Clot:, :MrFoster:, :DJSkully:, :Dosh:
Killing Floor 2 (5/5)
- :Batcat:, :Alberts:, :Fistofdosh:, :Fleshpound:, :Sadclot:
Left 4 Dead 2 (5/5)
- :health:, :tank:, :boomer:, :chainsaw:, :witch:
Shot Shot Tactic (5/5)
- :sstbomb:, :sstaid:, :sstgun1:, :sstgun2:, :sstpistol:
Stronghold Crusader HD (5/5)
- :shcflag:, :shcsword:, :shcshield:, :shcscribe:, :richard:
Stronghold (5/5)
- :shflag:, :shsword:, :shshield:, :halberd:, :thewolf:
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition (10/10)
- :tq_cory:, :tq_hpot:, :tq_mpot:, :tq_sword:, :tq_spell:, :tq_hero:, :tq_trap:, :tq_lich:, :tq_wolf:, :tq_gorgon:
GooCubelets 2 (6/6)
- :blinkygoo:, :excitedgoo:, :sadgoo:, :dizzygoo:, :happygoo:, :santchezgoo:
Red Risk (5/5)
- :InfectedHand:, :JasonsFireAxe:, :RedInfected:, :InfectedHead:, :FearMe:
- Arcane Raise - (10/10)
- :reddanger:, :cvlt:, :bluequestion:, :heartblue:, :trix:, :foe:, :allseeing:, :heartgold:, :trixx:, :heartred:
A Detective's Novel (5/5)
- :ADNquestion:, :ADNmansion:, :ADNalert:, :ADNFeather:, :ADN:
Divinity: Original Sin 2 (5/5)
- :dos2skull:, :dos2barrel:, :dos2ring:, :dos2teddy:, :dos2dagger:
Pixel Puzzles Ultimate (10/10)
- :HintToken:, :SingleCog:, :UltimateGhost:, :UltimateBadge:, :Cogpiece:, :DLBrainBadge:, :GoldKoi:, :OrangeKoi:, :UltimatePiece:, :UltimateStar:
Unbox (5/5)
- :uWildCard:, :uBounce:, :uQD:, :uZippie:, :uHero:
$1 Ride (5/5)
- :TripleBoomer:, :PinkBoomer:, :RideRocket:, :PinkDestroyer:, :RadarMissile:
- Arcane preRaise - (9/9)
- :thecurse:, :affliction:, :roflo:, :lolo:, :downvoted:, :nuker:, :upvoted:, :cutey:, :lmao:
- Arcane RERaise - (8/8)
- :skul:, :heartg:, :heartgr:, :heartb:, :verybad:, :good:, :heartp:, :heartpr:
1,000 Heads Among the Trees (5/5)
- :skullstatue:, :straydog:, :runningkid:, :owlstatue:, :bruja:
The Steam Awards - 2017 (6/6)
- :2017cat:, :2017meatball:, :2017eyeball:, :2017catheart:, :2017trophy:, :2017tp:
16bit Trader (5/5)
- :retro_hourglass:, :retro_beer:, :retro_diamonds:, :retro_wagon:, :retro_questionMark:
BitMaster (5/5)
- :bmnick:, :bmkick:, :bmvick:, :bmpick:, :bmvzhick:
AI: Rampage (5/5)
- :_The_Robot_:, :_Rock_:, :The_Green_Crate_:, :The_Blue_Crate:, :The_Vehicle:
Reset 1-1 (5/5)
- :Reset_Coin:, :Reset_Evil:, :Reset_Key:, :Reset_Star:, :Reset_Grave:
Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri (5/5)
- :Pipe1:, :UnionStation:, :Robot1:, :PlanetBrahma:, :Captaingailhat:
Tomb Joe (5/5)
- :TombJoe:, :TombJoe4:, :TombJoe2:, :TombJoe3:, :TombJoe5:
Data Hacker: Reboot (6/6)
- :MercenaryRush:, :Bloom:, :Magalixir:, :DataCore:, :Familiar:, :SpiritCore:
Lup (5/5)
- :LupSig:, :LupLegend:, :RedLupGem:, :LupCoin:, :RareLupGem:
Desolate Wastes: Vendor Chronicles (5/5)
- :HeadExploded:, :AK47Gun:, :CashMoneys:, :Vodka:, :Oooops:
Blaite (5/5)
- :stairsb:, :torchb:, :blaite:, :batblack:, :spongy:
Mahjong Magic Journey (6/6)
- :mmj_silent:, :mmj_curious_egg:, :mmj_sleepy_elf:, :mmj_yeti:, :mmj_diamond:, :mmj_unicorn:
PulseCharge (5/5)
- :ranks:, :leftrelic:, :rightrelic:, :rejuvenationrelic:, :anjusmile:
Drift (Over) Drive (5/5)
- :DoDUTurn:, :DoDStahp:, :Slippery:, :Workforce:, :SlipperyBlue:
A Long Road Home (5/5)
- :drooling:, :whatisthat:, :iamevil:, :loveatfirstsight:, :nerdattack:
ANKI (5/5)
- :Anki:, :BlackBone:, :Crystalo:, :Saw:, :WhiteAngel:
Abrix for kids (5/5)
- :smallwatch:, :nastygnome:, :gnomecoin:, :antignomebomb:, :antignomelaser:
Absoloot (5/5)
- :get_lost:, :good_shot:, :ok_abs:, :heart_abs:, :shotgun_abs:
Adventures On The Polluted Islands (5/5)
- :pisleepy:, :picurious:, :piangry:, :piscared:, :pistars:
Deep Blue (5/5)
- :deepblueball:, :bluesaturn:, :yellowbox:, :kyanite:, :purpletentacle:
Intergalactic Steam Summer Sale (7/7)
- :2018salienpsychic:, :2018salienbeast1:, :2018saliengoo1:, :2018ship:, :2018raygun:, :2018salienbeast2:, :2018saliengoo2:
VoxreD (5/5)
- :voxredhp:, :redamanita:, :voxredface:, :voxredsuper:, :voxredtroll:
Dark Passenger (5/5)
- :BlindMan:, :Skull_Head:, :Mad_Scientist:, :Bleedingeyes:, :Humanexp:
Age of Steel: Recharge (5/5)
- :upgr:, :rpr:, :gturret:, :build:, :expl:
Agent Awesome (5/5)
- :baconbomb:, :hackgrenade:, :aaevil:, :aahealth:, :aapistol:
Akin (5/5)
- :akinGrey:, :akinDouble:, :akinOrange:, :akinBlue:, :akinTeleport:
Conjuntalia (10/10)
- :qpasapapu:, :sonrisa:, :cool_:, :griin:, :VVofTalia:, :EofTalia:, :Beso:, :Cerberus814:, :LoveTalia:, :Subxanima:
Bunny & Piggy (7/7)
- :sweetcarrots:, :tastyacorn:, :pinkpiggy:, :sharkattack:, :squarebunny:, :happysnake:, :hungrycrab:
Clockwise (5/5)
- :ClockwiseBulb:, :ClockwiseBook:, :ClockwiseClock:, :ClockwiseKey:, :ClockwiseGear:
The Maze : Endless nightmare (6/6)
- :maze_sword:, :maze_spider:, :torch_maze:, :maze_arch:, :maze_coin:, :maze_skull:
Crimson Sword Saga: The Peloran Wars (5/5)
- :GlassesCSS:, :SleepCSS:, :ConfuseCSS:, :MuteCSS:, :ParalyzeCSS:
The Steam Winter Sale - 2018 (56/56)
- :cozyhitman2:, :cozyspaceengineersa:, :cozynekros:, :cozycsgoctwhite:, :cozysottr:, :cozyps2tr:, :cozymhw:, :cozywowscap:, :cozyvalkyr:, :cozyfallout4:, :cozyps2nc:, :cozybrawlhalla5:, :cozypoevaal:, :cozyspaceengineersc:, :cozydbd:, :cozynier:, :2018spacefox:, :2018bestaward:, :2018bestcoffee:, :2018thebesteye:, :cozybethesda:, :cozybrawlhalla1:, :cozybrawlhalla2:, :cozybrawlhalla3:, :cozybrawlhalla4:, :cozybrawlhalla6:, :cozybrawlhalla7:, :cozycastondeath:, :cozycrashfish:, :cozydarkseer:, :cozyhoi4eagle:, :cozyjunimogreen:, :cozykcdaxe:, :cozykcdknight:, :cozyklei:, :cozynms:, :cozyovercooked2:, :cozypaladinsbmbk:, :cozypoechris:, :cozypoesad:, :cozypoewitch:, :cozyprodman:, :cozyps2vs:, :cozyrealmroyale:, :cozyroe2:, :cozytreshcone:, :cozywolfensteinII:, :cozywolfmedalion:, :cozywowsship:, :cozyroe3:, :cozyroe:, :cozyskyrimvr:, :cozysmitedaji:, :cozyspaceengineersb:, :cozyteddymoo:, :cozytf2mug:
Lunar 2019 (12/12)
- :lunar2019grinningpig:, :lunar2019deadpanpig:, :lunar2019crylaughingpig:, :lunar2019laughingpig:, :lunar2019coolpig:, :lunar2019shockedpig:, :lunar2019piginablanket:, :lunar2019sleepingpig:, :lunar2019madpig:, :lunar2019scowlingpig:, :lunar2019wavingpig:, :lunar2019smilingpig:
Spring Cleaning 2019 (4/4)
- :cleandino:, :cleanfloppy:, :cleancake:, :cleanseal:
The Steam Awards - 2021 (8/8)
- :laughing_yeti:, :sleepy_yeti:, :happy_yeti:, :dazed_yeti:, :crying_yeti:, :angry_yeti:, :heart_eyes_yeti:, :surprised_yeti:
The Steam Awards 2022 (5/5)
- :sadstar2022:, :shockedstar2022:, :happystar2022:, :angrystar2022:, :coolstar2022:
Gablota recenzji
+ Automatyczny Trader? JEST
+ Możliwość zmiany kolorów? JEST
+ Łatwy do połączenia się Multiplayer? JEST
+ Dodatkowe kampanie? SĄ
+ Działający warsztat (w tym legitne mapy)? JEST

Ta gra nie ma minusów.

Teraz tylko czekać na Twierdzę Krzyżowiec!
Ostatnia aktywność
45 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 24 lutego
60 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 24 lutego
Dread 6 lutego o 9:24 
Hey, I have been checking humble games steam group on steam and have seen your account, added you to trade some humble bundle extras, maybe fanatical stuff, I can offer some games from your wishlist for a few old bundled games I am looking for
Obnbo 10 września 2023 o 15:33 
Kox ziom:happyhakon:
JAY JAY 8 lipca 2023 o 8:34 
+rep Niezły z niego Facet
TRNSKI 1 listopada 2022 o 15:53 
Fajny smok z ciebie pozdrawiam xD
Johnny_K 22 października 2022 o 7:34 
good guys for exchange nice trade thanks man :2016trophy:
Smoku Znad Potoku 29 czerwca 2022 o 9:09 