Wolf   Germany
A:gmod:E: 30+
Have a nice day! :facepunch:
Rules to use/rework my content/addons. [01.July.2016]

You have the permission:
- To rework my Models* , Textures* , Maps* and Scripts* for everything you want.

You have not the permission:
- To sell my work in any way!

Make sure your new separate model does not overwrite models of my addons.
Means : Decompile the model and compile it with a different name for your addon.

Make sure your new separate texture does not overwrite textures of my addons.
Means : Rename and edit the texture files for your addon. (Except it is a reskin.)

Make sure your new separate map does not overwrite the map of my addon.
Means : Decompile the map and compile it with a different name for your addon.

Make sure your new separate script does not overwrite scripts of my addons.
Copy and paste a script and change some names inside is wrong .
If you don't have the knowledge to do it right, don't do it .

Put your stuff not in my folders, please use your own paths like:
"lua/username/..." "models/username/..." and so on.

And last thing, mention my name somewhere if you upload some of my reworked content.
With downloading my content you agree with these rules. Thank you for your understanding
Gablota przedmiotów z warsztatu
Gablota zrzutów ekranu
WIP - Destination display and number display. (number display is colorable)
29 9 1
Gablota wyróżnionych prac graficznych
My Desktop
35 2 1
Ostatnia aktywność
305 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 30 czerwca
7 885 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 30 czerwca
551 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 29 czerwca