Keyboard Ninja
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It is only when you stop giving your power to something else and instead rely only on yourself to improve that you will actually begin to see progress.
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Keyboard Ninja 25 Jan, 2018 @ 8:49pm 
lmfao, watching other people? Do you wanna be pro or something? As I recall, you didn't want to rotate and every time I left net to take a shot we'd get scored against. Sounds like a personal problem, my dude.
The Skin Taker 25 Jan, 2018 @ 5:22pm 
and lets talk about your movement, 700+ hours and cant move around the best. Just please work on that and I promise you more skilled players will want to play with you more. You move so slow and prioritze the little things instead of the main task: scoring, passing, and defending. maybe if you would look up field to find your team instead of being slow on the clear waiting for them to rotate back. I am a fairly skilled player and you need to watch more of pro's gameplay. Instead of SunlessKhan tutorial videos on rotation.
The Skin Taker 25 Jan, 2018 @ 5:18pm 
This guy sits around and watches videos on rotation instead of watching actual really skilled players and basing your playstyle on theirs. He will preach about net, but when it comes down to scoring, passing, dribbling, ect. then he cant do much becuase he would rather focus on rotation rather than mechanics and how to skill-fully move the ball around the pitch. -Rep for that match big boy.
Va1iant 14 Jan, 2018 @ 11:34am 
+rep pretty fun to play with & against
Keyboard Ninja 22 Sep, 2017 @ 10:58pm 
LOL, I had all 4 goals, bringing us back from 1v3 to tie the game, and then you abandoned net and let an easy save go in. Go crawl back into the hole you came from kid.
Kreezuh 22 Sep, 2017 @ 10:54pm 
Cringy kid. Chases the ball in Rocket League spamming Go for it! is quick chat with the worst possible set ups. ":3 get on my level"