Á-108 🌌 Somewhere in the universe
La verdad no se que escribir aquí pero saludoooos! :heart: :sgsmile:
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Favorite Guide
Created by - AtomSplitzer
This is a step by step guide on how to Build a WMD (Weapon of Mass Deletion)... This is an actual guide on how to build a Nuclear weapon and refine Uranium. Monika has been hard at work Deleting thots for a while now, help her out and Build the Atom Bomb s
Workshop Showcase
433 ratings
Created by - st
Destroyer's Invocation
I have walked among men and angels for three thousand years.
Time has no end… no beginning… no purpose.
I wander the earth, seeking forgiveness for my horrible crimes against God, and man.
I live to see death and destruction, evil… over the light, but the light cannot be extinguished.
I live in a prison of my own demise.'
I am lost…in time.
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592 hrs on record
last played on 2 Jun
153 hrs on record
last played on 2 Jun
144 hrs on record
last played on 19 May