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Reseñas recientes de Adrian Alucard

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1.6 h registradas (0.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
No single player content appart of an arcade mode that makes you fight the same 7 characters always

Not even a simple "vs CPU" mode
Publicada el 29 de enero.
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41.4 h registradas (17.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Really nice old-school dungeon crawler a la Wizardry
Publicada el 31 de marzo de 2024.
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268.6 h registradas (2.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Now with suspicious russian spyware DRM included for free!!!
Publicada el 22 de enero de 2024.
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29.1 h registradas
Great game. Incredibly complex and deep
Publicada el 28 de noviembre de 2023.
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155.1 h registradas (16.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Where is review bombing when needed?

A rhythm game with random stuttering/lag is trash no matter what and it looks like it will never be fixed, at least officially, since there are unofficial patches that fix the game, but a developer should not rely on community fixes...

Edit. Apparently is fixed now. It's a shame it took that long to fix the game, but still, thumbs up

Edit 2. And stuttering has returned

Well it finally got updated, so review changed from negative to positive. The game has no major flaws antmore
Publicada el 20 de octubre de 2022. Última edición: 4 de febrero de 2023.
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26.1 h registradas (11.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Disclaimer. I am a SMT fanboy, I can't give a negative review. This is very biased text and I feel dirty because I can't be objetive.

Having said that I'll list all the negatives features of this remaster
-A PS2 game with Denuvo
-Very compressed and bad quality audio
-Locked at 30 fps (despite the game being rebuilt using a modern engine like Unity)
-Overpriced for a PS2 game
-Very expensive DLCs that should be part of the base game (Maniax Pack)
-Lack of support for screen ratios outside 16:9

With this I can finally start the review.

For those who know the game
Finally a SMT game on PC, that is enough to buy and give a positive review. Bought the game in order to have more Atlus (and more SMT entries) on PC.

We have basically vanilla SMT III with some QOL changes. like Fusion being not RNG based, because we can choose what skills our demon inherit, wide screen support and the game localized in more languages, etc. Typical remaster stuff

For people who don't know the game/Franchise

First thing first, don't be afraid of the number 3 (III) in the title (you too, Valve, don't be afraid of the number 3). Most games in SMT remain independent plot-wise so this can be your entry point to the franchise

We have a traditional JRPG with random battles in "handmade" dungeons (with this I mean they are not generated randomly). with a difficulty slightly above average (unless you are a filthy casual and play in the new easy mode, SHAME ON YOU!!!1!!oneone!). Is not really that hard, is just that people is used to very easy games and being handholed until the very end.

The party is composed of 4 characters. The protagonist that must be always in the party and 3 demons you have to recruit "a la pokemon" but instead of weak them and capture them you must negotiate with them in order to the demons accept to join yo. They will ask you for money, mana, items in your inventory or ask you questions you must reply correctly (the right answers are selected randomly, there are not a specific right answers never)

The battle uses the "press turn battle system" where you get extra turns if you hit the enemy with the elements they are weak (and viceversa, the enemies also gain extra turns if they hit your party with their weakpoints) and you lose turns if you miss an attack or the enemy absorb the damage (and viceversa)

Random battles can be as tought as boss battles, with the enemies using instakill spells so never let your guard down.

In this game (and is most SMT games) buffs and debuffs are usefull, unlike most JRPG, and I could say they are mandatory if you want to beat the game wich open the door to strategy and party building, you can't simply brute force your way until you beat the game (I mean, you probably could, but it will be very hard and tedious, so is not worth your time and effort)

Graphically is just a PS2 game with some upgraded textures and higher resolution, so don't expect miracles here, it just a cheap remaster, no a remake made from the scratch.

SMT games are usually darker (both aesthetically and thematically) than most JRPGs. I don't want to enter spoilers here, so I won't develop much more.
Publicada el 25 de mayo de 2021.
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4.0 h registradas (2.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
The return of a classic
Publicada el 30 de noviembre de 2020.
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3.4 h registradas (0.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
One of those free games I played a lot on browsers along the years. Today I discovered Captain forever was on Steam, so instabuy
Publicada el 4 de julio de 2020.
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18.2 h registradas (0.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I don't really care about the Persona franchise, but please, bring some Shin Megami Tensei to PC. I only bought Persona to support Atlus

Also, Denuvo bad, it an 8 years old game, please remove it
Publicada el 13 de junio de 2020. Última edición: 13 de junio de 2020.
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11.6 h registradas (10.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I bought the legendary edition thinking it would have everything (or almost everything) unlocked, just like MK 9, MK XL and the previous Injustice. Since it was common I just assumed it and didn't research further. BIG MISTAKE.

The game is extremely grindy and rely to online events to unlock most of the content. Once the servers are turned off, you won't be able to unlock stuff.

The worse part is the grind system is designed to discourage unlock content by playing. In the multiverse you'll often find AI oponents that are not only more powerful than you, doing massive damage, they also cheat, doing impossible cancels or having the "ability" to guard against almost every attack

Sadly I went to play the story before realizing my mistake, so I can't refund. But there's more.

-Cinematic scenes run at 30 FPS, like in MK X and the first Injustice. At least they patched (after launch) in MK 11... 4 games to discover that 30 fps cinematics suck. I guess I'll have to search for mods to patch it.

-Denuvo. The game still uses it. It would be great to remove it already, it only causes issues with people who buy the game.

The only positive things are some facial animations, some characters have good ones

Conclussion: Not gonna buy more WB games unless they return to the no microtransactions and/or abusive DLCs path. We are in the dark ages of gaming thanks to the whales...
Publicada el 1 de diciembre de 2019.
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