Sheldin 夜秋夢
夜秋夢   Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

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43 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 4 ago
Achievement   12 di 29
116 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 3 ago
Achievement   83 di 99
2,3 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 26 lug
Achievement   1 di 86
Frozenrunner 。◕‿‿◕。 2 mag 2021, ore 8:00 
Frozenrunner 。◕‿‿◕。 7 set 2013, ore 15:30 
Frozenrunner 。◕‿‿◕。 7 set 2013, ore 0:06 
づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・­­­­­­­­­­­­­゜゜・。*・。*。✧・゜。*。 ✧・゜゜・­­。­✧­。­*­・゜゜・✧。・­­­­­­゜゜­・。*・。*­。­✧・­゜。­*。­✧・­゜゜・。✧。*・゜­゜・ ✧。・­­­­­­­­゜­゜・。­*・。­*。✧­・゜。*。 ✧・゜゜・。­✧。*­・゜゜・­✧。・­­­­­­­­゜゜・­­。*・。*。­✧・゜。­*。✧・゜­゜・。 ✧。­*・゜゜・­✧。・­­­­­­­­゜゜­・。*・。*­­。✧・゜。*­。✧・゜゜・­。 ✧。­*・゜­゜・­✧。・­­­­­­­゜゜・。*­・。*。­✧・゜­­。*。✧・゜­゜­・。✧。*・­゜゜・ ✧。・­­­­­­­­゜゜・。
Shadow Blitz 9 mag 2013, ore 12:50 
Hey Sheldin I notice you have NFS: HP (2010) mabie I could add you when you are back online to my EA Origin Account as that is where I have my NFS: HP (2010) ok
Major ShortFuse 22 dic 2012, ore 9:06 
♥♥♥ att jag köpte Conviction för 9€ när det nu kostar 2.5€ :P
d_team911 15 ott 2012, ore 0:56 
You're the man Scratchman! :-)