
Sepia_Knight の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:14.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:0.3時間)
I finished playing this game earlier in the week as part of the 5 in 1 hidden object bundle. After finishing, I bought this version separately as I liked it so much.

For me, this one of the best hidden object games I've ever played. I really like murder mysteries and I found the story kept me extremely interested throughout.

The other parts of the game were decent. The gameplay was on the easy side for both the puzzles and the HoGs, but they were (almost) never trivial. The voice acting was generally fine, apart from a couple of minor character that overacted. The graphics and music both fitted in well.

As above, I strongly reccommend this due to the story and its telling. The way the newspaper clippings, documents and dialogues throughout the game give you just enough information to almost work everything out was done very well. If you like murder mysteries and HoGs, grab this game.
投稿日 2018年6月1日.
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I played it through a couple of days ago. I also played it through today, making different choices. I then bought the fan pack. It's a game that's made me think about it a lot since the first time I played it. Not many games do that.

As almost every other reviewer says, I can't tell you much about the game other than that it's well worth playing. The characters are well-written and the storytelling is engaging. The pace is intentionally a little slow to start with, but it speeds up later on. The plot... is very clever.

The game can take around 5 hours (depending, primarily, on how fast you read) and I'd suggest you try and finish it in one go. I'd strongly advise starting playing without reading any more about it.
投稿日 2018年5月2日.
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総プレイ時間:12.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:4.8時間)
This is an enjoyable story-based action game. Set in an artistically brilliant futuristic Paris, the story follows Nilin, a woman robbed of her memories.

The combat is enjoyable enough and the S-Pressens system gives it enough variety to be fun without being excessively complicated. Sometimes it can feel a little repetitive, but only moderately so. The game is very linear: this bothers some people more than others, but for me it wasn't a big problem.

The game's strength, though, is the story and memory remixing. The plot and storytelling together are sufficent to make this a great game.
投稿日 2016年8月27日. 最終更新日 2016年8月29日
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総プレイ時間:18.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:17.6時間)
I just finished my second play-through of this game, my first being shortly after it came out. I stand by my opinion that this is a great game that is well worth playing.

First, the game's flaw (and there is only one major flaw): the missions are unashamedly repetitive. If don't mind that, or mitigate it by performing only one or two assassinations per evening, then the game should be very enjoyable. If this is likely to be a huge issue for you, perhaps skip ahead to ACII instead, which has (almost) all the great elements of this game but with much more varied missions. AC has no game-breaking bugs for me, but minor bugs include bodies occasionally flipping through the air.

Now for the reasons to play: 
  • The plot: interesting, with multiple twists.
  • The storytelling: primarily done through well-written cut-scenes.
  • The soundtrack: a real pleasure to hear - I'm sitting here listening to it as I write this review.
  • The combat: it has more depth than it might initially seem. Of course, you can just wait for them to attack and counter all the time, but it's far from the fastest or most effective way of fighting. Additionally, getting in the habit of dodging or disrupting the powerful spin attacks (they cannot be countered) is helpful for the later part of the game).
  • The stealth system: well-executed.

The voice acting varies in quality, but it is generally high (with the notable exception of Altair, unfortunately).

Some people dislike the way you can fall of ledges when jumping to them: while this can be an issue in the early part of the game, once you relearn how to grab onto ledges it becomes simply an additional skill the game requires, making free running a little more challenging if you want to avoid falling to the ground.

Overall, I strongly recommend this game as highly enjoyable stealth action game with a great story.
投稿日 2016年7月31日. 最終更新日 2016年7月31日
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総プレイ時間:37.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:24.3時間)
It's hard to say much about the game without revealing spoilers, so I'll keep this brief. The voice acting, music and art are all done well, but I recommend this game for its plot and storytelling. I compare the gameplay to Telltale's "The Walking Dead" (which, overall I prefer). The story shares similarities with other time travelling stories ( in particular,
"The Butterfly Effect"
), but offers its own take on it with an interesting and well-written cast of characters. The episodes get steadily better, with episode four being a high. The whole game is well worth playing, provided you like story-driven games with long and frequent cutscenes.
投稿日 2016年5月15日.
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総プレイ時間:4.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:4.4時間)
I quite enjoyed this game but would recommend it only with caveats: it is very short and the gameplay is fairly bland. The plot is simple and not especially interesting. The storytelling is done well, though I didn't think the decision to use a fictional language without subtitles worked so well for me.

On the plus side, it kept me reasonably interested throughout its short story. A very easy and quick game to get 100% completion on for those who care about such things.

While the store page says it requires a controller, I played it fine with a keyboard, although movement was a little confusing.
投稿日 2015年9月6日. 最終更新日 2016年7月31日
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A short and fun game with few flaws, Liberation is one of the most enjoyable entries in the AC series and well worth playing.

The lead character, Aveline, is written and performed well. The plot is interesting, but the storytelling is at times weak. Interesting and relevant parts of Aveline's life (such as why and how she became an Assassin) are not covered in any detail. Unlike earlier games in the series, I sometimes ended up killing a large number of people purely because it was the objective, without really knowing why. I didn't connect as emotionally with the story as I did in ACII and Brotherhood.

The voice acting was generally strong, but a few of the minor characters were a little overdone. The soundtrack is brilliant and well worth listening to on its own.

A couple of the bosses (first swamp boss and tower) were pretty tough if you tried to kill them using conventional means, but all were entirely trivial if using a smoke bomb or a chain kill.

I'd reccomend this game if you like the AC series, but not as an introduction to it.
投稿日 2015年9月5日. 最終更新日 2016年3月12日
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