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7.6 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The furry thiccness aside (whether you might be into it or not) - this game is super fun. It is reminiscent of a simpler time in gaming where you would enjoy just doing quest, grinding out levels, building a character and re-running dungeons to get better loot. That tried and true dungeon grinder feel, but with the added bonus of cute furry characters. Additionally, if you would really like to get into this gameplay but am having a hard time coming to terms with the character design (tbh, just grow up, it's a game): the devs have included options to turn off the horniness from jiggles, clear clothing, and more. You can be a tame and simple furry character with no suggestion at all!

8/10, solid and challenging dungeon exploration and loot grinding game. Some boss fights have been annoying, and the control schema can be more supportive and more well-thought out.
Posted 26 November, 2024.
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3.2 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
game is rigged, my friend always plays pig and has won every single time.
Posted 18 October, 2024.
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27.4 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
git good
Posted 9 June, 2024. Last edited 9 June, 2024.
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173.6 hrs on record (57.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's insane to think this buggy, early-access game has given me so much joy. When it first announced years back, I genuinely believed this would be a forgettable Pokemon "parody" meme game. What we have on its early-access release is something special though. Regardless of what you may think of Pocketpair and their past projects, you cannot deny they have a special project here with immense potential.

Palworld combines the gameplay loop of typical survival games with the heart of the gameplay loop of Pokemon. This is an insanely well pairing structure. And on top of that, they made the changes to the typical survival game genre that actually makes it fun. Survival games are always great at the start, but are marred by becoming a chore simulator. 7 days, Ark, Zomboid, hell even Minecraft: it all becomes too focused on simply the material grind. You need X ore to make Y item, but you need Z item to smelt X ore, and Z item requires A and B materials that only drop from obscure night-time enemies. I HATE that ♥♥♥♥. Palworld rectifies this issue with its Pals: having the cute and cool creatures you wish to collect and train also run your base operations at home: your pals handle 90% of the monotony, leaving you free to explore, catch, train, etc.

All things considered, this gameplay loop is golden. Pocketpair has shown they have a treasure on their first early access of this game. Millions of people WANT this product. That being said, it is both a bane and boon that this game has so much potential and content to come, or hopefully to come. While the map is expansive and large, and does have a settlement here and there and some enemy camps, it truly is just a stomping ground for materials and Pals and nothing more. I hope that Pocketpair expands on this empty space. For example, there are "journals" you can find that provide some lore for the world, but outside of this that lore is not really connected to anything.

You beat a tower boss and they simply perish. No speech, no information, no new knowledge as to why we arrived in this land. Palworld would already become twice more valuable if the next major update sees more interaction with the story and more life being brought to the world. Make the towns more useful and more flush of life. Make the boss characters more interesting: give them something to say. Have more random camps show up, make the human enemies more difficult.

More Pals and more activities are a welcome addition to. Basically, despite any downsides content-wise, the fact this game is early-access and I've put over 50 hours into it and still not completed all there is right now is crazy. The potential here for the final product is insane. This game is worth your investment, especially if you like survival games!

Posted 13 February, 2024.
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128.5 hrs on record (128.1 hrs at review time)
This is as close to perfect for a fun game as you can get, especially in the realm of RPGs. Besides the expected character creator (which is good and always fun to make new characters and give them new skill sets and backgrounds), you get a solid story that is extremely fluid and fine-tuned to accommodate any possible play style you wish to go for on your run. You can be a pure hero, and mixed bag, a P.O.S, or a little bit of everything. You can even be the Dark Urge and just murder everyone! Honestly though, this game is worth every penny and every minute of time. It gives you an in-depth RPG experience that is a blast alone and even moreso with a group of friends!

Why it's great:
- Player freedom! You can do nearly anything you wish to interact with the world, and a lot of these little actions were thought of ahead of time and thus have repercussions or reactions from the world and its characters.

- Amazing, deep turn-based combat: As a Fire Emblem/SMT/Persona/etc. turn based fan, this just rubs me in all the right ways. If BG3 is your first CRPG like it was mine, it takes a little getting used to. But man, once you get it, oh boy is it fulfilling, fun, and challenging. So many skills, spells, cantrips, and more to discover and play with. Not to mention that it gets even more complex with the addition of different classes, classes, abilities and more. This is some of the best turn-based combat ever. Period.

- A fun story and great characters: The story isn't immaculate or life changing, but it doesn't need to be. It feels nice and campy, like the type of tale you would expect at your actual DnD campaign. The world faces imminent doom, you and your party members are the only ones truly capable of reigning it in. Do you save it, or destroy it? Along the way, you meet a cast of origin characters a plenty who can join your party, each with their own lore, reasons for fighting, romance stories, and more. Honestly, I love every party member in this game. They are all a joy to be with, even the evil ones.

And everything else is great too. The music is immaculate, the world is flush and full of life and fun to explore every nook-and-cranny, and there are many events and encounters off the beaten path. Hell, I am still finding new things I missed my first run two different playthroughs in. This is quite literally the game that keeps giving. I mean, literally! Larian has continually updated and patched BG3 since launch as well, which even included epilogues and new content FREE OF CHARGE.

Simply put, Baldur's Gate 3 will be one of the most revered and historical games of all time. This game quite literally changed the standards forever. No matter what type of gamer you are, this game is for you.

Posted 13 February, 2024.
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291.6 hrs on record (53.7 hrs at review time)
If we had double-tank normal queues again, everyone would remove their negative reviews I promise.

That aside, Overwatch as a formula is still fun. All the fluff they have done around this sequel is not cool at all, but it is mostly just dumb monetization, which means you don't have to mess with it anyways.

And yes, new heroes are actually pretty easy to get without the battle pass. They are not truly locked behind a paywall. Just play the game.

+ Game core is still fun
+ New maps
+- Events are alright
- Assault maps relegated to arcade
- Healing is OP
- Matchmaking, in comp, is hella busted
Posted 9 October, 2023.
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30.9 hrs on record (22.5 hrs at review time)
Symphony of War is hands-down one of the best tile turn based strategy war games on Steam, and possibly one of the best indie ones ever. It hits a lot of the notes I was looking for in terms of a "Fire Emblem but on PC." The biggest point of enjoyment is within the core gameplay: squad-based units with each soldier being customizable is great.

The Great:
- No single units, each 'unit' is a Squad that you can endlessly customize between different soldiers, classes, traits, stats, and group artifacts. This allows for creating different groups with different roles on the battlefield, or whatever you want! (You can have a 9 unit archery-only squad to deal insane range DPS, for example, or just a squad with a little bit of everything. Only just run a single unit by them selves!)

- The world and lore is actually interesting. I find myself not impatiently clicking through dialogues boxes and do check in on the lore dump documents sometimes just to get more immersed.

- The missions are balanced pretty well and there are a lot of interesting scenarios in the mix that break away from typical play.

- There is a break point in the middle of the story that was super interesting to me, and I really enjoyed those chapters.

- There are some great tunes here, especially in Sayunaa.

The good:
- The story is fine. It's good. It lands around the 'typical fantasy-war rpg' territory. What with Gods, ancestors, evil politicians, so on. Save for the few chapters in the middle of the rising climax I mentioned in The Great, the story is just fine.

- While the pixel art design overall is just wonderful, the character and UI art sometimes feels a little...out of place. It begins to grow on you at first, but something about the characters seeming under-detailed but also realistic put in the foreground of a GBA-styled pixel RPG feels mismatched. It's still good, but it feels like there were two departments for world/in-game art and character/UI art and they didn't mix together quite well.

- There are side quests, which show up later in the game, and they're nice to have! The game doesn't give you too many chances in the first half to farm and grow your strength, so these showing up were nice. But their existence is the only good part.

The bad:
Now, don't get me wrong. This game is a wonderful piece of work and loads of fun! Anything here in The Bad is mostly just gripes and nothing that prevents you from enjoying what the developers made here.

- Relationships: The game has a unit relationship function which is something I personally loved in older FE games. However, it is executed sort of poorly here. You do not have to do anything to unlock a relationship conversation from appearing. They will appear after a chapter every time. You can chose to ignore it if you want but you still don't have to work for it. Some relationships will grant a bonus involving the units, but some do nothing. The romances are nice to see and I do have my own ships, but they're nothing to write home about. Overall, it feels like this feature was meant to be baked into the game more than it ended up being, which was sad to see.

- Side quest STORIES: there aren't many side quests, and when there are, they don't have any fun little story to go along with it. Sure, you get a small blerp about what led you to the battle you're about to fight, but that's it. No intermission conversations, cutscenes, or anything. A real missed opportunity for extended character development.


Symphony of War: Nephilim Saga is an awesome indie game that gives you that Fire Emblem need, whilst doing its own thing. I've played Dark Deity and War Groove, and neither of them have satisfied me in the way this title has done. And to be quite honest, I will always prefer the Squad-based structure of the single unit structure of FE going forward.

If you like War games, Fire Emblem, both, or just good turn-based RPGs, play this game! It's worth your time.
Posted 9 July, 2023.
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15.3 hrs on record (14.3 hrs at review time)
i can't afford to drive across America so this really comes in *clutch*
Posted 7 February, 2023.
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163.7 hrs on record (37.1 hrs at review time)
Gen Ultimate but on PC with a heavy Japanese theme and MH-world-like movement. This is my favorite monster hunter by far, and the most accessible as well!
Posted 16 June, 2022.
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9.4 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
Really fun roguelite game with awesome visuals. The mix of roguelite and hack n slash makes it the perfect game for just mindlessly playing while in a voice call but its also deep enough that you can focus on your builds and really focus in to win.

The game is relatively hard, especially on run one and as the days pass in game enemies get tougher. However, some Brave Generals (famous samurai) are hard out the gate damage wise. You need to also try to beat all 9 of the oni bosses to get to the final boss of the game, so you need to constantly decide when to switch between samurai battles and demon world battles which is really neat.

The game runs perfect and looks and sounds great, and once you get a beefy combo and armor set made up you feel like a literal god slicing through enemies (you are Susanoo I guess). The only problem I could see with the game (and this is a stretch) is that the enemy balance feels off when you get later into a run. For example, when a difficulty spike happens some oni bosses become almost impenetrable even though your gear and combos are at their current max and some generals legit can one hit you regardless of health. However, it is a roguelite so death is not too much of an issue. I feel like the Oni bosses get way too much guard protection too at times which makes me want to avoid them rather than try to do multiple at a time.

Overall though, this is a solid $10 gem. Extremely fun! Easy to play while zoning out but also designed in a way to let you get technical and go in hard. The pixel-3d-samurai aesthetic just makes it all the more great! GET THIS GAME IN YO' LIBRARY!
Posted 24 April, 2022.
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