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Pubblicazione: 7 mag, ore 17:11
Aggiornata: 10 mag, ore 13:46

Reasons why the review is negative:

How can you, as a developer/ publisher, keep this game only available for purchase on the worst launcher possible on PC for a whole year, beta testing it for those unlucky enough who have bought it there, and one year later, still release it broken on Steam. How?
Not only does the game suffer from horrendous lag in coop, but it also forces me to have Epic Online services installed. And also Denuvo to pile on the already humongous mess this whole game is.
The game installs Epic Online Services, not Epic Games Store as a whole. That's a slight misinformation. But as long as you play online, you'll always be reminded that Epic has put its dirty little paws on this game.
The game suffers from a lot of performance issues. In coop is even worse. I may not have the best PC, but when you put everything on low and your performance doesn't improve something hints that the game isn't properly optimized.
The game also has sometimes issues with the audio. The game has music, wether ambiental, or boss fight music, well, said music will only play a few moments in a 2 hours session. I cannot tell if the issue is only in coop, because I've only played coop, but still, wether online or offline, the audio shouldn't be this faulty.
Also, this game has been cracked months ago, but still, the game has Denuvo implemented.
Epic and Denuvo in one game, name a bigger anti-consumer move.

Still, I would lie if I would say the game itself isn't fun.
If you ignore all the problems, you have a pretty fun zombie game.
It has the best gore system I've seen in a game.
The gameplay is so good. The weapons feel so great and fluid.
You actually feel the impact in each attack you give, and it even shows on the zombie's bodies. The gore in this game is simply insane. The animations are so fluid. The fury mode is absolutely pure adrenaline for me. Going zombie mode on a horde of zombies, tearing them into pieces with my hands, it doesn't get better than that.
The flesh system they have implemented does not get old. Punching a hole in a zombie's head does not get old.
You know what gets old, however? Signing into Epic store...

The game has peaked its relevancy months ago, and then it died. It's almost like releasing a game day-1 on the most disliked platform will guarantee said game's imminent demise.
A shame. The game had potential.
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30 commenti
Alin. 7 giu, ore 14:45 
Those two last braincells in your head are struggling not to kill themselves. Time zones exist, in case you didn't know. Your 3 AM was my 10 PM.
I would have given you a response if you've been a normal person, coming with a normal comment. You've failed on both attempts.
Georgesama BinFloydin 7 giu, ore 12:19 
yet you have time to reply to my comment within 2 minutes after replying to me at 3 am. Have fun with your poverty PC
Alin. 7 giu, ore 12:16 
Womp womp furry, I have no time for your kind.
Georgesama BinFloydin 7 giu, ore 12:13 
So instead of giving me a real response to my valid point, you go through my profile to find something to automatically dismiss me. That tells me everything I need to know about who I am dealing with.
Alin. 4 giu, ore 0:52 
I was thinking of giving you a serious answer. But then I noticed that you are part of a group called "Jewish Furries". That tells me everything I need to know about who I am dealing with.
Georgesama BinFloydin 3 giu, ore 21:12 
Game runs smoother than any triple A game released in the last few years. Are you a third worlder crying because you can't run it on your 3rd gen i3?
Xtreme 26 mag, ore 21:10 
You complain about performance. What is your PC spec?
Alin. 17 mag, ore 14:39 
And yet no other game forced me to install the fucking program lol.
Akip Xof 17 mag, ore 12:48 
Its literally on the public list of steam games with EOS.
Akip Xof 17 mag, ore 12:47 
You do realize that EOS is also a simple file for a lot of games ... Right? Yes, Apex uses EOS. It is bundled with the game packages.