Everything beautiful is far away
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Kalabrix 29 Feb, 2020 @ 4:03pm 
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath ist mal richtig gut! :steamhappy:
Grinsekater 31 Dec, 2013 @ 10:52pm 
stop working
Alienation 30 May, 2012 @ 9:18am 
indeed, he is, isn't he?
Grandfather Murphy 27 May, 2012 @ 8:00am 
About a year ago, I was out having a few drinks with the guys, when in walks Nurgle. He bought drinks for everyone in the bar. When we were all too hammered to drive home, he loaded us all up in his old Mazda and bused us around town until we all made it back home. And when that cop pulled us over and tried to make trouble, Nurgle boiled his eyes out of his anus. Nurgle is a great guy.
Grandfather Murphy 14 Aug, 2011 @ 3:08am 
Ja das ist immert total schrecklich, sowas ist doch Menschenverachtend...
Dysgrammatisten verdienen unser Mtgefühl und sollten nicht so von dir behandelt werden.
DetraitocentSnowhead 27 Sep, 2010 @ 8:48am 
wieso hast du nur immer solche Profielbilder?^^