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ken - shrappin: shane said the sweetest thing ever to me two days ago
he said of all the people he knows, i am the least likely person to ever sexually harass someone
including a "no offense"

SaintAshley: i feel like you're the type to sexually harass someone without meaning to do it or even actually doing it
like they would just falsly accuse you




[7:47 PM] SaintAshley: am i allowed to say ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in front of this ♥♥♥♥♥♥?
[7:47 PM] Mittens: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ YOU


Rookie1: I agree though the ss did have some nice uniforms

8:00 AM - higgy wiggy: Welp time to perge the freinds list
8:00 AM - higgy wiggy: Cause I'm done giving people chances
8:02 AM - higgy wiggy is now Offline.


10:18 PM - Rookie1: I miss the way she laughed off my threats like they didn't mean anything


5:54 PM - SaintAshley: i think i hurt buddy's feelings
5:54 PM - Mittens: what now


Gloves are People Too: We're like you and Joelliam, except on good terms


zaiders in a nutshell:

5:25 PM - Z. has changed their name to wee woo.
6:12 PM - wee woo has changed their name to i love u.
6:53 PM - i love u has changed their name to sadistic.
7:00 PM - sadistic has changed their name to persona.
7:05 PM - persona has changed their name to 奴隶.


6:45 PM - Kevin: when do I make it onto your chat logs
6:45 PM - SaintAshley: when you say something worthy
6:45 PM - Kevin: wow
6:45 PM - Kevin: wait my name isn't even zaiders rn
6:45 PM - Kevin: so it'll mean nothing if this makes it on there
6:45 PM - SaintAshley: you're right
6:45 PM - Kevin has changed their name to zaiders.


2:15 AM - Buddy^: NO BYE
2:15 AM - Buddy^: YOU HAVE PHERN


10:37 PM - Mittens: i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love you so much you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


1:17 PM - SaintAsh: are you a tits or ass man
1:20 PM - Rookie1: doesn't really matter as long as it's under 18


Buddy^: the last pornstar is named Paris Lincoln. I think she looks like a high school SaintAshley. Back in her prime.


2:26 PM - Rookie1: settle down there mitts
2:28 PM - Rookie1: whoa there mitts
2:29 PM - Rookie1: whoahoaoaoaooaoaa there girl settle down
2:29 PM - Rookie1: here have some oats to settle your nerves while I go into the general store
2:32 PM - Rookie1: that's a good girl
2:32 PM - Rookie1: later if you're still good I'll let your graze in the pasture
2:33 PM - Mittens: WTF
2:33 PM - Mittens: IM NOT A HORSE


9:18 PM - SaintAsh: mittens may have been mowed down in NYC
9:19 PM - Rookie1: if anything mitts was the driver
9:19 PM - Rookie1: women drivers are so bad
9:19 PM - Rookie1: it wasn't a terror attack it was an accident


7:10 PM - SaintAshley: kids are honestly the worst investment a person can make
7:11 PM - McNamara: time to get the bayonet out ash, we have gods work to do
7:11 PM - SaintAshley: #bless
7:12 PM - McNamara: #sundaybloodysunday


7:24 PM - SaintAsh: find your own pimp
7:24 PM - Mittens: time to butter pool boy up
7:25 PM - SaintAsh: lmao
7:27 PM - Mittens: im coming for that christmas tree hat


7:39 PM - Rookie1: thanks for asking about my weekend
7:40 PM - Rookie1: it was pretty cool
7:40 PM - Rookie1: I went to a little get together in charlottesville


4:41 PM - ixron: Hey ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. You able to meet me on discord?
4:42 PM - ixron: ♥♥♥♥, wrong person.
4:42 PM - SaintAshley: jfc
4:43 PM - ixron: These things happen.


10:00 PM - SaintAshley: dad is alive
10:00 PM - SaintAshley: i told him you were looking for him
10:06 PM - Mittens: what did he say
10:07 PM - Mittens: I imagine it going like this:
10:07 PM - Mittens: Ash: Mittens is looking for you
10:07 PM - Mittens: Adre: That ♥♥♥♥♥ needs to look for Jesus instead


5:53 PM - The Mayor: people will get sick of overwatc and come back to tf2
5:53 PM - The Mayor: just you wait
5:53 PM - SaintAsh: i know a guy that can get you a donkey on the cheap
5:54 PM - The Mayor: go on
5:54 PM - SaintAsh: wrong person
5:54 PM - The Mayor: no no
5:54 PM - The Mayor: Im interested


5:03 PM - PrivatePeanut: I'm thinking of getting Instagram
5:04 PM - PrivatePeanut: Because my favorite pizza place is doing a competition for the best picture of their pizza on Instagram gets free pizza for the year
5:04 PM - Saint Ashley Quinn: jfc pnut


Buddy^: If i were to picture mittens now, it would be as the tank "get. out. of. my. smite. lobbyyy"
SaintAshley: Donkehhh


5:21 PM - SaintAsh 👑: yo, your state is the worst
5:21 PM - tc: cheers to the gator
5:22 PM - SaintAsh 👑: are you really toasting the gator in this situation


3:13 AM - Buddy^: u aint ♥♥♥♥
3:13 AM - Buddy^: u cant even hold down a man


*DEAD* snailpoop : ashley just used the word mitigate
*DEAD* snailpoop : we move further from gods light


10:13 PM - tc: if u can understAIND ME, WHAT THE problem is


10:58 PM - Eisenhonig: ARE YOU TOO DRUNK TO PLAY


10:50 PM - Seventh Woods: Mittens is too sweet
10:50 PM - Buddy^: Nah
10:50 PM - Buddy^: shes a ♥♥♥♥♥


12:21 AM - SaintAshley: mexicans are the backbone of america
12:21 AM - SaintAshley: after this trip, i have a new appreciation for them
12:21 AM - SaintAshley: theyre so hard working and humble
12:22 AM - SaintAshley: I'M NOT PATRONIZING YOU
12:22 AM - SaintAshley: I'M BEING SINCERE
12:22 AM - SaintAshley: TRUE


7:16 PM - tc: my kidney will have to be on ice
7:16 PM - tc: because i am NOT passing up st paddys day
7:16 PM - tc: how could i have forgotten
7:16 PM - tc: this snuck up on me
7:17 PM - tc: ♥♥♥♥ now i gotta make plans
7:17 PM - tc: i ususally have plans by now
7:17 PM - tc: ♥♥♥♥ or should i be responsible
7:17 PM - tc: ugh
7:17 PM - tc: damn it
7:18 PM - SaintAshley: the fact that this is a slight issue for you is great


5:14 PM - The Mayor: did your plants die yet
5:14 PM - KingSaint: these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ are thriving
5:14 PM - The Mayor: they must thrive on neglect
5:14 PM - The Mayor: like you


4:42 PM - tc: hello ashley
4:43 PM - SaintAshley: if i dont respond are you going to yell at me
4:43 PM - tc: not today


10:36 PM - SaintAshley: yeah but you're terrible in every way
10:37 PM - The Mayor: oh yeah
10:37 PM - SaintAshley: and your parents know that
10:37 PM - The Mayor: true
10:37 PM - SaintAshley: like, you used a chair as a desk
10:37 PM - The Mayor: its called inovation you degenerate


4:48 PM - NoBananasCry: I'm ready to kill myself!
4:48 PM - SaintAshley: ok pnut
4:49 PM - NoBananasCry: why would you associate me with peanut?
4:49 PM - NoBananasCry: you really want me to kill myself don't you


9:55 PM - 🐦 Tyrese Franklin Jr.: u need to open yo mind, not yo ♥♥♥♥♥, about csgo history aite


2:52 PM - SaintAshley #sick: http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2355815.1441917161!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/aurora-theater-shooter-james-holmes.jpg
2:52 PM - SaintAshley #sick: i feel like this is gonna be you one day
2:53 PM - Rookie1: I would never do my hair like that


2:11 PM - [40 oz.] [JewC✡de]: is this what you want
2:11 PM - [40 oz.] [JewC✡de]: you want rookie to hurt?
2:12 PM - [40 oz.] [JewC✡de]: he's gonna sit infront of those monitors
2:12 PM - [40 oz.] [JewC✡de]: watching the pixels
2:12 PM - [40 oz.] [JewC✡de]: and cry


2:21 AM - Tyre$e Franklin Jr.: what if u wit a guy and he wants u to suck his big toe?? u down??
2:22 AM - SaintAshley: i dont think so
2:22 AM - Tyre$e
Screenshot Showcase
oh mittens
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°❀⋆Ashley⋆❀° 10 Jan @ 4:18pm 
OoOoChild 10 Jan @ 11:09am 
you suck
showtime 1 Jan, 2024 @ 1:54pm 
Happy New Years. You've always been a good man. :csgoskull:
Zacuhry 29 Oct, 2023 @ 9:50am 
-rep, kind of a ♥♥♥♥♥
°❀⋆Ashley⋆❀° 2 May, 2021 @ 9:22pm 
JonathanFrakes 4 Dec, 2020 @ 11:20am 
This one notoriously sells nudes for steam points according to sources.