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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 82.5 hrs on record (28.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 29 Jun, 2019 @ 10:26am

Early Access Review
So its still early access... But its being sold so its to be Critiqued... and well

Fun but ever so Infuriating it even if it feels way more fair than other games of its Gernre for example XCom.
The Procentages displlayed feel like they are an actual indication of weather you are likely to hit or not and Not being lied to makes it Less likely that you will tear your hair out in fustration, However the AI is Infuriatingly dumb and some of the early quest designs are Allmost impossible and very depending on either cheese or luck to manege One specificly taking place at a Dock with one super strong dude that you have to stop from Escapeing untill help arrives. Somehow he allways maneged to get to the Barricade before the help where even close. Now I realise Alot of things Might change but I am Genuinely excited to see what the game might offer as a full Release.
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Developer response:
Dandylion  [developer] Posted: 30 Jun, 2019 @ 3:41am
It's true that there are still many things to be polished and they have to be improved until official release. Incresing contents is also important but as you have stated, we have to put high priority to convenient playing condition.

Honestly it's not easy to polish everything at the same time but as we used to, we are going to improve it one by one through update. Though our human resources are not such a powerful but if we don't give up, we believe there could be a change.

Thank you for the review.
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