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Останні рецензії користувача Rosa3

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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
2.6 год. загалом
Really amazing game! With a lot of games with multiple endings, it's easy to find yourself struggling to finish them, but the timeline feature plus the ability to change each characters actions in the character select screen streamlines it so much, I'm honestly surprised more games haven't done either (but hopefully other devs will take notes <3)
All I can say is that it's a really really wonderful game, and if you have the time, definitely play it all the way through, you won't regret it! Can't wait for more games from them, and already getting ready to play the rest of her games!
Додано 27 жовтня 2021 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
3.5 год. загалом
This game series has been and still is amazing! I play the original Jam versions as each one was coming out, and now I own two copies of A Year of Springs now too :p
Even starting it now for how many times I've replayed it, I still find myself crying multiple times; the interactions feel so real, and the fact that the third game made me realize so much about myself and also reassure me there's nothing wrong with me being that way... it means a lot.
We all continue to grow as people. Sometimes we realize there's something different about us, and while it makes it that much easier to feel broken, different can just mean different. We're all people, we may want to flip that switch and just be 'normal', but that wouldn't be us. It's okay to be yourself, and hopefully, this game might help you figure yourself out too, and learn to be happy with it <3
Додано 11 жовтня 2021 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
52.0 год. загалом
After playing this game for so unbelievably long, I found myself enjoying this game every time I play ^^ While it may be the closer to an actual board game than anything else, it's so much fun that I find myself returning even for one or two matches <3
Додано 29 листопада 2020 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 7
7.4 год. загалом (6.2 год на момент рецензування)
I'm a trans girl who dealt with a horrible gaslighting father, and while I expected this game to at least mean a little to me, I can't believe just how much it speaks to me.
I won't say any spoilers, but this game is just such a wonderful amazing game. I cried so many times playing it I honestly lost count. It's definitely a game you have to be prepared for, but it really does make me feel... well, honestly happy, to have a game that I have very, very little doubt will speak to anyone, and hopefully, someone that needs an out like I did. My only complaint is that this game didn't come out so much earlier, when I was figuring this out for the first time. Heck, even now, so much bad stuff has happened and still happening, and even being on hormones for so many years, I'm still figuring this out. But, there's one thing that will be true, no matter what.
We'll figure it out <3
Додано 2 листопада 2019 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
84.5 год. загалом (47.4 год на момент рецензування)
With so many Companies doing rather questionable things, it's nice to know this company only changes more and mroe for the better. I had purchased Endless Space 1 and put in quite a few hours, loving every minute of it, and the additions they added in with Disharmony were definitely worth the asking price for what they were adding.
Leading up to the launch, these devs not only did normal PR and some cool website/lore things, they also did a rather nice Dev update for what steps they planned on doing in what order while the game was in Early Access, and unlike some other companies (looking to you EA with the Sims) they brought back what was in Disharmony without recharging for it, and they're still sending out free updates, the only thing not free is upgrade to what is essentially music, skins, and heroes (that effect the game only really cosmetically since other heroes can have the same traits), and the current sale means that's only $5 for a game that, on its sale, is $20. Oh, and it also had a free weekend recently.

With all of that, why not give this game a try? If you're looking for another 4X or trying to give something new a try, something you haven't tried before (and one, that I'll definitely say, stands out from other 4Xs), you should Definitely try Endless Space 2. Sure, there are a few reasons I still go back to Endless Space 1 (one of which is that, in some cases, I enjoy the combat visually better from having a ship made specifically to launch a massive salvo of missiles, which tends to show more than ES2), but Endless Space 2 I can definitely say is superior in a way few games these days do sequels.
Додано 22 листопада 2017 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 40
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 3
4.6 год. загалом (2.6 год на момент рецензування)
So, while this game is rather short (beat it in 90 minutes) and would be better off at a lower price (maybe $5), it's nice to have a nice, quick, in-and-out game once in awhile.

This game doesn't have very much at all in the way of actual combat mechanics, as it's basically choosing what upgrades you should get when, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun. It's a nice game to play, with great effect quality, and (definitely not leaving this out) AMAZING music! For a game with very little action, it has very good music that I found myself enjoying immensly!

As stated above, it's an extremely short game (although longer with the hard mode), but it's definitely one to look for when on sale. Heck, it's on sale for a dollar off, and while I wouldn't recommend it too strongly to others at that price, I'm definitely keeping this game.
Додано 11 березня 2016 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 11 березня 2016 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
15.5 год. загалом (13.0 год на момент рецензування)
Looking through all of these reviews,
seeing that 99% of users reccommend this game,
knowing this game was heavily inspired by Earthbound,
realizing it's a successful kickstarter with an overwhelmingly positive review,
almost all decisions and deaths are remembered and noted,
and the fact that it has a true pacifist run that is amazing...

...It fills you with determination.
Додано 20 вересня 2015 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
30.6 год. загалом (17.0 год на момент рецензування)
I have to start of with this: If you even slightly enjoy choose your own adventures, especially something more fleshed out than the recycled Telltale stories, this is something you'll want to spend money on, and the $5 is the perfect price tag for this game.

This game has amazing storytelling, no matter what actions you choose. Whether you're a no-joke Marshal or one that wishes for peace (or dare I say, decide to get into a love interest with a woman that can fill a bear full of holes with her dual pistols) this game has it all. You want an action packed adventure? Bam. Want to talk out all your problems because you're a lawyer? Bam. You want a wild west romance novel where your lover has two revolvers trained on your enemies when you're in danger? Well, let's just say the best way is to not go around murdering everyone right out the gate.
Which you can.
Like seriously, you can.
Want someone sobbing because your heartless? Well, you can have that if you want, it's perfectly fine.
Well, the game's perfectly fine with that.
If any of that grabbed your interest, I highly advice this game.
Додано 16 липня 2015 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
72.1 год. загалом (35.8 год на момент рецензування)
Worth. Every. Penny.
Додано 9 липня 2013 р..
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Показані результати 1–9 із 9