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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 142.5 год. загалом (5.3 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 28 жовт. 2021 о 0:19

The great:

Atmosphere (especially the lingering sense of destruction from the starting scene)
Power Armor (feels a bit like a WH40k Space Marine armor, nice)
Certain quests & events (pre astronautics and UFO crashes, lol)

The good:

Crafting, modifying & scavenging for resources
Building your own settlements, populating them, rebuilding society
Gunplay feels gud
Feral Ghouls behave like Zombies (rushing, crashing and lying around "sleeping")
Quick access to Power Armor

The meh:

Radiant quests ("oh btw I got another settlement/group of X/whatever for you to take care of")
The faces (not ugly, but generic; many characters look like they are related)
The dialogues (voice acting) are often a bit stale in comparison to FNV

Overall good sandbox game to explore and build in, would wholly recommend
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