1 person found this review helpful
Not Recommended
25.1 hrs last two weeks / 721.9 hrs on record (612.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 22 Nov, 2023 @ 5:18pm
Updated: 23 Dec, 2024 @ 4:53am

This game has completely nuked its own identity. Its unrecognisable to the OG idea of this game. Watch literally any release gameplay and it seems like a comedy bit. Every player today is better equipped in 1896 than the average soldier was in the Korean War:
The "average" battle you will encounter in any 4+ star lobby will be cowboys running semi-automatic weapons (either the weapon itself is semi-automatic, or it is semi-automatic by fanning or levering), equipped with two modern fragmentation grenades and a healing syringe that would look out of place in BF 2042. Some players might even use a crossbow, which would make a Vietnam-era grenade launcher look outdated.

In addition, the game went from being a cowboy game with dark supernatural themes to a steampunk gothic game with a cowboy every 4 games. Not to mention the addition of Skill Based Matchmaking, which turned what was already an utterly stupid, comically non-competitive game into a sweaty tryhard shooter. The servers are also down and the engine sucks. It sucks!!!
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Lemmy 2 Jan @ 5:22pm 
Lemmy 29 Dec, 2024 @ 6:11am 
Jouw tags voor dit product:(?)
Vrouwelijke hoofdrol
LGBT+ Representation
i_have_a_rtx_4090 27 Dec, 2024 @ 6:22pm 
Based and redpilled review!!!