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51.1 hrs on record (48.6 hrs at review time)

As the game suggest - for newcomers and fans.

DLC even tho theyre short they change a lot and are different from each other.

I would go for a 8 or 9 out of 10 but the game is just simply too great for me as a fan.
Posted 25 July, 2021.
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64.0 hrs on record (37.1 hrs at review time)
Beat the main game in 37h, tbh it is possible in less than 30 i guess (I've spend a lot of time hunting soldiers with crafting components, raiding pyramids, clearing outposts and animal lairs, completing side missions and finishing locations).

Feel a little bit empty after the main quest line, those assasinations were dope and overall fun to do. Other than that the game seems nice. Lots of different activities that will make you spend lots of time in game,

not to quick not to slow (37h = 39 lvl, 40 is max on base game 45 is max with dlc). Missions and finishing locations give you a good ammound of exp to level up. ALSO! online activity: "getting revenge on a fallen player" might end up in you getting levels faster.

Character proggresion:
acceptable. Gaining perk points per level and for completing pyramids/excavation sites etc (finding ancient tablets). Personaly would reccomend leveling up close combat skills for latter. Bows and tools are great too for clearing outposts or if you want to be a ghost type person but mele fights works best on bosses and some forced fighting encounters.

Not bad not great, couple of components that you can find everywhere, no need to go to specyfic locations on the other side of the map (sure there are places with more animals that give you fur and places around watter that give you the green skin).

At first it seems like a lot of grinding but to be fair it takes a little while to get something done (animals give lots of skins, not sure if its level based {their level or player level} or it depends on the type of animal).

Money also isnt a huge problem (unless you plan to level up every weapon every level - then it is a pain in the A), with level the ammound of cash required to level up a weapon increases (gladly it levels the weapon to Bayek's level, so you dont have to do it 30 times on a lvl 1 sword to get it to 30). Worth mentioning - higher rarity weapons require more gold.

Weapon and equipment:
everything is good untill you get a legendary item, then other items are worthless, legendary weapons and shields have an additional bonus (can be fire dmg, poison, regain hp per hit or per kill) and higher stats on the lower grey bonuses which makes them overpowered comparred to purple or blue weapons. At ~~lvl 10 you unlock Reda traiter which sells item boxes for 3000 cash that can drop you legendaries or purples at least, you also get one every day for doing a mission for this fella.

dodging is op, not dark souls level - you can dodge into a guy while he's attacking and take no dmg. Mele fight is only viable once you get the starting perks, without it dont even start, shielded soldiers are invincible if you cant break their shields.
Bow play is great, be sure to get the perk for controlling arrows for one of the bow class. Again legendary bows is a must have, those bonuses are just pure overkill. ADDITIONALY! (didnt test it with the fire sword) bows with burning effect can lit up everything starting from torches in pyramids to boats, oil, and enemies. Plus they give light like a torch (take that cobras in the dark!)

Movement and mobility:
I played only assasinss creed 4 black flag and unity for a second on a trash laptop, but this game's parkour seems slower and more "realistic"? This is not AC 2 or 4 towns where you just run like the ostrich from those cartoons. It takes time to climb stuff and bayek has a tendency to stop while climbing on rock refusing to go higher even tho the terrain allows for it (it such case you have to go down one step and to the right or left and he works again).

Sprinting doesnt exist and you can get more movement speed outside of towns and probably on roads (both on foot and with your mount), this is a pain for me.

Assasin stuff:
lastly the stuff that we saw in previous games: hidden blade, sneaking, killing from above - its complicated.

You have to upgrade your hidden blade to assasinate tougher oponents, even with it you still wont be able to kill some tough guys just scratch them or take half of their hp. It aint that bad, combat is pretty good in this game, but sucks because we are used to one hit killing with the hidden blades.

Sneak attacks with eapons and crits: for bows just aim at head for mele weapons it just happens, sometimes the slash from behind while being unnotices insta kills sometimes it takes some hp.

Sneaking overally is ok, tons of stuff to hide, just going behind a corner makes the enemies lose you (they still go after you but dont see you, pretty realistic right? Hidding in grass/hay gives u invisibility untill walken on by a guard or when you stand up a little while aiming a bow or a tool (they dont spot you on sight but notice someone is there). The smoke bombs work great too for losing oponents or making them free training dummies.

That concludes this text for now i guess.

Id give this game a 8 out of 10 from me. Had fun (was grinding because i like it, spending days:8am 2 am next morning on it which would make me finish it in like 4-5 days {not everyday whas the 24h grind xd} )
Posted 31 March, 2021.
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198.7 hrs on record (45.6 hrs at review time)
For sure, great game, replayability. lots of fun times
Posted 5 March, 2021.
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445.1 hrs on record (29.8 hrs at review time)
Best game ever made. A witcher 3 in the future. Everything is great about it.
Yes its bugged but it was delayed and delayed and CDPRed declared a patch and patches later on so chill the f out. Its not Fallout 76 on launch. Its great. Playable and enjoyable.|
So far 29 hrs. And im not even doing main quests.
Yes id love to see some stuff that was either removed or just would fit in.
To name a few:
- wall runing (added by a leg upgrade, something like in game double jump or charge jump)
- weapon and car customisation (at least a little bit, color swap at least)
- character customisation, the game is all about looks so it would be cool to either do it at ripperdoc or other facillity.
- NEW GAME PLUS! I ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up with the GOG items and cant upgrade them now soooo a NG+ would be nice. I bet it will be added in a patch. Also i hope if they add it they allow you to change your appearance and starting affiliation (from nomad to corpo for example). The ng+ could look like the witcher3's (keep leveling up).

Overall im very happy with the game and im waiting for additional content!
Its not witcher 3 that i bough couple years after realease and can enjoy everything at the beggining :D. Gonna wait for more stuff

10/10 for me (8.5/10 because of some stuff like bugs or things that were cut)

Posted 14 December, 2020.
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385.5 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
As for today (14.05.2021):


Ive spend my last days playing it again after some time, went from lvl 32 to 65 in no time. Didnt even do any quest! Its so entertaining in just plain daily quests/events!

Two skill sheets, build one for dmg the other for crafting/sell and enjoy free caps and cheaper craftings.... IT COSTS NOTHING TO RESPEC ANYTIME!! So if youre bored of your power armor heavy build... why not try the bow and arrow sneaker?

Crafting is awesome! :

- you unlock new weapon and armor mods by scraping the same things
- you get plans from vendors (expensive), world (need to explore) and players (if you find well its cheap af)

Collecting materials requires time but its not AC odyssey grinding! Also with good perks you can do it better!

Fallout 1st is a must buy if you want to play for longer.... DONT EAT ME! You dont have to keep it on allways. Buy once, get the stuff that you like from premium atom store, spend the free atoms, cancell it!
The items will stay (the tent will dissapear, the scrap box will stay but you will only be able to take stuff... THAT MEANS GATHER A ♥♥♥ TON OF IT IN ONE MONTH AND ENJOY!)

The game did a WONDERFULL 180* spin and then another 360 (in a good way) to deliver the best experiene of a multiplayer open world fallout game!

Major dlc's are free for everyone. If youre poor or dont trust in this game wait for a sale but trust me it is worth its money!

The premium Atom shop doesnt sell you op gamebreaking things like guns and armors - its mostly skins and some CAMP stuff that yes - can be helping, like the robot which gathers some junk, a bee house which gives honey or chicken house which produces fertilizer - which are nice but not mandatory (honey is used for cooking, fertilizer for planting, who has time for it if you have a great world around you? ... but you can earn a ♥♥♥♥ ton of atoms from in game challenges and season boards!

And so much much more! But i wont spoil you the fun in learning the game!

Only downside is the not working battle royale, doing stuff in it makes you finish challenges which give perk cards. But it isnt important and youll level up and with season board you earn enough perks!

So go out there Dwellers and lets meet in Apalachia!
Posted 2 December, 2020. Last edited 14 May, 2021.
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96.4 hrs on record (22.7 hrs at review time)
I personaly love this game. Both because i used to play and like the gameplay of MGS3 when i was a kid and nowdays TPP is the upgrade of my childhood memories. Yes it has some downsides, as every other game and everything else on earth but thats fine. It is playable. Sadly there is no true ending to the story because it was cut in production. Id love to see it added as a paid dlc...
Posted 21 October, 2020.
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95.2 hrs on record (13.3 hrs at review time)
Posted 17 October, 2020.
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56.1 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
First of all Terraria > Minecraft:
- Gameplay
- Mechanics
- Bosses
- Stuff to do
- Mods
Best crafting-rpg game ever made. Great looking while being simple 2D Style.

Worth its price!
Posted 19 May, 2020.
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