White Male
Member of the Swedistan Republic   Stockholms Lan, Sweden
I (57, white male) was recently taking a stroll down my neighbourhood when I suspiciously saw a group of high school girls listening to Drake (🤮) of all people, so being an loyal fan of Kung Fu Kenny I decided to scream "OV-HOE!!!!" at them and run away, they got angry at me and started chasing me! fearing that they might make me listen to Toosie Slide, I ran as fast as I could.

While running from them I accidentally wandered into "the hood" that Kdot is always talking about. That is when my eyes truly opened to the genius that is Kendrick Lamar Duckworth, I saw a black gentlemen listening to Not Like Us, and tears fell down from my eyes as I finally realised the impact that Kendrick has made, he truly was what the culture was feeling.

I went up to the fellow Kendrick enthusiast and saluted him for being on the right side of history. He was for some reason very confused as to why a crying man was saluting him so I decided to show him that I am indeed "certified" by rapping Not Like Us to him "♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ DOT ♥♥♥♥ EM UP" I shouted "♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ IMMA DO MY STUFF" I continued, "WHY YOU TROLLING LIKE A ♥♥♥♥♥ AINT YOU TIRED" I took a breath, "TRYNA STRIKE A CHORD AND ITS PROBABLY A MINORRRRR" I exclaimed. Seeing my dedication towards the art of Kdot made the Kendrick fan realise I was one of "the good ones" and he invited me to the cookout! ✊🏻
Currently Offline
Tensta Zutt - Sämsta kranen i mannaminne
Sämsta kranen någonsin. Mötte upp honom i tensta, han han hade knockoff J's från Pandabuy och skintajta braxer. Hade hört dåligt om honom men han sålde en femma för 20 öre så det värt oavsett vad. Nämnde jag att han hade fake J's förresten? För han hade fake Js. Oavsett vad, han smekte på kinden och gav mig femman och sa att en så fin pojke som jag inte skulle behöva betala. Sen drog jag hem och hotboxade rummet, började snea efter 27 minuter 12,3 sekunder. Jag trodde trodde att Göran Persson var i rummet med mig och antastade mig. Sann berättelse du kan slå upp det på Flashback
Workshop Showcase
Desert Eagle Blaze from CS:GO with the classical deag sounds! (please don't sue valve) -Made by Bohi -Cinematic angles and images by MyCatBoris
23 ratings
Created by - White Male and bohi
Adorarn 23 Mar @ 12:20pm 
Want another round?
⚠️Tedor🌻 16 Mar @ 11:11am 
can you add me?, +rep outstanding in every role
[SSG]EatMe 15 Mar @ 11:38am 
───▄▄██▌█ Gay porn
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burcus 17 Jan @ 7:40am 
add to trade
Love500bc 9 Dec, 2024 @ 10:05pm 
Brodern får inga guzzar alls och kan verkligen inte prata med guzzarna
Eddan44 2 Dec, 2024 @ 5:46am 
Hetaste grabben i stan, får alla guzzar