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We all will remember this day as the day Sony learnt that democracy is non-negotiable.

06/05/2024 -> Sony got rekt'd by PC Enjoyers. Good job everyone o7
Postat 5 mai. Editat ultima dată 6 mai.
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20.2 ore înregistrate
So, before I get into what happened and what I discovered today, I was going to say that the game is mediocre but somewhat entertaining. Here's what I experienced so far:

Almost 10-11 crashes in 20 hours of gameplay.
The characters and story felt irrelevant.
The gameplay is decent. Both skills and weapons are cool and funny to use.
The protagonist's interactions and dialogues are cringe most of the time.

But even after this things i said, "Well is still cool to play it if you get it for like 10 euros or less".

But let me explain why I've changed my opinion.

Today I decided, "Hey, let's finish the game, I'm at the last step." And what did I find? A bug that has been around for 5 years and completely ruins the game. Basically, the last mission of the story won't be available, and there's nothing you can do about it unless you have a previous save from a point in the story where you hadn't finished the quests for the 3 factions yet. You won't know if your game will be bugged or not until you reach the last mission of the story. The more you read on Reddit, Steam forums, or the internet in general about this issue, the more people you discover who literally couldn't finish the game. Players who had spent between 30 and 70 hours of playtime only to find out that they couldn't complete the game. Their only option was to start this "thing" that i can't even call videogame anymore all over again.

Fun fact, the number of saves you can have is limited, so if you want to keep saving the game, you have to overwrite previous saves and if your game is bugged and you've overwrited old saves while playing the game you can't fix it.

So to sum up, definitely not worth your time unless you don't care about all the stuff i told you.
Postat 21 aprilie.
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183.1 ore înregistrate
"You believe you cheated death. It is death that has cheated you"

Played it at release and fell in love with it.

Replayed it after 3 years with all the improvements + DLC and i couldn't be more happy about what the game turned out at the end.

Thank you CD Projekt. You owned it
Postat 15 martie. Editat ultima dată 15 martie.
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52.0 ore înregistrate
Soooooo, the vibes this game gave were pretty mixed. It felt like a low-quality Assassin's Creed (but even better than the last ones kekw). They implemented all the systems a modern AC game has but simplified them, and I don't see it as a bad point but the game itself lacks something that makes it unique. And after 52 hours and completing 100% of the game, I still feel that way.

BUT, on the other hand, I can point out three aspects that are pretty good about this game and make it worth your time:

First: The main story has wonderful storytelling, a good plot, and a nice open ending for a sequel (coming to PC in March of this year).
Second: A beautiful and immersive open world with different biomes. I really enjoyed traveling in this game on my own and almost didn't use fast travel.
Third: The combat system. It's cool, dynamic, complex, and unless you grind like a psycho, you can enjoy it 100% without feeling it's boring or overwhelming. Each enemy has its own way to be brought down and the attack patterns change according to the parts you destroyed, making fights with the same monster different from one to another.

Overall, the game is good enough to give you a few hours of entertainment. The only thing that can be annoying is Aloy making random comments all the time. The first few hours are cool, but the longer you play, the more annoying she becomes (you still love her, she is kinda cute).
Postat 17 februarie. Editat ultima dată 17 februarie.
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Masayoshi Soken GOD
Postat 24 noiembrie 2023.
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183.1 ore înregistrate
Didn't want to post a review about this game too soon but after 183 hours i still think the same when i had 40-ish hours.

This is by far the worst Battle Royale you could play nowadays. Maybe it was good back in 2017 when it came out but the amount of hackers and technical issues per match you can find it's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hilarious
Postat 11 august 2023. Editat ultima dată 11 august 2023.
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90.2 ore înregistrate
Does everything it's predecessors did but better. The gunplay is the best of the series so far and has way more variety in terms of equipment than the rest of the games.

Story wise... could be better that's for sure but is not that bad. It has it's highs and lows. Some dialogues are cringy af, we all agree on that.

To sum up, Borderlands 3 has the same charm like the rest of the games.

P.S. Ava is by far the worst character in the whole series. Useless and completely irrelevant.
Postat 8 iulie 2023.
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33.5 ore înregistrate
Definitely one of the best conclusions a franchise had in the last years. Metro Exodus offers not only a good story but a few aspects and mechanics that nowadays are almost mandatory for most of single player games and without losing the vibes that Metro gave us in the past.
Postat 5 februarie 2023.
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2,207.2 ore înregistrate (81.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡇⠀⠀⠈⠑⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Are you queuing son?
Postat 14 februarie 2022.
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61.1 ore înregistrate (29.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Steam Awards zzzzzz

Postat 27 noiembrie 2021.
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