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5.8 hrs on record
Posted 25 May.
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77.6 hrs on record
Game seems abandoned/done from an update perspective. Seems official servers are shut down too.
Was a really great game back in the day. I'm sure it still is, if you can host your own servers.
At this pricepoint, I'd check other more populated games instead. GG
Posted 14 May.
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0.5 hrs on record
Wholesome as always.
Posted 22 December, 2023.
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141.4 hrs on record (14.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
In URGENT need of tweaking/fixing:
-Fix player walking/running speed. It feels like you're walking on glue. Current max momentum run speed is what normal walking speed SHOULD be, compared to 90% of the games out there.

-Run speed don't have to be much faster than walk speed, but walk speed NEEDS to be faster most importantly. This is critical in a game such as this, where you spend most of your time not only traversing the map, but moving around your base constantly turning around and losing momentum.

-Momentum buildup is way too gradual/slow, and the slightest turn or action (using sickles, picking up bushes etc) completely cancels all momentum for some reason. Either speed up the momentum buildup, or fix the things that cancels it. Movement as a whole is just a giant downward spiral with far too many disruptive elements pulling the game down as a whole. Fixing just one of the above elements of movement would dramatically increase general game enjoyment.

-Let people pick up workbenches/machines placed in a base with upkeep; or increase the components returned upon breaking them. Having neither is just too punishing with how expensive late game items are.

These things aren't mere "suggestions", as they are critical to the longevity of the game. They might feel like bumps in the road now, but 50+ hrs in it's enough to kill the enjoyment of the game for some/most.
I'm already feeling the movement in general taking its toll on me.


-Melee is passable, kind of underwhealming. It works, but is rapidly used as backup whenever firearms are unlocked. Some might say it's natural, but it shouldn't be just an afterthought.
-Gunplay is pretty fine, plenty of attachments and ways to change things up. Hopefully more guns will be added in the future to spice things up.
-Building is pretty standard, very intuitive.
-Space Time Beacon however, is not intuitive. A lot of people thing merely placing it will open you up to being raided by NPC's. The increased base area + access to auto-repair is mandatory for anything larger than a small shack, so people are feeling like they're forced hold off on building the Space Time Beacon until endgame, when clearly you don't have to; Because YOU toggle the raids on/off by activating the waves. Nowhere do is this explained clearly, I couldn't even find it in the help menu (might be on me, still I looked for a while).

-You cannot pick back up stuff you've placed, which further makes everything worse.
-Tech tree is deep and rewarding, it's pretty neat how it ties into the quests you get.
-Quests are again pretty cool as it follows your progress and rewards you with exp and items to buy new tech recipes.
-You don't assign attributes, but you unlock permanent buffs through a separate skill tree by spending another type of item you get from killing NPC's; further rewarding exploration.
-Exploration is decent enough, there's plenty of POI's around with NPC's in them as well as respawnable loot containers. The POI's look kinda cheap though, but it's not gamebreakingly bad if you can overlook it.
-Loot caches locked by your level indicated by a huge beacon/UFO in the sky, a la Ark Survival Evolved. Plenty of recipes of varying randomized quality to find in them, adding to the exploration.

Overall, it's a (I hate to overuse the word) promising EA game so far. Lots of crafting, components, workbenches, machines, electricity, vehicles(land and air), turrets, traps, tower defense PVE game mode, just stuff in general to keep you busy.
To some people it might feel grindy, however I can with confidence say I've played far, faaar more grindy games than this.
Graphics/textures are kinda sub-par considering it's a UE5(?) game. My 4070ti is hardly working at all with everything maxed on Ultra settings. No hitches, no crashes, no poor optimization. It just feels like it's not using the engines full potential, in fact far from it. It's got jank in heaps, but the good kind of jank. Think 7dtd. Plenty of stuff to keep you busy and not knit-picking the jank.

Bit worried about the scheduled future ladder/resets being too fast? Remains to be seen. Can't see the leveling being fun to repeat too often, as it is kind of a journey and fun to do the first time because of the quests; sure.. but maybe not so much the 5th or 6th time around?
Maybe we get to keep some progress like levels at least, since a LOT is locked behind your level. Only time will tell.. But so far it seems like a promising project with some real legs.
It all depends on how much they are willing to listen to player feedback; that is what I feel strongly is the deciding factor here.. This isn't something they should sleep on and just release with few changes.

Right now, it's a 6.5 (maybe a 7) for me. It can ONLY get better. Potentially end up at a solid 8.5 or 9.
Posted 16 October, 2023. Last edited 16 October, 2023.
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147.3 hrs on record (27.6 hrs at review time)
If you compare it to other BGS games, it's a pretty damn good game.
If you compare it to Cyberpunk and all the patches and polish it's gotten, you'll be disappointed.
For a Bethesda game, it's a definite improvement to their earlier games.

The combat and gunplay is the best it's ever been in their games.
The space combat is more than acceptable, and deep enough for people not expecting a whole sim.
The Skills are somewhat deep, plenty to choose from and room for specialization.
The roleplaying aspects are somewhat dated, and very much back to Oblivion.
The zoomed in conversations and extreme facial expressions is kinda jarring to me. I've personally never been a fan of the locked in conversations like in Oblivion. Fallout 4 had a good medium where you focus on the NPC, but can walk away at any time. The choices are pretty limited, and usually only one line move the conversation forward. The rest is only fluff.
Weapons and equipment are somewhat plentiful. Only a few hours in and I've already come across a vast selection of gear.

Optimization is kinda all over the place. Some places are very taxing on my system with the newest line of GPU and drivers. Some places I get houndreds of frames, others I drop around 80-100. You have to play around a LOT with the settings and even third party software and drivers to get it somewhat stable. Nothing dangerous, but distractingly taxing for what seems like a very average looking game. It looks great, but it's not groundbreaking..

Personally I can see myself playing this for a long while, we're talking Skyrim'ish levels of back and forth. I can only see this getting better with patches and mods coming. There's already a pretty huge library of mods available.
I'm giving this a 9/10 for BGS standards, and an overall 7.5/10 as there are better games you can play this year.
It's a great BGS game, and a pretty good game in general.
Posted 6 September, 2023.
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15.4 hrs on record (10.8 hrs at review time)
Pretty chill. Shame it boils down to doing random orders and hoping RNG is on your side tho.
You have to hyperfocus on this, or you'll be caught off guard and run out of times.
There's always creative mode, and lots of other modes I suppose. Doubt all modes gives unlocks though.

For what it is, it's definitely worth the price. 20 mins turns into 3 hrs fast. 8/10
Posted 3 August, 2023.
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0.1 hrs on record
I'm sure it's a great game once you get into it. I personally just couldn't get over the mouse movement.
It's sticky and slow, and yes I disable mouse smoothing and it was still weird feeling. Having full control of where I'm looking is a must, it has to be snappy and accurate.
This "immersive" smooth turning is an instant nope for me. I understand having a vision of what you want it to be, but this is just too restrictive and not needed.

Not going to grade this as I know far to little about it. Don't let this stop you from giving it a try, it's free after all.. it's just not for me.
Posted 2 August, 2023.
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0.2 hrs on record
Wholesome! 10/10
Posted 25 July, 2023.
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1.0 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Just a solid 10/10
Nuff said
Posted 8 February, 2023.
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1.0 hrs on record
Yeah, naah.. not for me!
Posted 9 December, 2022.
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