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Análises recentes de Anže

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43.0 horas registradas (42.5 horas no momento da análise)
Less wooden than the first game, but still quite a bit more wooden than The Witcher 3. It sits snuggly between the two and (after slight tinkering) works perfectly on the Steam Deck.

The Triss and Dandelion VOs are still the worst VOs in gaming.
Publicada em 5 de setembro. Última edição em 6 de setembro.
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1.7 horas registradas (0.2 horas no momento da análise)
It's not exactly a game you can't get for free on the phone. I wouldn't waste my money with it. And also, this isn't really Wordle, though, is it?
Publicada em 15 de abril.
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4.2 horas registradas
Damn it, Kan Gao made me cry again.

I do love these clever and beautiful tie-ins to the 'To the Moon' universe, uncovering a new layer of the overall story of that world.
Publicada em 15 de abril.
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8.7 horas registradas
I was expecting something along the lines of 'To the Moon' and story-wise it absolutely delivered as it is spectacular. How that story is presented however, wasn't to my liking nor taste. Despite that the ending did make me well up.
Publicada em 31 de março.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
6.5 horas registradas (6.2 horas no momento da análise)
Loud noises, flashy dream sequences, cheap jump scares, ... Couple that with some really illogical and tedious puzzles and you have some second-rate horror on your hands. Making horror for the sake of horror just doesn't make a good entry in the genre. I wasn't particularly surprised this is the same developer as the underwhelming (and also second-rate) Observer. They are capable of making some nice atmosphere I'll give them that, particularly with the soundtrack, but a soundtrack this good has no business in being in a game this bad.
Publicada em 10 de março. Última edição em 10 de março.
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20.6 horas registradas
Played the game just to familiarize myself with the mechanics before tackling New Lands and ended up 100% the achievements. It's free guys. I wouldn't even mind paying for such a well-made game.
Publicada em 8 de março.
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10.8 horas registradas
The Banner Saga is a difficult one to rate for me. The combat aspect isn't the best, but I am not a gameplay-driven gamer either way. What I do judge the game on is on it's story. I think the lore definitely is there, but it just felt a little flat in the end, especially with a certain character's fate (depending on your decisions). It just didn't resonate with me, because the game just doesn't build relationships well enough. Like I said, the lore is there and it is interesting, but the characters you meet and interactions you have with them is just a little bland.

Objectively I can see why people like it, maybe they even made better decisions along the way that made the experience better, but ultimately for me, it just wasn't worth the time. Which is a shame, because the game is gorgeous and definitely had promise to be truly great.
Publicada em 5 de março.
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5.2 horas registradas
An adorable, fun and creative little puzzle game with only one shortcoming: Its length.
I simply want more!
Publicada em 24 de fevereiro.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
48.9 horas registradas
The game is a perfect companion to Fury Road with a similar aesthetic which is probably the best thing about the game. Gameplay is fine, with not much variety in combat and boss fights, which is a shame, but luckily the game doesn't overstay its welcome through repetitiveness. Unless you go for 100% which can make the game a bit more tedious.
Overall it's a great game for fans of Mad Max and postapocaliptical worlds.
Publicada em 19 de fevereiro.
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11.7 horas registradas
The first game I tried on my Steam Deck and it's just perfect when you have a short time to play a game while on the go (aka at work).

When it comes to gameplay, it's just enough challenging for it to be fun. Annoying at times, but still fun annoying. Loved it!
Publicada em 28 de janeiro.
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