Alex   North Carolina, United States
Space is wonderful. You have all of creation to make your creation amazing. You just have to use the space.

:planet: Dread That Not! :planet:
Currently In-Game
Other URls & Text

How will you choose to explore the Galaxy the Relaxed way the Elite way or the Hard Core way [robertsspaceindustries.com]

I own all 3 and so far my favorite is the Elite way.

What is your favorite building game out of the top three that I know of so far Space Engineers , Empyrion - Galactic Survival or Avorion . I own all three of those as well as more building games that I did not list.

My Favorite building game is Space Engineers.

Which Strategy RTS do you play the most Solar Empire®: Rebellion , Stellaris or Distant Worlds: Universe .

I seem to Play a lot of Solar Empire®: Rebellion

I would also be curious to know out of these which one you like. you can comment below in my profile if you would like.

Other Social Urls

Discord invite to Lagrange-4 [discord.gg]

M.A.L. Profile [myanimelist.net]

Twitch Profile [www.twitch.tv]

Other Game Profiles

G.O.G. Profile [www.gog.com]

XBox Profile [account.xbox.com]

PSNetwork Profile [my.playstation.com]

Elite Dangerous Urls

Inara Profile [inara.cz]

Star Citizen

Star Citizen Profile [robertsspaceindustries.com]
Screenshot Showcase
Elite Dangerous
Favorite Game
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Recent Activity
45 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
26 hrs on record
last played on 14 Mar
14.9 hrs on record
last played on 14 Mar
SinicalGeek 5 Dec, 2016 @ 1:41pm 
Thanks for the friend invite. ;)